Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 66: Senior, please be more serious! (For subscription)

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Chapter 066 Senior, please be careful!

the next day.

Ye Shenyue was woken up by the alarm clock. The sound of the TV came from the living room.

"Sir Prime Minister, about the polygamous free marriage plan, which caused a huge discussion among the people, what is your mood now?"

TV news.

The current prime minister is being questioned by numerous reporters.

At home, Feng is sitting in front of the sofa, and the three-flowered cat Nasuno is lying on the armrest of the sofa. Feng is drinking hot cow-nunnery.

Feng said cheerfully when he saw him come out, "Ou Ni sauce is coming, the prime minister seems to be performing polygamy, so whether it is sister Yunai or sister Mai can also be married together."


This scene has been repeated four times, no, this is the fifth time.

Ye Shenyue leaned on the sofa with one hand to support his head, and he had only one reaction now.

Today is April 6th.

"Senior, you bastard!"

When I hurriedly came to the door of Xuemei's house in the morning, unlike yesterday, Xuemei had to leave the house three minutes in advance. "It just won't work!"

"Is it today or April 6 or the incident of Maesawa Senior?" Ye Shenyue spoke while stopping Koga's small fist.

"Both." Koga's mood fell.

She felt like she was pitted by the night **** moon.

The hand was also held, and then the kiss was kissed, but now.

Isn't this a complete change?

"Yesterday at noon, the senior Ze Ze still wanted to confess to me as usual." Gu He said dumbly.

"This is strange." Ye Shenyue touched her chin. "I see."

"What is it?"

The school girl thought she could believe him again.

"Remember yesterday's scene?" Ye Shenyue took her hand and walked, "Did I not lean against the wall back then?"


The school girl understood.

He was talking about the two of them picking up in front of the senior Ze Ze.

So is there anything unusual at that time?

"I was leaning against the wall at that time, but you were facing me, because I was worried that you were inexperienced and not very likely to act, so it might be exposed. However, it seems that the senior Zeze did n’t even notice that I was playing with me The person is you. So he did not think anything happened, or saw a couple pick up on the way to school, so I even want to go to you to confess. Maybe Ye Shenyue analyzed.

"Ahhhh--" So, isn't it just to be ridiculed in vain?

"But although it was repeated for another day, you can't beat me in Koga." Ye Shenyue released Peng Hui's hand and carried her own schoolbag.

"Why?" Koga puzzled.

Was n’t this scum-male lied to her first-?

"What time do you think we picked up yesterday?"


Koga looked at the time, "After seventeen minutes."

"Yeah, and it's still seventeen minutes ago. So, according to the time when you lost your first jaw on April 6th, isn't it not lost today? So you are not considered to have lost your first jaw. So naturally there is no way Blame me. "Ye Shenyue said.

"This is definitely sophistry, senior!" Gu Heqi bulged.

"So, what are you going to do today?"

Gu He was angry, so Ye Shenyue did n’t continue to irritate her, but asked her plan, "If you rely on me again, then my plan is still the same as yesterday, but the senior Maesawa noticed to pick me up. It ’s you who hangs out. ”

"... how to do it?" Koga didn't want to go back to the first day, because the former Zezawa seniors confessed, and then they were known to Lingnai, and then they all quit her chat with the king and happened again.

"Let's kiss first, then would you just turn around under the pretext of picking up something and show your face?" Ye Shenyue said, if the former Zeze Senior didn't notice that the person who was picking up with the man yesterday was Koga, then He will also confess to Koga.

But if you notice, it probably won't.

Then, on April 6th, he was confessed by Maesawa's seniors, and their stupid future with friend Rena would not appear.

"Well-I believe you again, senior, this time you don't let me down again." Koga stared at him angrily.

"Well ..." Ye Shenyue rubbed Gu He's head.


I have done this, and I really have no problem with him.

Seven forty.

The two still reached the vicinity of Erchome, where the former seniors lived. The former Ze Ze senior also locked up.

The wallet which pretended to be the wallet to be picked up was also thrown on the ground.

Ye Shenyue's hand gently rested on Koga's waist.


Koga is indeed more relaxed than yesterday.

And the touch like tasting cherry blossoms is once again acquired.

The lips of a girl are like

"So, Koga, really don't associate?" Ye Shenyue let her go.

"No. Seniors are bad guys." Koga said seriously. Then it came back, "What about Maesawa Senior?"

She was trying to pick up her purse and show her face to the Mazawa senior to recognize it as planned.

But looking back, he saw no one on the trail.



Ye Shenyue saw Maezawa surprised and then hid on the side of the telephone pole.

Was actually scared, and then hid. This reaction made Ye Shenyue a little surprised, thinking that such a tall man would be more courageous, but his heart was so timid.

But anyway, the Koga thing should be solved.

Ye Shenyue thought so.

And then ... the next day.

Ye Shenyue was woken up by the alarm clock. The sound of the TV came from the living room.

"Sir Prime Minister, about the polygamous free marriage plan, which caused a huge discussion among the people, what is your mood now?"

TV news.

The current prime minister is being questioned by numerous reporters.

And his mobile phone was also dialed, and the voice of Koga came out from inside, "Senior you, this black turtle-egg!

Isn't this still the escape from **** on April 6? ..

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