Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 28: Since she can't see you then we can! on! (For subscription)

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The tram only took two stops and then reached the small beach unique to this area.

Mai was about 20 minutes after her mother came out, so it's still a little time now.


The sea breeze is blowing, there is a feeling of salvation.

"It's cool--" Sakurajima Mai soaked his feet in the water by the beach, looking very relaxed.

It stands to reason that the famous Sakurajima Mai should not do such a thing, it will greatly affect her image. Ye Shenyue also reminded her, but she was happy and showed that people in this area could not see her. So the evaluation will not drop.

This guy was also a bit arrogant and gave up. He clearly said on the tram that he wanted to continue his career.

And now this kind of self-satisfaction.

Then. It ’s okay for him to fall for a while.

"Sister Maige." Ye Shenyue suddenly shouted.


She seems to have little time to relax, so she feels very relaxed.

"Can you come a little bit?"

"Come here?" Sakurajima Mai was originally sitting side by side with the night **** moon.

And she took off her shoes and socks, and then put her double-foot in the water.

Ye Shenyue pointed to her knee.

It seems to make her want to sit up.

However, she didn't do it right away.


When she remembered her body, she saw Ye Shenyue's hand moving towards his pants, and then opened the zipper.


this is not.


Do not.

If the synthesis of his last sentence is to ask her to sit over.

"You think this kind of thing ..."

Sakurajima Mai looked at him with a perverted look, "Will I agree?"

"Isn't there twenty minutes left? Didn't you say that your mother is very on time?"

Ye Shenyue did not have any dissatisfaction after being rejected, as if by default she agreed.

"... I don't think you have understood yet!"

Sakurajima Mai suddenly shot the water, splashing a splash of water, "In this public place ..."

"I'm facing away from the street, and no one else can see you, so I don't know what I'm doing, and if it's suspicious because of the action, then if you come, I just keep the rest People will only think that I am facing them back and playing with water on the beach. "Ye Shenyue's appearance to convince the other party is not only to understand the emotion but also reason, analyze the possible results. come out.

"... Azusa, you are really hopeless." It's just that Miss Mai was sober that he wouldn't be brainwashed by him.

"You called me Saki Taijun last night." Ye Shenyue showed grievances in due course.

"... I regret it. There is no need for the name of Saki Taijun in every area of ​​Azusa."

Sister Maiko said it with a bite.

Sure enough, this kind of request is still too shameful for her. Even if the other sisters can't see her and can't buy things, she will never think of stealing.

He is a person of high integrity.


Who would imagine that no one in the world knew her, Ye Shenyue would believe she was pure?

He met similar people, hoping that the world's time would stop, and then only she would wake up. So the predecessor was in school, in a class where everyone's time was forbidden, and undressed.

So, do you think he would believe that the sister Maige refused this kind of outrageous thing?

"So for another reason, sister Mai, you have to know that mature women will not refuse to like her boys, even she is very spare."


Sakurajima Mai said nothing.

It seems that this excuse will not work.

Then you can only make a big move.

"Then ... um ... I understand, so is the sister Maige a good girl. I don't dare to try this kind of slightly outrageous thing, so why is it called the sister Maizi."

"... Are you provoking?"

"I'm just publishing my true thoughts. Hey ... Miss Mai is actually the kind of person who follows the rules."

This is so straightforward

"... areally Saki!"

Sakurajima Mai suddenly stood up from the water, and then sat down to the night **** moon.

"Ah ... Although I want to continue, but ... I don't think it's good for the time being." But Ye Shenyue said while supporting her body, while the upper half of the body turned back.

I saw the distance from the corridor to the beach where I don't know when a mature woman appeared.

She was turning her head around, as if looking for someone.

And from the looks.

It is similar to the sister of Mai.

Mai Sakurajima quickly pushed away the night **** moon.

"That one……"

Then do this kind of thing in public, and it is seen by the mother.

Even if there was dissatisfaction in the past, I felt that the other party only regarded himself as a cash cow.


The other party is also her mother, which she cannot deny.

and so.

Sister Sakurajima took her burning cheeks and walked shamefully towards her mother.



Just when she got close to the mother, and was about to speak.

The mother passed her directly.

"Did you call me?"

She didn't seem to see Sakurajima Mai.


Things are really big. ..

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