Protagonist Aura

Chapter 516: Walking with a sword, who would dare to stop? !

Regarding the news of Ning Xuanyuan's return to the capital, the major forces have not yet unified opinions.

Some people are convinced, saying that at such a sensitive stage, the sudden release of such news is definitely not groundless, and it may be that Ning Xuanyuan is really in the capital.

In any case, given his relationship with Zhao Gongxin, he should have sent him off for the last trip of Old Zhao.

Some people think otherwise.

A great power fell beside him, scattered all the waste of his cultivation base, according to his original situation in the capital, how dare he Ning Xuanyuan come back?

Are you really afraid of being secretly killed by a group of powers?

After all, it is a generation of newcomers for the old. Zhao Gongxin is gone. He was a confidant of the past. If he doesn't hide far, how can he dare to walk around in the country?

As for the larger group of people, they acquiesced to the previous guess that Ning Xuanyuan is likely to die!

After all, the statues in the memorial square are all up, and the reason why the memorial square is named memorial square is because it is a place to pay homage to heroes!

Some speculation seemed to make some people realize something.

Almost not long after Ning Xuanyuan turned and left the square, this majestic and huge statue was maliciously splashed with red paint.

The assailant did not get caught in the first time.

Coupled with the sudden incident and the imminent burial of Zhao Gongxin, many factors combined together, and everyone did not care much.

It wasn't until tens of the night that more news came out. Hearing that there was a young son with a rich family and a solid background, the trustee spread a word publicly.

A piece of rubbish, even if he came back, what would happen to him, Ning Xuanyuan would dare to show up tomorrow, and be careful to lose face!

The smell of gunpowder is very strong!

Everyone inquired about it several times, and then it became clear that the person who put this sentence turned out to be the only existing heir of the Hua family, Hua Yunkong.

The three Fahrenheit brothers were once famous.


Only Hua Yunkong was left.

"There used to be gossips with noses and eyes, saying that Hua Yunkong's two brothers died in the hands of Ning Xuanyuan? But this is strange. No one has refuted the rumors, and the Hua family has not mentioned it."

"But it is true that the Hua family died of two of the most amazing and brilliant younger generations!"

If it hadn't been for Hua Yunkong to suddenly stand up and speak ruthlessly, most people might have forgotten this rumor that had caused a lot of trouble in his early years.

At the moment the old things are brought up again.

This made many people interested, after all, the royal family, and the supreme royal family ranked first, even known as the half royal family when the sun was in the sky.

Fahrenheit’s influence and heritage are beyond doubt!

Although the past two years have been quite low-key, with the turbulence of the national capital pattern, the Hua family seems to have signs of a comeback after a tiger descending from the mountain.

Strictly speaking, from the day Ning Xuanyuan left, Fahrenheit has shifted the focus of family development to the capital of the country, very fast.

However, the biggest factor that caused Fahrenheit's rise was still implicated in several royal families. In the first battle before July, the four royal families more or less affected their Qi.

Following that, the gates were closed one after another, completely cutting off contact with the outside world.

According to the law of the previous few times, this time the royal family took the initiative to escape from the world, and it would take at least ten or twenty years to reopen the mountain gate, unless there is a major change.

In the past, the Wuxie had external control, and the royal family was still the same. Now the Wuxie has been razed to the ground. From the perspective of the overall situation, the outside world is truly a group of dragons without a leader.

In fact, everyone knows that the royal family of Hua has a strong point to penetrate the capital, and is afraid that it wants to be a second Wushu Association, or a more important existence than the Wushu Association.

What's more, the Chinese royal family masters are like clouds and have always been tyrannical.

He wanted to be the leader in this line, but few big forces could stop it.

Ning Xuanyuan?

Ning Sheng, who had been oppressive for an era, has fallen into depravity and turned into a known waste. Nowadays, even if he has the intention to attack the Hua royal family, is there any strength?

"I am helpless, Hua Yunkong has always been kind-hearted. You Ning Xuanyuan would like to pay homage to Lao Zhao tomorrow, and take the initiative to come over and kowtow to me. Please help me."

"I've given a chance. Even if it's a dog, I know how I should choose, Ning Xuanyuan, don't let me down?!"

Just as the outside world caused a wave of waves with one stone due to some of Hua Yunkong's words, the young master of the Hua family, the client said a few more words.

Pretending to be empathetic, but every sentence is stingy.

Many people secretly slandered, this Young Master Hua, when Ning Xuanyuan was still in strength, he did not dare to put a fart, and now he is full of arrogance.

Really a tiger fell into Pingyang and was bullied by a dog!

It's just that, after careful consideration, it feels that weirdness is revealed everywhere. After all, this is the capital of the country, and it has always been unfathomable.

No matter how arrogant the Hua royal family is, they will never stand up and speak out, let alone make Hua Yunkong speak nonsense. There is a high probability that someone secretly instructed to disrupt the situation in the capital.

Maybe it's a big boss who will guide the Chinese royal family to work.

"Hua Yunkong's attitude is so determined, I am afraid that Ning Xuanyuan is already in the capital."

"Tomorrow, I'm afraid there will be a good show."

There was a heated discussion overnight.

Some of Hua Yunkong's words even pushed the attention of the incident to a peak. Whenever Ning Xuanyuan showed up, he might have another disturbance.

the next day.

early morning.

A light rain arrived unexpectedly. Big figures from various forces collectively went to the funeral home where Zhao Gongxin's body was placed. The area was only half a kilometer away from the destination and entered a state of complete ban last night.

On both sides of the wet street, there are long lines of mourning, and the center of the empty main road is so quiet that a needle can be heard clearly.

Many people on both sides probe their heads.

The heavy, solemn sorrow and joy resounded through the sky.

The patter of rain made this day even more extraordinary.

It's just that, compared to sincere condolences, how many people are thinking about it, and how many people are waiting, the young guy who is suspected of being in the capital, shows up?


"Bow again."

"Three, three bows..."

The voice in the loudspeaker is deep and restrained, and every node is stuck well.

It's just that when everyone was about to bow three times, there was an obvious pause for a second, and then there was a harsh sound, which fluctuated violently and stopped abruptly.

"what happened?"

"Huh? Look at the center of the main road."

One pair of eyes, one after another, couldn't wait to jump past the scattered crowds, and finally, they all fell towards the center of the main road.

The young man was dressed in black and stalwart, with a bunch of white flowers on his sleeves.

There was a drizzle.

The wind is cold!

A black umbrella concealed most of his face, but even if he could only see a fuzzy back, everyone knew who he was!

"Ning Xuanyuan."

"It's really here."

The short silence was to welcome the shouts of the mountains and the tsunami. Countless people waited and watched, both excited and unbelievable.


When their gaze fell on Ning Xuanyuan's waist, it inevitably caused another inhalation sound, and many people even felt chills all over their bodies.

With a war knife on your waist, you can walk in the rain!

What kind of knife is hanging?

My Kitano, a special sheathless sword!

"Ningmou came to see the deceased one last time, and doesn't want me to enter the arena, so just come out and stop!"

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