Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 13: It ’s not my pot that I do n’t carry! (For subscription)

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Lunch break.

On the small stone bench for rest in the school, Ye Shenyue and the third grade Sakurajima Mai sister sat one each.

The sister Maige began to talk about her "youth syndrome".

"It actually happened two months ago--"

"Two months ago?" But she was interrupted by Ye Shenyue just as soon as she spoke.

"Yes. Was there a problem with the time two months ago?"

"No, no, you continue." Ye Shenyue pressed her heart and then continued.

"..." He did it strangely.

But Sister Sakurajima was obviously not an ordinary person, so she continued, "Two months ago, I went to the aquarium on a whim and was hit by someone."

"A person?"

"Can't it?"

"No, you already give a lonely breath."

"... It's only slightly because of the filming of the show, and then came to the school half a year after entering school." Mai explained.

But she interpreted her situation to expose her instead.

She was Sakurajima Mai, and before becoming a student, she was a famous idol. It can be said that she was not seen on TV one day.

It's such a fire.

And two years ago, she shifted her focus to become a student, but even if it was so, she did not arrive on the first day of school, but only entered it half a year later, and missed to communicate with other students. The chance to be friends.

Then it becomes and will respond to you, but it will definitely not blend into the atmosphere of a circle with you.

That is to say.

Shaped single shadow only.

Therefore, under such circumstances, she is not difficult to guess.


After Ye Shenyue asked her if she was alone, she did not deny it, which shows that her family situation is not very good, otherwise.

You can go to the aquarium for a date, but you can also go with your loved ones.

So her family may also have some problems.


This has nothing to do with him.

This phenomenon occurred two months before she spoke, so it has nothing to do with him. If it was two days ago, then he would still feel a conscience pain, it may be caused by him, but now, it really has nothing to do with him.

So he continued to listen.

"It's a pleasure to be Sakurajima Mai, but no matter when, as long as you go out, you will be stared by other people, which will also be confusing.

Therefore, I often have an idea of ​​a place where no one knows me. then……"

Then it became like this.

Two months ago, walking from the aquarium was ignored or even hit by someone.

Then she discovered that she was not seen by others.

The farther away from the door of your home, the more you will not be seen.

The entity is still there, but many people can no longer see her.

"Well ... it's really strange--"

"Speaking strangely, haven't you already seen it?" Sister Maiko stared at him.


He was also said to be a monster.

"Just, cann't other students see you at school?"

"... I don't understand why this happened." Mai Xue Xue said. "So the youth syndrome you talk about—"

"It may be the same thing." Ye Shenyue said copingly. The youth syndrome he said was just a cover-up. Originally it was only the influence of him and his sister. But the famous Sister Sakurajima became like this.

Then it is not simple.

Perhaps he had the wrong pot.

In other words, this world is inherently problematic, and this phenomenon occurs in itself, not because of his influence.

and so.

He doesn't carry this pot.

And sister Feng.

It should not be isolated in this way. It took two days to get my sister out of the house, this ...

It's simply not something people do!

The younger sister should stay at home just like the younger sister Huang Wu in Huang Man.

Then you should n’t practice not being afraid of giving birth, but instead of answering anyone ’s phone, and do n’t wear school uniform anymore. If you wear a school uniform, you might have the idea of ​​going to school. she was.

There are many perverts in the school like Oni sauce, so that she can stay at his house forever!

Isn't this great?

So why take care of her honestly and let her overcome her demons.

This is not his pot.

"... What are you thinking of suddenly?"

"Let my sister not go out ... No, what are you talking about?"

"..." Sister Maiko looked at him with a distrustful look for a while, "Although some words still want to ask, there is a girl over there who has been staring at you for a long time."

With that, her finger lightly pointed, and Ye Shenyue also noticed the man.

The other party came straight straight-up. ..

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