Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 2: Ice sculpture beauty

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Ye Shenyue remembered that the silver in the original work was no different from ordinary poor children at first, and even held a repulsive attitude towards everyone in this school.

Even if he was valued by the student president and wanted to be drawn into the student union, he did not trust the student president and felt that the other party was playing with himself.

Then, while cleaning up the blood swamp, I met someone who fell into the swamp, and everyone stood on the shore, unwilling to go into the water to save.

But he was hesitating.

At this moment, Shigong Huiye jumped directly into the pool to make him understand that saving people is not related to whether there is money at home, but also to whether there is talent or learning excellence. If you just want to save, you can save it. If you can do this, such a person will be so beautiful even if you are covered in mud.

This is also the first time Baiyin Yuxing has loved Huihui, attracted by the personality charm of the other party.

It turns out so.

"The bat's body floated, so disgusting--"

"Ah ... wait a minute, don't push me--"


"Someone has fallen into the water!"

However, when Ye Shenyue thought about it this way, it was really ... someone has fallen into the water.

"Can you catch this one?"

"No, no ... my body is hooked--cough cough--"

Although the voice of the falling girl is loud, her body is really sinking.

The students of Zhixiu Academy require comprehensive development in all aspects, so dry ducks will hardly exist.

"Should jump down and save her."

"But this swamp is like this, I don't know if I will get sick--"

The students on the shore did not act immediately.

Only panic was revealed.

This is what it is.

If you skip it, if you do n’t handle it properly, it ’s not because the water is dirty and you will get sick. In the worst case, you ca n’t save the situation when two people die together or save someone else.


This is just an excuse the hesitant seeks.

Even Night God Moon won't help others, and may threaten his life.

But this is just an excuse.

This is just fear and not willing to rescue.

And he will not die.

On the contrary, under such circumstances, it is true that the robbed Hui Ye's drama first rescued those who fell into the water, and then earned the first popularity in the school!

So almost thinking in the blink of an eye, Ye Shenyue's actions have been done.

He jumped out of the swamp.

"Are you OK!"

The body swims directly towards the girl who fell into the water.

But the swing of his arms and soles made him sink faster.


Ye Shenyue suddenly remembered that he certainly could swim himself, but.

The silver imperial travel in this world has a messy problem, afraid of bugs, sound idiots, sports idiots, and among them ... dry ducks.

It is a real dry duck.

The swimming movement and memory are very profound, but the body seems to be twisted in the wrong line, and does not listen to the command at all.

The body has not yet assimilated well, so the body is now of that stiff-hard type.


At this time, it seems that someone came down again, and the sound of "rope, come and pull the rope" came from above.

Probably, someone tied a rope around his waist and jumped directly.

In this way, if you encounter drowning in misfortune, people on the shore can also pull the rope up.

This is a very safe way to save people.

Considering these in a flash, it should be a very good person.


Because it was the closest to the shore, the person who jumped out grabbed his arm first, but it seemed that it was because of lack of strength. She then changed to completely hug the night **** moon, and someone on the shore was pulling the rope So I don't mind if my hands are occupied.


I feel very flat.

This is the first intuitive feeling of Night God Moon.

Of course, this is not the time to experience such things.

He probably knew who was the one who jumped to save people now.

Night God Moon was first rescued.

And the girl who was rescued was the girl who fell first. After being rescued, she just cried. Because at that moment, it was like experiencing death, as if passing by like a lantern in the past.

"Good job, Miss Huiye."

Untied the ropes attached to his body, and Shigeru Huiye took the clean towel handed over from her maid Sasaka and wiped her cheeks.

"Don't talk silly, I will save her just because the drowning person is the director of the Information Bureau, and now it's just selling her feelings to her."

"I just act for myself." The Four Palaces said.


Miss Huiye is still an ice sculpture beauty.


Even with this tone, she can't deny that she is actually a kind-hearted person.


This is not something that should be said in public. Girls educated by a family in the heart of a country do n’t even know this kind of thing.

Explain that she just didn't want the girl who fell to remember her kindness.

"However, at that time, such a move would be made and only the classmates in the fourth house would be able to think of using ropes to save people."

A voice plugged in-came in.

This brought everyone else's attention.

Ye Shenyue continued without care, "Who would want to jump into the dirty sewage, human beings are always waiting for someone other than themselves to sacrifice, the more they have, the more this person will be afraid of losing."

The Shigong Huiye comes from the Shigong family and is the VIP of this noble school. It should not be said to be SVIP, so she is willing to jump in and save herself, which is even more rare.

Because this is out of her kindness.

So even if you turn around in a circle, Ye Shenyue is only talking for Si Gong Hui Ye.

"It's really interesting that you talk." The Four Palaces didn't respond, but the strangely dressed student council president touched his chin. "It seemed like the right decision to pull you into the student council."

The student president is quite capable of being a man, half of it comes from his ideas, and the other half probably hopes that the people here will help publicize and make Ye Shenyue more popular, so the student president directly points out the matter of inviting Ye Shenyue to enter the student union.

Then he looked at Hui Gong Hui Ye, "Are you really no longer thinking about the classmates? Enter the student union."

Generally speaking, enroll in March and the student union will be full in April.

But now that April has passed, the members of the student union are still missing, not just not inviting people, but in fact, the student president wants to invite the Shigeru Huiye, but she is always rejected by her. Not too embarrassed, and intentionally vacated other places.

"I have no interest for now."

With a very cold tone.

Probably because of wanting to rinse, so the ice sculpture beauty left here.

As a maid, Sasaka followed her. ..

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