Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 14: Runaway! on! (For subscription)

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& # 160; Fulida has what she wants to achieve.

And her father also taught her that there are sacrifices to achieve the goal.

"So ... Furita, can I kiss you?" Ye Shenyue asked.


Furita answered nervously from her heart.

See it. Isn't she very good?

Furita swallowed and answered, then closed her eyes nervously.

I'm afraid she hasn't responded by now.

But such a look made people feel incomparable, Ye Shenyue slowly approached her.

He slowly moved his face closer, covering his lips together. The mucous membranes are in contact with each other, and a sudden sense of paralysis swims all over the body.

"Um ... chirp ... ah ... well, so soft--"

"Um ... tweeting ... ah ... very ... ruan & soft--"

Some people say that kissing is a joy for both parties.

Ye Shenyue also has this understanding.

at least.

When he kissed other girls, the other party was not annoying, but a bit ... rubbing his male look.


People with high face value stand together and socialize together, so I am afraid that not only the man is pursuing the woman's body, but the woman is also the same.

So boys like to find beautiful women, while girls hate ugly men.

Intermittent sounds, warm breathing, body contact with each other, making a loud noise.

And here in the night **** moon, even though the clothes are separated, you can feel the chest and part of Fulida, and the shape is quietly changed due to the pressure.

This will wake up somewhere in his body.


There will be nowhere.

Giants are genderless.

The difference between male giantization and female giantization is the chest. The man has no chest, but the female giant will have it, but because there is no point of sensitivity and sensitivity, it will not be harmonized.

The giant Fulita is 13 meters high.

From the hair to the feet are magnified.

The same is true for Night God Moon. After becoming a giant, your body will be tired, but you can't deny that it feels good after being giant. There is a feeling that the world surrenders to others.

After the giant became a giant, Fulida's chest became bigger.

Obviously it is just a giant ... But Ye Shenyue has to admit that this state is indeed great.

The five senses are completely attached to the huge body.


The giant white smoke suddenly emerged from the back neck of the giant of E, while the meat there was suddenly torn and cracked from the inside, and the head of Ye Shenyue came out. There are long muscles around the eyes, and there are muscles around both hands and feet, which rely on these sensitive and sensitive muscles to connect him to the giant body.

And here in the back neck is equivalent to the cockpit.

A lot of heat makes people feel uncomfortable, but Ye Shenyue still struggled forcibly, and then the body slid down the huge body that had not yet completely vaporized, and the palm of a female giant was lying flat under him.

It was Fulita ’s hand, but even if she could n’t stop it, then the night **** moon would still slide up along her giant body.

That's it.

His hands and even his face can be buried in the giantess's chest.

Such an unusually refreshing feeling gives Ye Shenyue a feeling of being worth this life.


Fulida's eyes were drooping and she could see Ye Shenyue's move that made her stunned and ashamed.

Until now, I do n’t know if my choice is wrong.

She was born in the Lacey family, but did not have the blood of the royal family. It was a test product of her father Rod Lacey. But because she had inherited the ancestor giant two years ago, her life expectancy starts from 13 years, so she can still live for 11 years. Eleven years later, they will be eaten by others in the family and continue to inherit the power of the giant.

This is the case since she cried and injected spinal fluid, and then ate the uncle Uli, the giant of the previous generation.

Although there is no blood relationship, she loves the Rice family and other people incomparably.

This is simply a cup.

The wall of Maria was breached, and the murderer was a spy sent by Marais. Then the family went to the church to pray but was destroyed by another spy.

Torres, Brother Bell, and sister Yunis are all dead.

This is simply a cup.

But it's not just to blame anyone, just kill who can solve it.

Inheriting the power of the giant, she understands that this is a grudge for hundreds of years.

"So ... what do you do next?"

When Ye Shenyue played enough for her giant body, Fulida recovered her human form again.

But it also takes the night **** Moon to help her to stand.

Giantization is equivalent to causing excessive cell proliferation, and the sense of fatigue will be quite serious.

And the contract is finally signed, she is now eligible to participate in the night **** moon plan, so she has to know the next move.

"Of course to find your father, Rod Lace."

it is as expected.

Because she is not king blood, she is not affected by the non-war covenant, but she also cannot use the control ability of the ancestor giant because she does not have king blood.

Just go to my father.

Rod Lace is a surviving royal family member.

This relieved Frieda's desire to guard someone, but she mentioned again, "I hope to cooperate peacefully with my father."

She said so.

Ye Shenyue stared at her eyes, her eyes dark and beautiful. But also with stubbornness.

"If you are lucky, you won't let Rod be killed, but ... this is a plan to die, I hope you understand."

"So ... at least, at least let the father leave the blood." Although Fulida did not have Wang blood, she also knew what was most important to the Wang family.

It's king blood.

The brothers and sisters were killed, so now the father is left.

She can be said to be in danger, but she still has to leave hope in the future.

"Bloodline? Don't you have another sister named Christa ... No, sister named Sisteria!"

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