Protagonist Aura

Chapter 538: Final General Chen Shaobao, please fight! (two)


Ye Kang was also acquainted. He knelt in the rain and climbed all the way to Ning Xuanyuan. He kept yelling. All this was a misunderstanding and a misunderstanding.

Chen Shaobao raised his eyebrows, and a cold smile appeared at the corners of his mouth. "Isn't it straight before? Saying that killing me is as simple as killing an ant?"

Ye Kang, "..."

"I still slander, thinking that I'm lying about the Old Ministry of the Long Live Army? Excuse me, how did you judge that I was lying?"

Ye Kang, "..."

After a run, Ye Kangton was speechless.

Chen Shaobao said nothing.

This kind of bullying and dominating the market, the village tyrant who does whatever he wants, is accustomed to bullying others, and only by putting on a stronger and more prominent identity than him, will he pretend to be pitiful and cry out about what he shouldn't do.

Eat soft and be hard!

Refers to this kind of person.

"This matter is indeed Ye's fault. I misunderstood your identity and said something that is not rebellious, but it is ultimately unpleasant."

"Here, I, Ye Kang, express my most sincere apologies."

Avoid the heavy and light the whole process.

The table also said that this is really a misunderstanding.

After living for such a long time, Ye Kang is indeed slick and sophisticated, knowing what to say at a critical moment, and at the same time, with his expression, making him look pitiful.

Ye Zhihuan also calmed down.

It's hard to imagine that such an honest guy was the most arrogant before, even arrogantly speaking. Without his consent, no one was allowed to marry Tweety, especially Chen Shaobao.

"I'm very curious, why can you prevent Tweet from marrying a person who is not a relative or a stranger? Explain!"

Seemingly cherish the words like gold, the gentle and gentle Ning Xuanyuan finally raised his mouth.

Just before he could give a reply, Ning Xuanyuan added, "If the explanation is unclear, or if it is perfunctory, I will kill you on the spot."

Ye Zhihuan, "..."

Ye Kang, "..."

When this sentence came out, Ye Zhihuan froze immediately, and the cold sweat on his forehead overflowed from the cortex in patches. He neither dared to wipe it, nor did he dare to make unnecessary movements.

for a long time……

Ye Zhihuan said with a big tongue, "Tweet and I are neighbors after all. She is married to such a big deal. As a neighbor of the town, it's okay to be here in person to express my concern?"

"I'm asking you why, someone like you who is not relatives can prevent her from getting married." Ning Xuanyuan didn't like to repeat his own question again and again.

Therefore, Chen Shaobao had already reached out his big hand like a fan and covered Ye Zhihuan's head.

Ye Zhihuan's face paled for a while, he barely hesitated, and reluctantly gave up, "Yes, I'm sorry, it's my nosy, but it's all out of good intentions."

"I just can't bear to look at Tweety. If you don't marry well, life will be unhappy in the future."

Tweet a little away, hehe sneered, "You are also called nosy? If it wasn't for Shaobao to resist, are you going to kill him today?"

Ye Kang, "..."

Right now, Ye Kang was completely speechless.

"I am not satisfied with your explanation."

Ning Xuanyuan shook his head, Chen Shaobao, who was born with extraordinary arm strength, retracted his five fingers, and Ye Zhihuan, who was still alive and kicking before, was bloodless.

Then, he fell coldly in front of Ye Kang.

Ye Kang was frightened and distraught. He straightened his eyes and found that his whole body was drained. Before he even had time to vent his grief, Ning Xuanyuan stepped forward and stepped forward.

"You know that your son was at fault, why didn't you want to admit your mistakes and apologize, but feel that you are justified? Even in order to save face for your son, hesitate to kill him?"

"Why are you?"

Ye Kang, "..."

Ye Qi, "..."

These words not only made Ye Kang quite throbbing, even Ye Qi felt his scalp numb. What Ye Qi did was consistent with Ye Kang's purpose.

They all feel that the other party has provoke their own powerful figure, so justice, right and wrong can be thrown away, and face must not be lost!

"I, I know I was wrong." Ye Kang couldn't explain, he could only admit his mistake with his head drooping.

"The way you came here at your fingertips, you should have done too much of this kind of inverted black and white things, so, have you realized what you have learned?" Ning Xuanyuan was half joking, half serious.

"No, no." Ye Kang had already felt bad, especially when he saw Ning Xuanyuan Gujing Wubo's eyes, he seemed to see Death.

Ning Xuanyuan Yu Guang glanced at Chen Shaobao.

Chen Shaobao took a steady step, raised his knee, and pushed into Ye Kang's chest bone on the spot. The harsh burst sounded homeopathy. Ye Kang, who had neither bleeding nor any scary expression, also fell.

Ye Qi was shocked that his soul was about to emerge.

What a **** cruel!

It was clear that there were ordinary people at the scene, so all the internal forces used, regardless of Ye Kang, Ye Zhihuan was dead and peaceful, but in fact all the internal organs were shattered.

"Are you here, how many years have you been in office?"

Finally it was Ye Qi's turn, but Ning Xuanyuan didn't go straight to the core, but chatted with Ye Qi with great interest. His tone was flat, as if he had made friends.

Ye Qi said, "Three years."

"As a local defense officer, what are your duties?" Ning Xuanyuan asked again.

Ye Qi arched his hands and said in a sonorous voice, "I will enforce the law impartially and serve the people!"

"Have you done it?"

The simple four words made Ye Qi a face, suddenly becoming more embarrassing than his dead parents. He looked up at Ning Xuanyuan timidly, explained in full, never dared to say it.

Chen Shaobao followed two steps and pressed his five fingers into Ye Qi's head like eagle claws.

Aftershocks witnessed this scene throughout.

He didn't speak, nor stopped.

In the past three minutes, Ning Xuanyuan gave Chen Shaobao an object that he brought with him, because it was wrapped in a red cloth, and outsiders didn't know it. Only Chen Shaobao had blood red eyes and a complicated mood.

"I'm going back. After all, your sister-in-law is at home by herself. Don't worry." Ning Xuanyuan said goodbye.

Aftershocks gave way, "I personally send you."

Chen Shaobao was stunned. When Ning Xuanyuan took a few steps, he suddenly shouted, "Brother, there are things that require you to take the lead. Of course, only you can take the lead."

This sentence made the aftershock brows violently jump.

The walls on both sides of the people standing aside suddenly exploded with a terrifying aura, and everyone's eyes focused on Ning Xuanyuan.

"it is good."

In the end, Ning Xuanyuan had a one-word reply. However, this sentence inspired all the generals including the aftershocks.

The aftershock light even bowed for ninety degrees, facing Ning Xuanyuan, "Thank you!"

Ning Xuanyuan smiled and waved his back to everyone.

Chen Shaobao dropped his head and carefully uncovered the red cloth. When a ray of golden light escapes, he straightened his waist suddenly and banged his knees to the ground, "There's one more thing..."

Ning Xuanyuan stopped for the second time, "It's okay to live a quiet life."

Chen Shaobao shook his head and said nothing. He raised his hands flat, and when he was close to his forehead, everyone was surprised to find that he was holding a cold sword.

"Final General Chen Shaobao, please fight!"

"Final General Chen Shaobao, on behalf of the Wansui Army 800,000 Erlang, please fight!"

"Final General Chen Shaobao, I hope, once again carry the Python flag, so as to teach the cubs outside Guan to understand that your king, Long Live Army, it is back!"

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