Protagonist Aura

Chapter 497: You can see that the mountains and rivers are in chaos? (One)

Hello, Ningsheng of the Fourteenth Realm.

This blue sea and blue sky, this vast world, this azure blue sky, this mortal dust that taught all the royal families to laugh as a place where ants gather, finally ushered in a heavenly monarch.

The fourteenth state, the king is over the world.

"Ning Sheng broke through."

"In the past, the Fengshen always carried a handle, but at this moment, he is almost on the same level as the major elders."

The heated discussion is overturning.

It spread from all over the country until it caused turmoil throughout the country.

He is the same him.

Regardless of his status as the No. 1 master in the Conferred Gods list or the former commander-in-chief, he would rather live, the only constant, nothing more than never reconciled to being weaker than others!


Under the palm of the fifth defeat, Ning Xuanyuan's golden body was indeed broken.

But, it's just that.

Before gaining the upper hand, the arrogant fifth seeking defeat, the moment he closed the gods, witnessed it with his own eyes, Ning Xuanyuan cast a glance at him.

A cold glance.

It's horrifying, like an ice cellar.

At this time, the fifth defeat, I could see the golden luster in Ning Xuanyuan's pupils, like a thousand lights, hanging in the silent night.

However, the bigger change is that there are flowers all over the sea, mountains and even lush mountains and old forests.

Everyone says it.

With a thought, the flowers bloom, and the king is over the world.

Anyone who breaks through the fourteen realms is comparable to the same radiance of the sun and the moon, wherever the gaze goes, the years are reincarnated, the seasons are reversed, and thousands of flowers and trees bloom at once.

This is the most generous gift from the heavens and the earth, and it is also the most intuitive and far-reaching performance of the 14th realm powerhouse!

However, for many years, these things have been limited to legends, even if there are true monarchs in the fourteen realms in this world, they can still be seen as a dragon like Chen Ping.

Have you ever imagined that one day, one day, in a large public, you can witness for yourself that the real heavenly king will come?

Chi Chi Chi Chi!

Next second.

Taking Ning Xuanyuan's body as a point, the whole body began to burst out thousands of rays of light, which was too bright, panic as if a thousand swords came out of their sheaths, slashing the sky.

"How can he have such a strong bloodline power before he is thirty years old?"


A crowd of powerful people gathered around the scene, naturally all of them had excellent eyesight. With such a hot beam of light escaping from Ning Xuanyuan's limbs, it was obvious that it was his blood that was completing the cleaning of the muscles.


This force is too majestic, too shocking, it seems that the world is oppressed by Ning Xuanyuan.

"Is it?"

"The blood of the person in his body is completely awakened?"


As soon as these words came out, the audience took a cold breath, and even if the fifth was defeated, Zhou Denghuang's rich experience and the old emperor who was used to seeing strong winds and waves couldn't help but swallow his saliva.

Regardless of mutual grievances, there is a fact that no one can ignore, and naturally, there is no guts to ignore it.

this person.

It's not just the head of the Ning family's nine princes.

He is the direct line of the young commander Ning Hetu. It is rumored that on the day of his birth 30 years ago, auspiciousness descended from the sky and the purple air came from the east. He is known as the strongest bloodline of the Ning royal family.

He was more tyrannical than his father, Ning Qinghan, and almost perfectly inherited the power of the young marshal's bloodline.

It should be noted that at the peak of Ninghe, a drop of blood can crush mountains and rivers.

Over the years, the reason why the Ning imperial family survived was the drop of blood that was sealed in the clan's ancestral hall. Yes, it was Ning Hetu who left it.


Fifth Qiufei stared at Tongling's big eyes, full of murderous aura.

These old antiques who succeeded in becoming the emperor once lived in the shadow of Ninghetu.

Now, it’s hard to wait until Ninghetu has passed away, and then how many years have he enjoyed the blessings. Isn’t the Ning royal family going to come out again with a supreme existence who is capable of oppressing the world and whose strength is comparable to a young commander?

"You **** it."

As soon as the voice of the fifth defeat fell, Zhou Denghuang made a strong voice. As the old emperor of the Great Zhou imperial family, he knew well that his size family could barely endure the situation of the four clans.

However, no existence beyond them is allowed.

Ning Xuanyuan's state at the moment made him very uneasy. If this son is not removed, the next few royal families are destined to never have peace!


Fifth seeking defeat had this intention, and he slapped it down, as if he was about to break the world. His goal was Ning Xuanyuan's heavenly spirit cover, full of killing intent and unstoppable.

With a violent shock.

Suddenly, in the vague void, a dharma body as high as one hundred meters tall came out again, with a battle helmet on its head, gold armor all over the body, and a long spear that obliquely guided the sky on its back.

The Law Body abandoned the spear without using it, and grabbed it directly from a height of several hundred feet.

This picture is too shocking, wherever the five fingers go, covering the sky and the sun, including the old emperor of Fifth Seeking Defeat, is also instantly overwhelmed.


Ning Xuanyuan scolded in a deep voice.

The golden armoured body behind him was retrieved with one hand, and he was detained from the ground on the spot to seek defeat for the fifth, and he was furious with the defeat of the fifth. How can he be content with himself, like a baby chicken, caught alive by others live?


Fifth, he opened his mouth and screamed.

A black shield covered with inscriptions, galloping into the scene, extremely fast, like a flash of thunder, but in the blink of an eye, it was in front of the fifth defeat.

"The weapons of the upper five realms?"

"This weapon of at least seven realms, with the strength of the fifth old emperor's fourteenth realm, once this super killer is used, Ning Xuanyuan will undoubtedly die."

There was a lot of noise at the scene.

The intervention of weapons of this level was enough to reverse the situation. Even if Ning Xuanyuan was able to break through the fourteenth realm and his energy and blood were at his peak, he could not win the fifth and seek defeat.

Because the gap between the two sides was so big that everyone thought that Ning Xuanyuan had no chance of winning fifth and seeking defeat.

"The curtain is over, Ning Xuanyuan is defeated."

"Not everyone can challenge the royal lord, even if he is Ning Sheng, hey, what a pity."

The outside world sighed more and more, and the members of the major royal families were gloating and self-satisfied. Even a group of ants, dare to provoke the old emperor of the fifth family?

Now, I finally seek benevolence and benevolence, and go on the road obediently!

Ning Xuanyuan faced these uproarious ridicules, sarcasm, and turned a deaf ear to the whole process, only to see the young man, his eyes slightly narrowed, and then suddenly opened.

King Kong glared!

Next second.

He gathered his five fingers together to form a fist.

The golden armour body moves synchronously, closes the fingers and forms a fist.


You can see, boxing wind Gang Gang.

The mountains and rivers are in chaos.


The various lusters that had already turned into flocculent shapes moved with the fist wind, and finally blasted to the fifth with a speed visible to the naked eye.

This second.

The world is quiet, but the wind is like a knife.

Next second.

The fifth defeat is like a broken kite, rushing out, and simultaneously cracking is the shield of the upper five realm, known as the super killer, which was once regarded as one of the treasures of the town by the fifth royal family. It almost turned into powder. .


Immediately afterwards, Fifth Seeking Failure coughed up blood crazily, and those eyes that fell towards Ning Xuanyuan were full of panic and shock.

Of course, those who were sluggish in Qi Qi also included members of the major royal families, as well as mortal beings.

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