Protagonist Aura

Chapter 540: Thousands of miles!

Ning Xuanyuan!

After a long absence, the name that should have been gradually covered with dust with the sun and the moon, and then gradually forgotten, and finally erased all traces, became the focus again.

His surname is Ning.

Named Xuanyuan.

Ning Qinghan, the third youngest father of the year, once said that his fate could bear this name.

I thought that his name in this life represented the glory of the Ning family!

Today, it has become the mark of an era.

Becoming a big country is the most impressive mark. Let you be strong and strong, and your wolf ambition is obvious. I have an unparalleled star Ning Xuanyuan, you dare to fight?

Almost the news was advertised in less than three hours.

The situation on the southern front has unexpectedly changed. The original fierce battle was silently erased at the end of the evening.

The sky is fierce.

The red sun reflects the sky.

For so many years, Yuan Shu, who has been accustomed to taking the lead, stood silently at the front line and said nothing. The weeds of this season have been completely withered, and the wind-rolled sand seems to cover his eyes!

However, Yuan Shu's eyes were bright.

In the dark, recalling the years of the past, he and him were both in their prime and prosperous years, the only difference is that he has always been the backbone of his life.

At that time, Yuan Shu always felt that he Ning Xuanyuan would one day be destined to become famous.

It's just that too much happened later.

If there weren't those sudden changes, perhaps, at this moment, the person standing at the forefront and looking at the boundless scenery outside the border with his hands should be Ning Xuanyuan.

Yuan Shu knows better than anyone, how hard it was for him to give up since the day he completely retired from the military, but for these rough men, they were always affectionate and inconvenient to tell people!

It is said in the book that from eight to eighteen years old, only a short period of ten years, less than one six-seventh of a long life, is not worth mentioning whether it is wasted or crazy.


From the age of eighteen to twenty-eight, these ten years have been your life!

"My eldest brother enlisted in the army at the age of seventeen and has been in the army for eleven years. He has already imprinted the glory and faith of soldiers in his blood. He should be more anxious than anyone else in the border turmoil.

Yuan Shu pressed the knife's hand harder and harder.

Hate the injustice!

Obviously what he loves most is the military uniform, and at the age he is playing, he can continue to extend his military career for at least 30 years, but...

An illusory prince's identity made him have to leave on the grounds of avoiding suspicion!

Even so, there are still some people in the capital who are secretly upset about leaving. They always feel that they are leaving, but the influence is still there and they must be monitored day and night.

30,000 miles under the sea, it will eventually bottom out.

People's hearts are less than five inches, unpredictable!

In fact, from Yuan Shu's perspective, he would rather Ning Xuanyuan remain silent at critical moments, just as he really disappeared, and take care of his own national war.


Yuan Shu spat long and shook his head. There was no expression on the facial features under the helmet.

I don't know whether General Yuan Yuan at this moment is happy or unwilling, or that he feels wronged for his elder brother!

This big event is related to the national fortune.

Thoroughly induce popular discussions among the people.

The former Long Live Army’s former Ministry scattered around the ends of the world, after receiving the order, assembled the capital within three days, and this pivotal place has always been the closest to the front.

Within three days.

The Python flag will be raised on the border!

However, after a poster was over, Ning Xuanyuan, who had nothing to do with this important event, was still living a quiet and ordinary life in Turin.

Quarrel with Wu Shaochun and Wu old man.

Or lie down with Qin Qiu, talk about the future.

Of course, the current focus of the husband and wife is on the young Ningxia who is about to be born. The old man said that when the child gets older, he will get restless and kick his mother in the belly at every turn.

Ning Xuanyuan and Qin Qiu both believed it.

However, watching the growing belly of Xiao Ningxia, who hadn't landed yet, was unexpectedly well-behaved. In fact, Ning Xuanyuan at this time could already feel that his first child was a girl!

It was also a few years later that everyone in the Long Live army would wait for the princess who was spoiled to their bones.

The princess wanted to watch the uncles and uncles sing and dance, so there was a big camp outside the Great Wall, and the long songs were loud and loud, and the laughter went straight to the nine faults.

The princess missed her own mother, so a big family who claimed to be half of the royal family saw the most horrible picture in life, and the city was full of swords!

"You have something on your mind."

At night.

Ning Xuanyuan, who was cautiously lying beside Qin Qiu and taking care of the life of the fat woman, could not help closing his eyes when he heard Qin Qiu's voice sound from his ears.

Ning Xuanyuan opened his eyes and was silent.

The two have been acquainted, to acquainted, and then to a pair of pairs. After all, they have had so many years. Let alone worry, even if Ning Xuanyuan frowned, Qin Qiu was enough to guess one or two.

There is indeed something on my mind!

"Not too important."

Ning Xuanyuan turned over, put Qin Qiu's small head on his right arm, turned his face sideways, and looked at Qin Qiu with a smile like that, and said abruptly, "I'm a lot fatter."

"You die."

Sure enough, no matter whether a woman is pregnant or a young girl is pregnant, she doesn't like to hear the word ‘fat’.

Going down with a mouthful of silver teeth, watching Ning Xuanyuan roll his eyes madly, Qin Qiu let go of the latter, snorted repeatedly, and warned, but after returning to the subject, Qin Qiu's expression gradually became tender.

Ning Xuanyuan was silent for a long time, and was open and fair. "Three days later, the Long Live Army will go out."

"I know."

"I brought them out. Every time I set out, I would drink a glass of strong wine to practice..." Ning Xuanyuan said to his lips and stopped abruptly.

Qin Qiu blinked Shui Lingling's big eyes, "Do you want to send them off?"

Ning Xuanyuan lighted his head silently, just after leaving a long way home, he was leaving again this time, and the destination was the capital that Qin Qiu hated and disliked most.

He felt that it was time to discuss.

Qin Qiu did not speak any more, turned over, pressed Ning Xuanyuan's arm, and gently turned off the bedroom light.

The breeze was blowing outside the window.

Although it is autumn, the hoofs of summer frogs are still in the ears.

The general stage needs someone to beat the drum, and the Long Live Army has always respected Ning Xuanyuan as the mainstay, so if he doesn't go this time, who will beat the drum?

in fact……

At this moment in the capital city, there is also someone who stayed up all night.

Wang Bozhao, who has not been very much troubled, is holding a cup of tea, standing outside the balcony, gazing at the dimly lit night view of the national capital, and is also thinking, excluding him from Ning Xuanyuan, who should do it for this group of soldiers?

"Is it possible to let Lao Tzu go out again? Miss Qin, you are really an old man's fate, a lot of age want to ask your family Xuanyuan to do something, so you have to nod first, hey."

"You are not a girl, you are grandma!"

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