Protagonist Aura

Vol 28 Chapter 46: Hey, who is your son!

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A small fish tank appeared in the student union, and a palm-sized crucian carp was swimming in the fish tank.

At noon, Hui Ye was not there.

But it is a good opportunity for Secretary Fujiwara.


Probably the president ca n’t touch the fish and ca n’t tell others at will, even the classmate Hui Ye.

She still has the ability to keep this secret.

"I bought a live fish, let's start with pick-and-touch first ~" Chiharu Fujiwara was very capable.

Yesterday, I said that I would do special training for Yeshenyue, and she had brought the fish today.


If it is just ordinary special training, then it means nothing.

Ye Shenyue remembers that Secretary Fujiwara in the original book would be regarded as a mother and son when standing with Baiyin Yuxing.

And because of this relationship, she actually cares about Baiyin Yuxing.


Not to mention that Ye Shenyue deliberately embarrassed just to test this weakness of Chiharu Fujiwara's inability to refuse others. It ’s just special training. If you do n’t deliberately lengthen it, your relationship with her will not improve.

and so.

Night God Moon is intended to develop the relationship between mother and child.

First of all, Fujiwara could not rest assured her.

and so.

He is not afraid to touch any fish.


"Look, it's cute, but I bought it not for you to eat it, but you can get resistance to other fish by touching it-" Put the face on.


But Ye Shenyue showed weakness. "Is the finger really not bitten off?"

? ? ? ? ? ?



Fujiwara Chika's expression was astonished as if he had been petrified by Medusa.


"Why do you think that? Do you think all fish are piranhas?"

She seemed to understand a little, it seemed to be the president's side-not ordinary fish-fearing.

But she still has this sympathy.

So he took the initiative to walk to the side of Ye Shenyue, holding both hands of Ye Shenyue's right hand, and then pulled his right hand to the fish in the fish tank.

"Look, touch-touch, it's actually very simple," she said.


Touching is very simple.

In the past, Secretary Fujiwara did not shake or hold hands with him.

And now she doesn't know what she was done.

But Night God Moon did not continue to perform so deliberately.

After all, excessive performance will be suspected.

So he was able to let Fujiwara Chika release his hand, so he extended his left and right hands-into the fish tank, and easily touched the fish.

"Look, it's very simple." Chiharu Fujiwara thought his task was completed.

"I vaguely understand that touching and touching fish can be done." But Ye Shenyue will not let her go so easily, because training this kind of thing is only 10 a day. Can it be done in minutes?

"But--" Ye Shenyue showed an unacceptable expression, "Just use the knife to chop this fish, and then the blood is overflowing, this kind of scene, this kind of scene I can't even imagine-- "


Fujiwara Qianhualu-with a speechless expression.


If you can't accept the blood out, how do you cook fish?

In other words, can't accept cruel things?

Fortunately, she still has a way.

"That's the case-then, President, we are going to shift our training goals, not touch-touch fish." Secretary Fujiwara said, "but deal with your fragile heart!"

"Cooking is fierce!"

She said so.


The fish was raised in the student union.

But during the lunch break.

No one in the student union.

"Slap ---" Chiharu Fujiwara brought a stack of discs.

"What are these?" Ye Shenyue looked at her strangely.

Because the content on the CD-ROM is not a Jedi Battle Royale, Nightmare Cannibal Island or Chainsaw Geek.

It's all horror movies.

"Horror film!"

Chiharu Fujiwara said, "The president is too fragile because he hasn't been baptized with blood, so he feels that he can't get started with the fish. Now, he leaves this way to gain resistance. These are my sister's treasures of terror Movies, and getting used to these killing fish is just a small scene! "

"It turned out to be such a plan." Ye Shenyue did not deny her plan.


"Let me-watch it alone?" Ye Shenyue showed fear.

If Chiharu Fujiwara gave him the film, then let him watch it all by himself.

Then she had nothing to do herself, and she might not even have a noon party like now, so what's the point of having her train?

"Well--well, although I'm not good at looking at horrible things, it's a bit excessive to just let the chairman see it alone--and I'm not sure if the chairman will go home to look at it well." Chiharu Fujiwara decided To deny himself, "So I will come together."


Say so, but only with this sentence, Ye Shenyue will not be too polite.

Because the resignation may really oust Fujiwara Chika.

Then the two watched the Qiqi movie together.

Then both were scared to death.

Chiharu Fujiwara was afraid that the weakness of the horror film would be exposed again.

in this way.

Five days have passed since the two of them watched a movie in the room.

A person's habit takes 15 days to develop, but it takes only a week to get used to staying with a person of the opposite **** without rejection.

And although only five days.

But Fujiwara Chika is also used to having a common secret with him.

And special training together, also guard against Hui Ye classmates.

This is a good performance.

Although he has not cultivated the seeds of love with the secretary, it is enough to bring the two closer.

The fish is still placed in the student union, and it seems to be treated as a pet. Ye Shenyue saw Hui Ye and tried to feed it.

So it was time for actual combat.

"Ah, President, after these days of baptism, I think it's a small scene now."

Fujiwara Chika and Yejinyue moved the fish tank to the cooking classroom.

The cooking classroom has pots and gas. So cooking here is very convenient, and there is also a stove, and the cutting board is also prepared.

There are also taps.

Now I just need to pick up the knife, pick up the fish and cook on the cutting board.

"Deceptive." But Night God Moon seemed to be about to break the chain. "Life is so precious—"

"Don't say these little kids!" Chiharu Fujiwara didn't think his training would fail, "So, now!"

She said, "Now, let's start with this crucian carp!"

At the same time, the knife has been handed to Ye Shenyue, let him hold it.

"Um. Shred it, such a determination-I already have it." Ye Shenyue walked towards the fish tank.

"Yes, that's the momentum!" Chiharu Fujiwara cheered for Night God Moon.


Ye Shenyue walked over with a knife.

Then reach out with one hand-into the inside of the fish tank. But Fujiwara Qianhua suddenly ignored it and regretted it.



At this moment, her mind flashed more than just watching horror movies training with Night God Moon these days.

More over.

Because I watched horror movies, I kept the fish in the student union.

She remembers.

In order to ensure the freshness of the fish, she feeds the fish every day.

And also gave it the name-Taro.

And as soon as she walked over, Taro, who was originally in the corner of the fish tank, would swim over at once, saying that the fish's memory was only 7 seconds, but she thought Taro was also very cute.

And now.

"I will shred it." Probably to achieve the purpose of keeping Secretary Fujiwara accustomed to stay with him, Ye Shenyue will no longer be installed, but is ready to complete the results of this special training.

Cut the fish.

Use the standard three-knife cut fish knife method.



However, it was discovered that Fujiwara Qianhua rushed up to cover the fish tank. "You can't kill it--"

? ? ?

Ye Shenyue froze for a moment.

"Because it's my child! You can't kill it!" Chiharu Fujiwara cried directly.

Hey Hey hey!

Who is your son!

"If you want to cut it anyway, you cut me!" She even cried so much.

Ye Shenyue was unable to vomit.

Because it was obviously a serious training matter, how did it eventually become Chiharu Fujiwara to raise fish as a son?

So Yuyu, oh no, Taro became a pet of the student union.

Anyone can feed.

The cooking class was also cancelled. Ye Shenyue, as the student president, proposed to the school that most students in the past refused to fish from the pond, so this time after the school considered, the plan to catch live fish was canceled.

"Taro ~ Come here-"

Ye Shenyue sat in the student council room and watched Fujiwara Chia happily teasing the crucian carp in the fish tank.

Never mind.

She is happy.

So Night God Moon continued to work.

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