Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 8: No, Chiharu Fujiwara is a sand sculpture! on! (For complete order)

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During the lunch break, Ye Shenyue came to the student union room.

Unlike all the noble and excellent traditions, the configuration in the student union is a bit bad, there is no air conditioning and no fan, and even there is no automatic sweeping robot. The sweeping tool can be seen behind the entrance door.

"Student Bai Yin also thinks it is very simple." The student council still dressed as weirdo said, "But my speech when I came to the election was to save energy, so it's not enough to be a leader. Please understand."

While talking, Ye Shenyue's attention fell on the side of the reception sofa, where a girl was sitting.

This is a girl with long blond hair, wearing a conical cap, which wraps most of her hair, which makes her head appear small.

The facial features are relatively neat, and if determined to dress up a little, it should attract many people.


She has too many points to lose points.

Her sitting position.

Obviously a girl with her legs open, but because of the long skirt of the black school uniform, there will be no dew point, but this sitting position is really not a lady.

She was holding a lollipop, slightly rebellious.

"Oh, it's your kid."

The girl in a conical hat sitting in a careless manner seemed to find that Ye Shenyue was watching her, so she greeted actively. "What's your name, Baima-"

"It's Bai Yin classmate, Dragon Ball classmate." The student president standing on one side began to act as an introductory role, "Classmate Bai Yin, this is Dragon Ball Peach, a first-year D class student. She is also the current student union's accountant. The famous Dragon Ball group. Father is the big guy inside. "

What is called the group here is basically the black club, that is to say, this conical hat girl is actually the daughter of the gangster.

There are too many rich people and government personnel in the school, and the daughters of the gang can go to school and even become accountants, which shows.

The gang power of the girl's family is extremely strong, belonging to the type of whitewashing or being supported to control evil by evil.

So, she would behave like such an undressed lady after such an ear.

"Don't say it seems like I'm about to join the student union." Dragon Ball Peach seems to have been drawn in by the student president, but because of her origin, she didn't agree so quickly. "However, I'm a little interested, so join in for now."

So, as soon as her white teeth were pressed hard, the lollipop shattered.

This action undoubtedly rejected the invitation of the student president, and then ... some interest in Ye Shenyue.

"It would be better if you could join in." The student council president pretended not to find it here, but went on, "I think about it, the beloved daughter of the leader of the underworld has persuaded the surrender, so the money of the Shijo family, and the big politician A member of the family, that talented pianist Chiharu Fujiwara, can continue to persuade— "

The student president took an unusual path.

And the beloved daughter of the triad leader in his mouth is Dragon Ball Peach. As for the Shijo family, Qianjin is called Shijo Zhenfei, a member of the family of Shigong. According to his seniority, he must call Huiye as his uncle, and the nickname is often miserable. There is a crush on a boy, but the boy confessed to her heart's follower, so she has always been the dominant one, and she has directly been reduced to a defeated dog. She was persecuted by the couple in various ways.

As for the fourth grade, they have won the national youth piano competition-Chiharu Fujiwara, the family has been in politics for generations, and even the prime minister. But it was not settled down in recent decades.

But it is not that the power has become smaller, but only that it has become more cautious and meticulous.

Ye Shenyue was listening to the words of the student president, and the news of these people in the original book flashed in his mind. Among them, is n’t Fujiwara Chika the secretary when he became the student president?

Secretary of Fujiwara.

And now.

The student president wanted to invite her to enter.

This guy is afraid he doesn't want to peach.

"Then I don't say the eldest daughter of the general manager of the Shimoniya chaebol who you know, Shigeru Huiye." The president continued.

But no longer have to guess.

This guy really wants to peach.

Out of the student union, Ye Shenyue found that Dragon Ball Peach actually came out with herself.

"Dragon Group Accountant?"

This school is academic and family-oriented, and Dragon Ball Peach was a bit explicit when she was in the student union, indicating that she was willing to join the student union not because of the personality of the student president, but because of him.


Ye Shenyue didn't think she knew her, and she couldn't find any impression of contact with Dragon Ball Peach in her mind.

Dragon Ball Peach threw the lollipop into the trash can.

But she suddenly said, "Fourth house, let's decide the victory this time."

"In case I lose, I promise you one thing and everything will do. And if I win, you join the student union."

"And the person who stands at the apex of the academic ability is you. I was promoted by the current student president. I broke out my determination to work hard. I have my own ambitions. I want to be the next student president. Win or lose, I will step on you and step on your body to be recognized by all students! "

Although the timbre is a girl, aren't these words the manifestation of Ye Shenyue's declaration to Shigenomiya Huiye?

That is to say.

So she said it happened to happen?

"I'm not malicious." She said, "But you're funny, don't you? The ordinary mixed school students dare to declare war on the first lady of the fourth house of the house of the house of the fourth house, and ... still speaking bluntly The identity of the other party should be recognized by the school.

Regardless of the nature, I am so arrogant and fearless. "

Ye Shenyue got it.

Dragon Ball Peach comes from a gang, so she doesn't hate people who can bluff.

It was like seeing someone in her gang.

"Hardly, if you really step on Si Gonghui Ye under your feet, I will cover you!" So, obviously, he was shorter than Ye Shenyue's height, but Dragon Ball Peach was like a big sister's head. On his shoulder.

Although the other party showed a good impression.


The Dragon Ball Peach in the original book is just a supporting character ... No, or even the supporting character is not a passerby.

The next day after crossing, Ye Shenyue was appreciated by passers-by.

This kind of thing is completely unhappy.


"If I really win Si Gong Hui Ye, then I can use her momentum and popularity to gain a lot of attention at once, and it ’s no good to be covered by you. It seems that your identity will cause problems and wait for me. When the student president arrives, I'm afraid I have to help you deal with the problems caused by your family, don't you? "


Dragon Ball stayed for a moment, it seemed that she did not expect that Night God Moon would actually refuse her to cover her.

"And, you said it was covered, so can you understand these things?"

Ye Shenyue suddenly opened a book and showed the picture inside to Dragon Ball Peach.

Dragon Ball was forced to look at the content above.


Apparently the daughter of the gang leader, but Dragon Ball Peach's cheeks turned crimson instantly.

This is shame.

Because what Ye Shenyue showed her was--

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