Protagonist Aura

Vol 27 Chapter 76: Sister, please wear your hat! (For subscription)

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After the exercise before bed, Ye Shenyue and Mai Xue Xue covered the same quilt together. He gently held the hand of the sister Mai.

The sister is sighing.

This state is commonly known as the low-tide period.

And it is still night, and the time shown on the wall clock is 11:30 at night. Why Night God Moon appears here, just ask about the magical Yunai.

Sister Mai is aware of the existence of Yuno. Ye Shenyue's explanation is her soul mate.

This kind of unbelievable thing, but after she experienced the disappearance of the presence of herself, she also recognized it.

What Yunai showed her was the ability of time and space to move instantaneously, and then she could be moved with Night God Moon.

Even if Mai has experienced these, she is just an ordinary girl, so even if you want to tell her more information, then you have to come a little.

And after having a dream of being cut by Yunai, Miss Mai's mental state is not very good.

Why is her boyfriend cheating but the one who was chopped?

It is really puzzled.

"Is ... Gu Hepeng painted."

In the mental state like Miss Mai, Ye Shenyue used the most plain language to tell the reason why he would interact with the younger girls.

Because of the uncertainty of puberty syndrome, there is no guarantee that they will provoke new events in the future, so the best solution is to gather all those who have these abnormalities together.

This is convenient for looking after or resolving abnormal situations arising from them.

Therefore, after thinking, Ye Shenyue felt that it was relatively safe to communicate with Koga, so that once something happened, he could go to Koga as a boyfriend without any hindrance.

This makes things easier.

"That is to say, this is for social stability?" Sister Xue was lying in the arms of Ye Shenyue, but she also listened carefully to his words.

"Yes." Ye Shenyue nodded sincerely.

"It turns out so." Xuejie smiled slightly.

I believe you are a ghost!

She got up at once, ready to take a shower again. It sounds pretty good, it's just a flower-heart.

Stepping directly on the ground, she walked towards the shower-bath.

The reason why the sister Mai is the sister is because she also thinks more.

She has now rediscovered her goals. She still likes to be an actress. She was interested when she was a child, and it is the same now. After being out of the control of her mother, this is her choice.

Equivalent to career.

However, it was just like this time to come to Kagoshima for filming, because she could n’t be with her by night **** moon because of work.

Although it was a half-push, she couldn't deny that, during the period when she lost her sense of existence, although this guy was too much, she couldn't help but like the other side.

Marriage is a matter of a lifetime, because of work, because of busy, and then unable to take care of family and family, then it is easy to cause divorce.

This is true of her family.

When the mother was young, she was attached to work and divorced her father. When the father remarried, she was raised by her mother. The more she understands because she is such a family, she is now chasing her dream, and the less chance she will be with Ye Shenyue.

It is easy to create distance, and even marriage is easy to produce weak feelings, so she is not willing to give up her man to others.

So is there a way to achieve the best of both worlds?

The society forced her to make a choice.

The polygamous plan proposed by the prime minister.

This gives men support in their flower-heart.

Rather than let Ye Shenyue be taken away by an unknown woman, it would be better to have a cute little girl. Gu Hepeng, she knows very little.

However, from the narrative of Ye Shenyue, the school girl is not as important as her. I am afraid that Ye Shenyue will bring freshness.

He loves the new and dislikes the old, always watching the pot while eating.

This mentality of men.

Suddenly she grabbed the soap, and the soap sags-a small piece sinks in.


Some of them, who were uneasy to follow Ye Shenyue who had checked her status in the past, witnessed the whole journey, so it is safe to avoid it.

Although she is a little angry now, but she is not angry in front of him, then it is to prove that she should have accepted it.

So, although not very embarrassed, please learn to wear your hat.

He likes her, but never belongs to her alone. ..

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