Protagonist Aura

Chapter 502: Raise your hand to cover the sky, who dares to compare with it? (One)

Even though the big day is suspended in the air, countless rays of light are scattered.

Still, less than half his style.

He descended like a god, bathed in divine light, and stepped down every step of the way, as if the world was shaking with it.

"Look at Qianqiu Beidou again, there are countless heroes, but I am the only one who can't keep it!"

Few numbers.

The heroic soaring is intoxicating.

In this vast world, who doesn’t aspire to be this kind of existence? Sweeping across the starry sky, free and unrestrained, as long as he appears, he is the well-deserved focus!


All beings are vast, and the big men standing on the top of the strong basically gather here.

Three martial arts giants like Baiyu, Xiang Qing, and Chen Ping came to the scene. According to common sense, there is no reason why the big figures have not been there?

"It's blurry, not only can't see his face, but also, there is a rather strange feeling."

"Like not angry? Right?"

The so-called anger refers to the breath of life.

This imaginary and unreliable figure is more like an evolving phantom, with no spirit, only infinite light.

"What do you dare to pretend to be a ghost in front of the emperor?"

Xiang Qing was furious. Strictly speaking, his existence, after a hundred years of baptism, has long been steadfast and stable, but his words still seem to be petty.

A young man with a strong blood, who was originally the only focus, was suddenly robbed of attention, and was helplessly reduced to a supporting role, so that he had to explode.

The sky-shaking roar swept across the sky.

Xiang Qing, who was always concealed in the darkness, didn't notice anything wrong for the first time. He felt that his majesty had been provoked like never before.

at the same time.

The second crown prince, who was bleeding on his knees and embarrassed, finally recovered from the pain.

He stared eagerly at the Ning's King Sword floating in the air, extremely annoyed, "Could it be that even you, want to oppose me?"

The position of the next emperor of the Ning family has been appointed to his well-deserved second crown prince. In other words, the position of the Ning family's king knife in the clan is detached and has extraordinary significance.

It is also not qualified to point one's own blade at the future emperor of his clan.

This is disrespectful and even rebellious!


A gray figure quietly appeared in front of Ning Shang, and pulled it up, "Are you okay?"

This was a middle-aged man with a mustache, dressed in black, and with cold eyes. His appearance was somewhat similar to Ning Shang. After a simple greeting, he began to look into the distance.

"Father." Ning Shang said openly.

The middle-aged man, whose real name is Ning Qingcang, who is the biological father of Ning Shang, downplayed his eyes on his embarrassed son. After quickly holding his hands, his eyes kept sweeping the blurred images in the distance, "Where is the expert to pretend to be a ghost, dare to show his face ?"


He took a step, his whole body expanded, like a tiger with his head about to go down the mountain, giving a strong sense of oppression.

Everyone was astonished, their eyes full of incredible.

Even Bai Yu was deeply surprised. After a few seconds of silence, the foreign surname Wang shook his head and said with emotion, "I never thought that you Ning Qingcang could hide so deeply."


Ning Qingcang snorted coldly, and said in a disdainful tone, "Do you really think that my generation, except for the youngest third, is amazing, and the rest are Ning Qingyang's wine bags and rice bags?"

Ning Qingyang, who was a little far away, heard these words, his face turned pale and pale, extremely uncomfortable.

Ning Qinghan brushed his forehead, thinking slightly.

According to his genealogy, his generation is in the ‘Qing’ generation. The members include Ning Qingyang, the father of the Ninth Prince Ning Yin, and Ning Qingcang, the biological father of the Second Prince Ning Shang.

There were a few others, but they were not present.

Rather than not being present, it may be interpreted as unintentionally mixing with power and deliberately choosing to turn a blind eye to avoid intervening in this cruel struggle to kill loved ones at every turn.

As far as the third young master Ning Qinghan is concerned, he hasn't seen him for many years, except for Ning Qingyang, he has not changed much from before. This Ning Qingcang is much more interesting.

"It's really interesting, it's still possible to enter another fourteenth-level master." Chen Ping and Ning Qinghan looked at each other, their voices were indifferent, and he did not have too abnormal emotional changes.

The Ning family is a royal family, and it is not uncommon to have one or two or more masters in the fourteenth realm.

For ordinary people, this kind of existence is rare, and it can be said that the dragon can see the head and the end, but it is not always true. Once there is any major change, this kind of giant will move in full swing, even the higher-level bachelor will be mixed up. Go on a kick.

For example, a master of fourteen realms with more than five digits at the scene.

For example, Xiang Qing, the ancestor of the Xiang family who stands alone and considers himself invincible!

At this moment, the scene was really messy. Suddenly, he switched the blade, removed the Ning's King's knife from the second crown prince Ning Shang's arm, and the mysterious person who came from an unknown source and was bathed in stunning luster, just like the Buddha's light illuminating the world.

Several big forces confronted each other, but there was no such delicate situation as the previous tense swords.

One after another, he paid close attention to the mysterious image of Xiang Gao, silent, but Ning Qingcang didn't have such a good temper.

He immediately pointed the finger at King Ning's Sword, "My clan marshal left you to be the treasure of the town clan. It is a recognition of your military exploits in the past, not for you to do something to deceive your master and destroy your ancestor. "

After all, this is a soldier who has followed a young marshal. Although he is not psychic, he will more or less give birth to a vague consciousness after long years.


There was a whimper in the sky, it was Wang Dao trembling, as if accusing Ning Shang of what he had done was not in accordance with Ning's rules.

"Huh, my rules are the rules of the Ning family."

"Similarly, even if Shang'er's actions are subject to negotiation, if I leave it to Ning Qingcang to decide, even if he is wrong, he is still right. Who dares to take care of my affairs?!"

After Ning Qingcang lost with one hand, when he finished saying this, the audience was chilly.

What kind of character is this, even in the public, he said this ‘brilliant rhetoric’. However, what this middle-aged man did next was shocking and horrifying.


"Don't bow your head and admit your mistake?"

In a moment.

Ning Qingcang crossed the void with a palm and slapped it.

Even though the masters on the scene are like clouds, and there is even no shortage of fifth seek defeat, Emperor Zhou Denghuang, but no one has the courage to do such a thing.

Suppress King Ning's sword with one hand!


Ning Qingcang let out a long scream and decisively slapped the king knife down, covering the sky with his big hands, like falling to the ground like five mountains. In the blink of an eye, the light that the king knife crushed was dimmed.

This is too cruel.

Unexpectedly, someone dared to suppress it, this peerless king knife that scared the three royal families.


After a violent collision, the sky was suddenly torn into huge gaps, thousands of rays of light shattered, like clouds opening the blue sky, reshaping a new world.

"My generation of Ning family heirs, Ning has always been the strongest!"

"If you don't believe me, keep your eyes open and look at me Ning Qingcang, just walking against the sky!"

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