Protagonist Aura

Chapter 554: I'm dead to death!

Wu Shaochun was silent.

Fall into thinking.

Ning Xuanyuan did not face his own problem directly. In other words, this conjecture was only directed and acted by Wu Shaochun. It is unclear whether it is true or not.

On the contrary, what happened during this period is quite cheesy.

Not long ago, Wu Shaochun asked Ning Xuanyuan's name several times, but the other party avoided talking, only with emotion, it was a grain of sand in the dust sea, why bother to ask whose name?

In addition, the old people of the arena, why do you know each other before!

The first half of the sentence is obviously perfunctory Wu Shaochun, and the second half of the sentence is a personal feeling of unsatisfactory question.

Elder Wu remembered that he was amazed at the time, and said with emotion that Ning Xuanyuan was so young that he had such an enlightenment. It really made him admire him, and he never asked the other party's name again.

This is one of the doubts.

Furthermore, a few days ago, he and Ning Xuanyuan talked about the Southern Front and the Long Live Army.

At that time, Ning Xuanyuan said directly that the southern dispute will be resolved as soon as possible. This certainty made Wu Shaochun feel that it was too big.

After all, an ordinary person who fishes with himself every day, how can he have the confidence to see this far?

After that, he said that he was going out, so please take care of Qin Qiu.

When he came back, the Long Live Army suddenly gathered in the country, triggering a new round of nationwide discussion.

Regardless of the time point, as well as Ning Xuanyuan's distinctive words and deeds, or what the two had talked about, Wu Shaochun had to think about this.

Because he didn't get a positive reply from Ning Xuanyuan, Wu Shaochun didn't dare to determine the true or false.

However, the appearance of Wang Bozhao and Tang Feng caused a reversal again on the scene where the situation should have been one-sided. Yulindao, national license plate, these prominent moods were all caught off guard by He Fangfei and Wu Qi.


Waiting for the third slap to slap He Fangfei's face, the femme woman in a state of confusion finally reacted, and furious on the spot, "You, you old immortal, dare to hit me?!"


He Fangfei spit out blood, and stared at Wang Bozhao with somber eyes.

The iron fan king's line has survived for three hundred years because the tribe has never been an official. After all, if you have a relationship with an official, you will inevitably have political enemies.


The Wu family has always had a simple purpose, only to develop the family, other things are optional.

The imperial family has the emperor's heart, and the Wu family also has the rules of the Wu family.

However, this does not represent the Wu family. Anyone who encounters an official background will immediately tremble with fear and dare not speak.

If the Wu family only has this weight, why does it last for 300 years?

Wu Qing’s previous shock was entirely due to the intervention of the Imperial Forest Army. He Fangfei also thought this way. How could a small place like Turin attract such people?

She didn't expect it at all. At the stage of half-guessing and half-doubt, Wang Bozhao, an old guy, came up and gave her three slaps, **** and painful!

"I grew up so no one dared to slap me in the face. You are the first one." He Fangfei gritted his teeth, revealing a sulky expression.

Wang Bozhao regained his amiable expression, and said, "The old man understands that you are not convinced. In that case, go find a helper."

He Fangfei, "..."

This is really ambitious. In public, he slapped himself a few times without saying it, and afterwards he bluntly told himself to find someone to help as soon as possible?

I have never seen anyone so arrogant!

When her Wu family iron fan Wang Feng, was she vegetarian?

"you sure?"

He Fangfei almost broke the tooth roots. It was horrible. Everyone was in awe of the iron fan king's line. When did he fall to this level?

Wang Bozhao gave her an understatement and was unmoved.

After that, the eyebrows raised, and he ran to Qin Qiu and shouted as he ran, "Miss Qin, the old man vented your anger. Don't be angry. Being angry is not good for the fetus."

He Fangfei, "..."

Everyone, "..."

"What are you doing?" Qin Qiu was not happy.

Wang Bozhao stopped on the spot, and then just smirked. With nowhere to put his hands, he could only scratch the scalp. He was helpless when he was old and scratched so much that everyone was afraid that his remaining hair would be bald.

"This, this..." Wang Bozhao hesitated to speak, but didn't dare to move closer to Qin Qiu.

Everyone was frightened.

The old guy who personally brought the presence of the commander level of the Imperial Forest Army to the stage, he was extremely domineering and rewarded He Fangfei a few slaps in the first second, and after a second, he responded to Qin Qiu with such tenderness.

Everyone is not stupid.

Everyone could tell that Wang Bozhao was embarrassed, but the eyes he looked at Qin Qiu were full of the love and consideration of the elders for the younger ones.

He really likes Qin Qiu.

Perhaps, in the eyes of his old bones, Qin Qiu is no different from his own granddaughter, guarding and guarding, for fear of her having a bad life.

Qin Qiu pursed his lips, wondering whether to be happy or sad.

Although she was prepared in her heart, after Wang Bozhao really had to show up in person, she knew that there were countless reasons for rejection, but she had to choose to give up.

"Have you eaten?" For a long time, Qin Qiu seemed to have made the hardest choice, sighed, then returned to his gaze, and asked Wang Bozhao.

Wang Bozhao was stunned, and reported truthfully, "The road is too rushed to have time."

Qin Qiu nodded and said, "Then go home for a meal later?"

Wang Bozhao was stunned again, why did this girl suddenly change her sex? Still generously invited yourself to eat at home? This……

Nothing to show your courtesy, you will steal if you do it!

Will it not be poisoned?

Wang Bozhao's eyeballs turned steadily, and he was uncertain about paying attention for a long time, but Qin Qiu rolled his eyes and said in dissatisfaction, "Why? Afraid that I will poison you to death?"

"Huh, death is near, and still thinking about eating together?" He Fangfei, who was a little far away, carefully wiped the blood on his cheeks, listening to Qin Qiu's conversation with Wang Bozhao, suddenly became angry.

A mortal slut.

An old thing that suddenly jumped out and slapped her.

Today, if they can get out of the Wu family courtyard alive, she would not believe in He Fangfei's life!

The scene that was supposed to be dull and depressing, in fact, gradually relaxed after Wang Bozhao appeared. Even if the iron fan Wang Yimai is still arrogant and domineering, he always extinguishes the situation and regards human life as a trifling matter.

It seems that the old man surnamed Wang has extraordinary infectious power, which makes everyone feel at ease.

However, calm down and think carefully about this sudden storm, of course, because of Wu Qi's arrogance and domineering, it has repeatedly expanded.

However, everyone knows Wang Bozhao's ultimate goal.

Actually came to Ning Xuanyuan!

This young man, who was repeatedly targeted by Wu Qi, has always been sitting in dire straits, and his unfavorable appearance is full of mystery at this moment!

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