“Looking at Shi Yi’s performance this time, this must be at least 10 points.”

【By Breaking the World, Cloud Mountain】

“Agree with the idea upstairs, this time Shi Yi’s plot is not worth hacking at all, although it is a shot against his younger brother, Shi Yi also shows the talent and strength he deserves.”

[By Snap Your Fingers to Cover the Sky World, Dacheng Hegemony]

“There’s nothing to say, 10 points this time.”

【By God’s Tomb World, Xuan Huang】

“I dare not agree with the views of the above three people, I will not forgive those who made a move on their brother, I still give 0 points!”

【By Ninja World, Uchiha Itachi】

“Indeed, although Shi Yi has shown talent and strength, his supreme bone was taken from Shi Hao after all, and I also give 0 points!”

【By the Great World, Xiao Huohuo】

At this moment, the Heavens and Worlds chat group gave their own opinions and evaluations.


The three-minute evaluation time is over.


The prompt sound of the mysterious light curtain also sounded directly.

[Dingdong, I have detected that the current evaluation has ended, and now I will start to summarize the comprehensive evaluation of Shi Yi by the heavens and realms! ] 】

A mechanical sound sounded in everyone’s mind.

Everyone was curious when they heard this.

How many points can Shi Yi get this time.

Is it really like many people say, directly surpassing the previous three results, and then getting the S grade evaluation.

The next moment, Shi Yi’s scoring results appeared!

[Original world protagonist: Shi Yi! ] 】

[Comparison event: brothers fight, who is weak and who is strong! ] 】

【Overall evaluation:9.0 points】

[Tip: This data is the comprehensive evaluation score of the entire Heavens and Worlds, calculated as follows, the total score is divided by the total number of people, the full score is 10 points, and the lowest score is 0 points! ] 】

【Evaluation result: S [highest is S, lowest is D-]

With the appearance of this data panel, the entire Heavens and Worlds couldn’t help but boil.

Countless Shi Yi’s fans directly exploded and became excited.

After all, this is the first time Shi Yi has received an S-grade evaluation.

“Haha, sure enough, in the fantasy world, only strong strength is right, although Shi Yi’s road is a little dark, but still got an S-grade evaluation, which also means that many people agree with Shi Yi!”

Within the Douluo World, Tang San was directly excited.

At the same time, he couldn’t help but look directly at Xiao Wu on the side to see what Xiao Wu’s reaction was.

Xiao Wu was obviously shocked by this result, and didn’t know how to open her mouth for a while.

And this scene naturally made Tang San even more excited.

As long as Shi Yi gets a few more S-grade evaluations in the future, Xiao Wu’s worship of Shi Feng is estimated to be completely disintegrated.

“Shi Yi, don’t let me down.”

Tang San couldn’t help but look at the mysterious light curtain, and muttered in an excited tone.

And at the same time, within the original timeline.

Shi Yi himself immediately became excited, and even couldn’t help laughing.

9.0 points!

S-rated evaluation! He got it too!

And Shi Yi believes that this is definitely not his first S-grade evaluation, and there will definitely be more in the future! After all, from the talent and strength he just showed in that comparison incident.

Its future achievements are absolutely limitless!

At that time, it will definitely exceed everyone’s imagination!

“Shi Feng, can you win me this time?!”

Thinking of this, Shi Yi couldn’t help but show a victor’s smile.

On his side, the Rain King also showed a relieved expression.

It was not in vain that he stood up to support Shi Yi at this time, and Shi Yi did not let him down.

The Rain King felt that he had made the right bet!

Shi Yi’s future is absolutely brilliant!

And Shi Yi’s mother couldn’t help but pat Shi Yi’s shoulder, which meant that she also recognized Shi Yi’s achievements.

From 2.7 at the beginning, to 9.0 now.

Shi Yi’s growth is obvious to all.

And the next thing to do is to see Shi Feng’s performance and see if he can surpass 9.0 points.

If not.

Then the victory of this game is destined to belong to Shi Yi! At the same time, the entire Heavens and Worlds chat group was also directly hotly discussed.

All those who supported Shi Yi were on their lips and were celebrating.

In this regard, many people who supported Shi Feng also replied.

“It’s just an S-grade evaluation, it’s not a big deal, Shi Feng has taken it three times.”

[By greedy and afraid of death]

“Agree with the idea upstairs, and this time Shi Feng’s plot has not yet begun, these guys are also happy too early.”

[By I’m just a Kamen Rider passing by]

“If Shi Feng continues to write the legend again this time, will these guys directly break the defense?”

【By the Black Emperor who loves to receive people’s favors】

“Hahaha, I should have to ask Shi Yi if he will break the defense.”

【By Westward Journey World, Monkey King】


But while everyone was arguing.



The prompt sound of the mysterious light curtain sounded again, attracting everyone’s attention to the past.

[Please get ready for the heavens and realms, and then start playing Shi Feng’s perspective! ] 】

[Comparison event: The upper realm is angry, and the gods are coming! ] 】

[Hint: Please watch carefully by the creatures of the heavens and realms, and then give Shi Feng an evaluation in the final stage! ] 】

With the appearance of these three lines of subtitles, it also means that the plot belonging to Shi Feng is about to begin.

Everyone couldn’t help but widen their eyes.

After all, Shi Yi has already taken the lead in getting an S-grade evaluation of 9.0 points.

If Shi Feng wins this comparison, then he will only perform better than Shi Yi.

Otherwise, Shi Feng’s three-game winning streak record would be broken.

With everyone’s expectations!

Above the mysterious light curtain, pictures began to appear!


In a flash.

The sky was shattered, the cosmic chaos exploded, the electromagnetic storm flashed, the firmament was tearing, and the entire firmament seemed to be stained red with blood! It looks like the end of the world is coming!

This plot belonging to Shi Feng just started and instantly scared many people.

“What’s going on here? The world is destroyed?! ”

Someone couldn’t help but shout.

Originally, they were still looking forward to Shi Feng’s wonderful performance, but it turned out to be such a scene? What the hell is going on here?

And yet everyone was wondering.

The camera above the mysterious light curtain turned, and a more shocking scene appeared.

At the end of that firmament.

The blood is red, the thunder and lightning are intertwined, the clouds are dense, and the sense of depression has simply reached the extreme.

But this is not the main thing, the main thing is that behind that black-pressed cloud, rows of terrifying heavenly soldiers and generals are standing there, each of them exuding a terrifying aura, with a bloody murderous aura.

And that blood-red sky was dyed red by their murderous aura.

And these days the soldiers and generals are not yet the protagonists!

Behind them, stood four terrifying and huge phantoms, looking down on the ground.

Everyone is like a demon god, and the earth veins and mountains and rivers oppressed by the breath are about to collapse.

Upper Realm Fury! God come!

At this moment, everyone understood why Shi Feng’s comparative introduction was these two sentences.

This picture at the beginning directly impacted everyone and shocked countless living beings.

“In the face of such a terrifying Heavenly Soldier Heavenly General, does Shi Feng want to single out alone?”

Someone couldn’t help but muttered in shock.

After hearing this, many fans who supported Shi Yi directly replied: “What kind of joke? Shi Feng is only in the formation realm now, does he want to smash so many heavenly soldiers and generals and find death? ”

“That’s right, and the more you reach the late stage of cultivation, the greater the gap between its realms, although Shi Feng was able to cut down before, but now it is impossible to fear death.”

In the Doubao world, Yunshan also directly sneered.

After all, he knows this very well.

Back then, in order to break through to the Douzong powerhouse, he did not hesitate to spend countless hours, but he all failed in the end.

However, in the end, fortunately, he got the help of the Soul Hall, so that he could rely on a pill to break through to the Douzong powerhouse.

But even the Douzong who relied on the elixir to break through, this also made Yunshan feel the gap between Douzong and Douhuang.

Now if he wants to suppress a Douhuang, it is almost a matter of raising his hand.

And those Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals aside, those four terrifying phantoms alone were almost several realms higher than Shi Feng.

What did Shi Feng take to fight against?

But at this moment.

Inside the original timeline.

After seeing this scene, Shi Yi couldn’t help but laugh directly.

Didn’t this Shi Feng threaten to suppress all geniuses from the Upper Realm before? Now it’s a big trouble.

Isn’t this a typical failure of pretending?

Shi Yi showed a mocking expression.

The Rain King on the side also nodded and echoed his statement.

But what puzzled the Rain King was.

There is a gap between the upper and lower realms, the more powerful people are, the more difficult it is for people to go to the lower realm, how did these people appear in the lower realm? Yet just as he landed on this idea.

The lens on the mysterious light curtain turned directly to the ground.

Shi Feng has appeared!

And at this moment, Shi Feng was also firmly looking at the scene above the sky.

But there was not the slightest panic in his eyes.

“Before that, you Upper Realm Sect Leaders would have to pay a huge price if you wanted to cross the border, and if you want to cross the border today, it will be even more impossible for you to cross the border, so let the strongest disciples of your sect come down.”

Shi Feng looked at the sky and slowly spoke.

Before that, he forcibly cut off the descendants of the Condensing Golden Gate in the Upper Realm, as well as several other Upper Realm geniuses.

These so-called great religions were furious.

And now it was even more to shock Shi Feng in this way, showing his supreme terrifying strength, wanting to make Shi Feng submit.

But Shi Feng was not afraid at all.

He dares to say those words, he just has enough confidence.

Not to mention that he had also been to the Great Wilderness Stone Village during this time and had seen that supreme willow tree.

Therefore, Shi Feng did not have the slightest fear now.

And the truth is indeed the same as what Shi Feng said.

This terrifying sight did not last long before it dispersed… Then it was too difficult for the Upper Realm Sect Master to come down.

But even so, they did not intend to let Shi Feng go, forcibly attacked, interfered with the power of the rules, and then sent out several geniuses hidden in their sect to suppress Shi Feng.

“I really don’t know if I’m dead or alive, you so-called Upper Realm geniuses have come in batches and batches, and you don’t know how many have been killed by me!” Seeing this, Shi Feng’s eyes also became cold directly.”

The next moment, he directly shot up into the sky and killed those several geniuses.

At the same time, a divine light on the ground also rushed out.

This person is Shi Hao!

The two young supremes of the Martial King Mansion have struck again! And yet the results are still impressive.

After this period of practice, Shi Feng’s strength has improved a lot again, far exceeding it before.

Those geniuses of the Upper Realm are very strong.

There are even terrifying originals!

But the final result was still killed by Shi Feng!

The blood of the Upper Realm geniuses directly stained the entire ground, and even the Upper Realm magic weapons they brought with them were completely exploded by Shi Feng.

At this moment, Shi Feng threw away a broken Excalibur in his hand.

This was a magic weapon belonging to the Immortal Heavenly Venerable Heir, and it was broken by Shi Feng’s punch during the battle just now.


Shi Feng looked at the firmament and said indifferently: “You geniuses of the Upper Realm can’t do it, it’s not enough for me to kill, if you don’t want to come to the next moment.”


A huge thunder split out and instantly exploded in the sky.

This was obviously the anger of those four Upper Realm Sect Leaders.

Although they can’t descend to the Nether, they can still use their Dao Xing and watch this battle closely.

Especially when they saw that the genius they sent was slaughtered by Shi Feng, they were completely furious.

But helplessly, according to the current situation, they really can’t go to the nether bounds.

If not.

Even if they paid a big price, they would all behead Shi Feng in the Nether.

After all, Shi Feng’s talent is really strong and terrifying.

Once you let it grow, there will be absolutely endless troubles!

But in the face of the anger of the Upper Realm Sect Leader, Shi Feng didn’t care at all, and directly turned around and returned to the Martial King Mansion, completely ignoring them.

But although Shi Feng didn’t care, the chat group of the heavens and realms was not calm.

“My God, the four Upper Realm Sect Leaders are so angry, can’t they all take Shi Feng?”

[By a hundred times, a hundred times of the purple-gold dragon]

“To be honest, when I just saw that near-apocalyptic picture, I was really worried about Shi Feng, afraid that something would happen to him.”

[By I’m just a Kamen Rider passing by]

“These four Upper Realm Sect Leaders are deflated, it is estimated that they will also find a way to find the field, I don’t know how Shi Feng plans to deal with it next.”

[By War Correspondent, Wu Geng]

“Let’s believe Shi Feng, Shi Feng is not the kind of person who pretends to be casual, everyone rest assured, let’s continue to see Shi Feng’s next plot first.”

【By Endless Fire Domain, Xiao Huohuo】



But in the meantime.

Inside the original timeline.

After Shi Yi’s mother saw these barrages, she couldn’t help but smile sarcastically.


Is this still reassuring?

In the face of the wrath of the four Upper Realm Sect Leaders, Shi Feng was currently only in the Formation Realm, and his strength was too weak.

If one day, the power of the rules of this upper and lower realms disappears, then Shi Feng’s fate is useless to say, and he will definitely be killed by the four sect masters!

On the contrary, his son’s talent and strength have just been shown, and he has also won an S-grade evaluation.

Its future is simply bright.

Thinking of this, Shi Yi’s mother couldn’t help but feel better.

At the same time, Shi Yi himself nodded, showed a smile, and looked into the mysterious light curtain again.

After all, he also wanted to see how Shi Feng was killed by the Upper Realm Sect Leader.

The next moment, the scene above the mysterious light curtain also changed again.

As soon as the camera turned, it was already three days later.

During this time, there were no other actions in the upper realm, and those geniuses did not return to the lower realm, so for the lower realm, it seemed very calm, and nothing major happened.

And Shi Feng also left King Wu’s Mansion today and entered the depths of the Great Desolation.

But at this very moment.


A divine light came quickly and directly broke into Shi Feng’s line of sight.

Wait for that light to dissipate and reveal the true body inside.

Shi Feng instantly showed shock! At the same time, the exclamations of countless people directly sounded in the chat group of the heavens and realms! How could it be it?!

Why is it in the Nether Wilderness?!

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