Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 33: Really fragrant! (For subscription)

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& # 160; What do you think?

Counterattack back to Marais.

Let the soldiers sent by Malai fight against Malai.

"You, do you think we will believe you?"

After being saved for life, Bertot desperately hurried back, he could not bear the power of the giant, he could only withdraw the power of the giant, and then gasped desperately.


Just now, he really thought he was going to die.

About to be eaten.

About to be eaten.

Super scary.

Therefore, when he heard Ye Shenyue saying this, he absolutely did not believe that if he really wanted to be a companion with them and care about the emotions of his compatriots, would he throw him out to feed the giant?


And Lena and Ani were also taken out by Mikasa at this moment.

Can finally speak.

"You, do you think we will believe you?"

Liner's answer is the same as Bertot.

"Yeah. Yeah. After all, you are guilty of sins and brainwashed severely by Marais, so ... then, please ask you to sacrifice now and contribute to humanity."

Ye Shenyue's hand waved, and Furitan grabbed Liner's body directly.

With her current strength, Liner can be divided in half at any time.

Bertot looked at Lena with sweat.

"No ..." Reiner suddenly looked up. "We may be able to live our lives. To liberate the Emidiya. Isn't this our long-term goal? Is it a goal hidden deep in our hearts? Let you be an Emidian Let the compatriots be really treated gently! "

Liner's iron bones.

"Hello ... Lena!"

Bertot was almost eaten and felt the threat of death, so he refused the night **** moon side.

And Liner,

Obviously his leg was also severed several times by Mikasa, didn't he feel pain? Doesn't he hate it?

Now, betray Malai.

"What else can I do! Or, this is also the last hope of the Amidians!"

The threat of death.

I might not be afraid of being brainwashed since childhood.

But why.

When stimulated by this person and the descendants of these demons, his body instinctively generated a desire to live.

Their secrets and secrets, the secrets and secrets of giants, are completely mastered. Malai's information is also fully mastered.

Even now the demon has the power to control the giant they want to capture.

That is to say.

There is no chance.

"Leiner ... why do you say that--"

Although Bertot was still holding opposing views, his voice gradually became smaller.


He didn't diminish the fear that Liner felt here.


He opened his mouth, "Please make sure that our family does not harm the Amidians."


Ani's seal has also been removed.

But she said nothing.

Without saying it, it means default.


Whether it is to become a soldier, to inherit the giantess, or to be sent to such a place, to kill people, to go to the battlefield, it is not what she wants.


However, Bertot's request to Night God Moon was directly laughed out.

Even tears will laugh out.

"Don't hurt the Amidiyas, do you only admit that the Amidiya talents who are lingering on Marais are Amidiyas? And are all the devil descendants in the wall here?




Mouth wide open, speechless.


"The three of you have been brainwashed too much by Ma Lai." Ye Shenyue said, "You will be responsible for identifying Ma Lai's identification map and important people."

"..." X3

Liner and Ani did not speak this time, but this silent attitude was obviously the default.

"Then take a break for a while. Now that it is an alliance, then I will tell you that in the next time, we will continue to seduce and seduce ordinary giants. Then brainwash them through the abilities of the ancestor giants, and then.

On the one hand, the harm to the wall is eliminated, and on the other hand, the force outside the wall is enhanced. "

"Also, that is to say ..." Bertot and Liner now know why Night God Moon asked Bertot to transform into a giant in Hirano.

It turned out to be the giants around.

After all, the area here is very wide, so the distribution of giants is also scattered.


It was because of this that Bertot ’s face turned pale, "So, me, should I always be bait--"

"Yes." Ye Shenyue expressionless.

And Mikasa Ackerman behind him is the same expressionless.

It doesn't matter whether it's possible to speak now, whether it's Bertot looking pitiful.

But none can be eliminated.

He was the culprit who broke the wall and let in the 200,000 giants outside the wall.

He is the murderer.

Not worthy of sympathy.


In response, Bertot stopped talking.

Or he could not speak.


If you rebel, you will be assigned to other giants to eat him, and then inherit the power of his giants.

Inheriting the power of giants is only 13 years.

And he was only 4 years.

He can still live for 9 years.

No, I don't want to die like this.

The air seemed to freeze all of a sudden.

Ye Shenyue took some canned food from her backpack. It was distributed to Mikasa and Sisteria, and then tossed a little to the hometown trio.

"Oh--" Liner grabbed the tossed bottle.

There are signs on it that he cannot recognize.

"These are filled coffee." Ye Shenyue explained, and then remembered something. "This kind of thing is very common in the outside world, and you as soldiers have not been well treated. After all, in the eyes of the Marais, you are also descendants of the devil."


Liner and Bertot looked at each other.

The atmosphere is really anxious.

But the work of receiving giants continues. ..

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