Protagonist Aura

Vol 30 Chapter 1: Trouble of super power

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The so-called superpower is to make ordinary people's inability impossible, for example, you can bend a straight spoon without touching it, or you can make people float.

Also, you can spy on the hearts of others without reservation.


[This dog is cute, but I prefer girls. This is the inner portrayal of a young man who is teasing a Pomeranian led by a lady.

[What's wrong with this person, he went out with **** in his eyes. ]

And this is the hostess of the Pomeranian who is being stroked.


The man wants to get closer to each other by approaching each other's pets and boasting about their cuteness. But I'm sorry, from the beginning, the woman's impression of him was 0.

And such wanton abilities can be said to be incredible, all of which are superpowers.

Obviously it is a rare and complicated ability that needs to be acquired. Ordinary people can only look at things, but it is so simple and easy to get.

Ye Shenyue's left eye just blinked, and a truck that was out of control because the driver fell asleep stopped immediately, and the shock caused the driver to wake up at once.

He leaned out and looked around, still showing a dumb face, completely ignorant of what had happened.

And these are also superpowers.

[Telepathy] [Petrochemical] [Instantaneous movement] [Perspective] [Nian Li] [Clairvoyance] [Mind Divination] and so on, all of these strange super powers are possessed by Night God Moon.

And, very powerful.

Learn languages ​​only two weeks after birth. Learn to walk in a month. One year old took the initiative to help with housework. With all the superpowers in one, there is almost nothing impossible. And the ability is so powerful that if you take it seriously, you can destroy all mankind in three days; the above are the experiences of Night God Moon in this world.

After winning a huge victory from Huiye World, he randomly selected this strange world. And very easily born as Qi Mu Nanxiong. It only takes three days to destroy the world, but Night God Moon is not interested in doing these things.


His mission is to save this world.

The so-called greater ability means greater responsibility, and before ordinary people even know it, the real hero has saved the world 17 times.

The earth in this world is like a time bomb. If you do not use superpowers to restore it to 1 year ago, it will directly explode. Seventeen years later, Night God Moon still hasn't found a way to prevent it from exploding.

Not only that, but some disappointment is that the superpowers of this world will be automatically determined to be invalid after leaving the earth, and will not continue to grow after leaving this world, so this is a tasteless thing for Night God Moon. But mosquitoes are meat even when they are small, so this is the 17th year that he has stayed in this world temporarily.

And using superpowers to adjust the time difference, it is about an hour opposite to the other world in one year, so even if he stayed in this world for 17 years, Hui Ye would only think that he took 17 hours of leave. That's it.

"Ah, Nanxiong, Nanxiong—"

While returning from the outside carrying a schoolbag, Ye Shenyue found a middle-aged man with a brown hedgehog head wearing glasses who was pitifully running around in the yard, and when he was found, his eyes were bright, , Help me open the door. "


This middle-aged man is Qi Mu Guochun, that is, his father in this world.

I do n’t know if it ’s emotionally weak. Ye Shenyue has traveled through many worlds and participated in many families, but most of him faced it with a very rational attitude.

But now this family is quite special.


Superpowers can bring convenience, but they can also make people lazy.

For example.

You can float in the air, then you do n’t want to walk.

You can print your voice in someone's cerebral cortex, then you won't want to speak. And you can use your mind to move or simulate a virtual hand, then you will not want to open the door with your hand.

Just like it is now.

Ye Shenyue did not go to get the key. The purple-blue pupil just turned to gold. The lock core in the key hole immediately deflected, and then with a crackling sound, the lock was opened.

This is mindfulness, very convenient.


Father Qi Muguochun ran straight over.


My father, who was just still asking for help, has rushed in.

"Why replace the lock!"

"Xiao Nan, welcome back. The dinner tonight is a stew ~"

"Don't ignore me, shouldn't dinner be steak tonight? Steak!"

"Oh this way, so sorry, I'll invite you to eat leather shoes tonight."

Obviously the two parents, one is anxious and corrupt, the other is smiling, but no matter who they are, they can see that the two are arguing and entering the fighting period.

Ye Shenyue said that his first parents liked to quarrel, and then they did n’t want to see each other and did n’t go home.

He felt quite indifferent.

He hated such a family and wanted to stay away, but he stayed here for so long.

That is to say.

"Actually speaking, you really don't love me anymore."

"Dad is the one who doesn't love me at all!"


"Xiao Nan!"

The two are still arguing, but they are very consistent looking at the night **** moon.

The reason is simple.

"I know, I know." His parents who have superpowers here know it. It should be said that the parents discovered it at first, but these two parents' brains were a bit dull. They didn't think of taking him to the hospital. He wants to teach him, and he wants to teach him that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, the more people need help. God knows what they thought after they learned that they were educating a devil who had blasted the earth 51 times.

But sometimes parents will need his help.

For example now.

Twenty years of marriage, most of the time is sticky-sticky-greasy-greasy.

But it will be like now.

[Fatness meter]

This is a convenient ability to use the telepathic ability to read the human heart and solidify its data.

And use it to know who is more annoying and who can love who.

"I will let you know that my love for you is the first on the earth."

"Just as I like, my love will not be lost to anyone."



Did n’t you just say that you hate each other?

Now, who do you love more than anyone else?

In fact, this is not bad.

Because the initial argument between the two idiots was who loved whom more, and then turned into who hated who, now it is back to the original point.

It became a competition who loved more.

"So start with me first!"

"Twenty-eight thousand! Three thousand nine hundred and eighty!

Ordinary measurement value, you can communicate after breaking through 80, and you can go to the hotel at 100, but the couple broke the watch directly in an instant.

"Neither can I lose."

And my mother is also testing.


"It's 30,000 at once!"

It is also an instant burst of watch.

"Is there such a love for me? If I continue this way, I will lose." Dad touched but was not convinced.


He farted.

"Hey, stopped at 30,021." He smiled proudly.

It's almost heartbroken.

In order to win, deliberately fart to reduce mother's favorability.


Mother vomited blood, but she didn't give up.

"I think it's better for you to give up." Ye Shenyue noticed their actions and reminded.

"No, Xiao Nan, I can't lose." The mother who said so made a digging her nose towards her father.

The favorability measurement is to measure the favorability of the other party, and if the other party makes some actions to lower the score, it will decline.

It's like my father deliberately farted to lower his favor.

Therefore, my mother also learned.

Made an indecent move to dig nostrils.




Instead, the value of the father's favorability scale with the mother has increased.

"Why is this--"

Mother was hit hard.

Because you are a normal person and you can't win a metamorphosis. The other party will think you are more cute.

Ye Shenyue vomited in her heart.

For the cold night **** moon family in the past, although the parents here are more sand sculptured, it is inexplicably intimate to stay together.

That is to say.

This kind of life is ... not too bad, except for a very serious problem. ..

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