Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 69: solve! (First)

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Chapter 068 solved!

"What do you want to say to my girlfriend alone?"

Seeing Koga want another person to refuse the former seniors, Ye Shenyue went directly down the stairs, and then this happened.

Gu He originally wanted to gently reject Qianze, but Ye Shenyue put a hand on her shoulder, almost pulling her towards her own side.

If it is just the relationship between ordinary seniors and juniors, then this move is excessive, but did not listen to what he said?

Ye Shenyue is talking about girlfriends.

It is equivalent to confessing Koga as his girlfriend in front of the former senior.

This is not just pretending, but this former senior scholar has a problem.

Yesterday, he kissed Koga deliberately, and then deliberately made Maesawa look bigger, and Maezawa definitely saw it, but Maezawa was hiding behind the telephone pole, and then at noon, he knew the school girl With a good relationship with him, the former former senior still came to confession yesterday.


This is no longer the problem of Ye Shenyue and Xuemei, but that the former senior student is sick.

Does this guy like n-t-r control? Seeing that the girl she likes kissing others not only hides, but also continues to confess. This is because there is no other explanation besides being sick.


But Ye Shenyue didn't want to study this guy's astrology.

His concern is Koga.

This should be the case on the first day of Koga, and then politely rejected the former senior.

However, the basis of the circle of good friends was collapsed. It is said that in the afternoon, Reina and they evacuated the group of Koga.

But Koga is not like the kind of person who wants to report all his own things to others without reservation.

I'm afraid, maybe someone in this neighborhood is watching and telling Reina that the former Zezawa Senior had confessed to Koga.

So it ’s the same today, who is peeking around?

Therefore, Ye Shenyue hugged Koga.

"Study, senior!"

Gu He was startled when she saw that Ye Shenyue suddenly appeared and hugged her. Ye Shenyue touched her head after touching her head, with a hostile look.

There is no need for kindness between rivals.

"... Cut." The senior Zeze immediately turned his head away. "It's really bad to see people."

He turned to prepare for the loser to quit, but then suddenly said, "Are you called Azusa. Are you not a boyfriend of Sakurajima Mai?"


On the third day, Yeshenyue got together with Koga and was broken by Maesawa, but the fourth day repeated on April 6th. At that time, Yeshenyue guessed that it was Maesawa ’s seniors who thought that night Shenyue and Koga are only misunderstandings, because Yeshenyue is the boyfriend of Mai Mai, so even if you appear here like this now, and you are in Koga, there may be a little acting.

But is it true that acting will reach the point of kissing? And after the kissing yesterday, did the former Zezawa senior also confess to Koga? Caused to reset again on April 6.

In summary.

This senior Ze Ze is sick. He has a confession with someone who has a boyfriend. Does he like his wife or something?

Today, Koga and Ye Shenyue have no close relationship. It seems that there is no problem in the question of the former Ze Ze senior.

Ye Shenyue vomited inwardly.

But he is a very self-disciplined person, "Of course it is. But I am also Koga's boyfriend. Is this a problem? Don't you even watch the news?"

Night God Moon Road said, "The bill for polygamy has been passed. Although it only allows people with strong economy and excellent aspects to open up, I am very confident. Do you have any?"


Former Ze Ze stared at him fiercely, and then went straight up the stairs.

In such a straightforward manner, this former senior student should only give up.


But Maezawa is gone, Koga is not over here.

She was staring vigorously at Ye Shenyue.

She believed him several times, but none of them worked, and today she sprang out herself, and still said at school that she was his girlfriend or something.

Is this guy shameless?

"Okay, okay, today you will find it is different."

Ye Shenyue squeezed her cheek, "I don't believe you go back to class to see."

"? Back to the class to see? What does this mean?" Koga puzzled.

But Night God Moon pushed her away.

Going downstairs, and he heard the sound of footsteps leaving quickly, so it was the students of Koga who peeked there.

And things have already done this step, then what Lingna should not exclude Gu He.


Lingnai likes Maesawa's seniors, so it's not poisonous to discover that the person she likes confesses to her friends. So Lingna rejected Koga.

Koga hates this ending. So it will repeat itself on April 6th.

And now.

The former Maizawa senior wanted to confess to Koga, but he suddenly slammed the -cha foot, and the onlookers might not only notice that the former Maizawa senior confessed to Koga, but became Koga, not knowing when and [turned back Think about it] The seniors have socialized.

And the senior confessed to the actress Sakurajima Mai on the **** of the school gate and succeeded.

Then the senior student has justly taken advantage of the polygamy bill.

This topic can be more interesting than who Mazawa's seniors like.

and so.

Koga's rejection of **** by Lingnai was actually solved.

In order to change his mood, in the evening, Ye Shenyue arrived at the place where Guo Jian said a month ago that he could work. ..

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