The white-haired witch of destruction was a name that the goblins had long heard from the orcs.

Among the human race, there is a white-haired female.

She is cruel and ruthless, and takes pleasure in killing.

She can bring great disasters with just a wave of her hand.

Seeing the white figure in front of them, the goblins all thought of the legend that came from the orcs.

And almost in an instant.

The powerful mental pressure rushed into their minds.

The same sentence appeared in their minds at the same time.

"This time, warning."

"Next time, death."

White Deer, who has a very high spiritual value, has learned from his brother how to force spiritual thoughts into the minds of other creatures.

With the current spiritual value gap between Bai Lu and the goblins.

These goblins have no room to resist the spiritual invasion of White Deer.

Not only that, White Deer's thoughts also carry a strong sense of oppression.

It makes it difficult for them to have the idea of ​​resistance.

Spiritual thoughts can transmit more than just sound.

It can also transmit pictures.

While the goblins received the spiritual thoughts of White Deer, countless orcs burned by flames flashed in their minds.

With the crackling of flames, they heard the orcs screaming and shouting in the sea of ​​fire, wailing in despair!

They saw the scene that looked like hell.

This is a witch!

This is a witch who brings destruction!

The goblins were sweating coldly.

Some even knelt down.

Bowing to the white-haired witch of destruction.

The psychology of following the crowd is fully reflected in the goblin race.

There is a beginning, and then there are continuous ones.

Not long after, we saw that the goblins on the wall had put down their blades, bows and crossbows and other weapons, and all knelt on the ground.

The brave and fearless who were hiding in the woods in the distance were stunned when they saw this scene.

What the hell?

This is the domineering domineering!

Is the mage so awesome?

Is it too late to change to a mage now?

The commander of the goblins on the wall was also panicked when he saw this scene.

Surrender is always just an alternative plan.

If you can resist, you should resist at least.

But this damn, why did these cowards lie down!

"Give me all..."


Bai Lu raised his hand again, and the light of fire appeared in the sky.

Accumulating strength but not firing.

After the casting process is completed, temporarily not firing is also one of the basic operations of the mage.

Based on this, the casting can also be canceled and delayed.

Seeing this fire light up.

The commander's legs also softened.


"Or death?" Bai Lu asked these two sentences again with his mind.

The sky fire hanging high in the sky is undoubtedly a death warrant.

Finally, fear broke the commander's mental defense line.

He knelt down with difficulty and said: "Surrender."

After hearing this, Bai Lu turned his head towards the woods.

Secretly gestured "Yeah"

The goblins were already afraid of fighting before the war.

They had already thought about escaping without fighting.

This race is a typical representative of bullying the weak and fearing the strong. If they know that the enemy is too strong, they will hardly have any thoughts of challenging.

As for protecting the race and the like.

If there is no pressure from above, they will not protect any city or country.

Run first.

The city gate was opened.

Or it had to be opened.

If it didn't open, Bai Lu would break it open for them.

Lu Cang and others entered Sim City under the flattering embrace of the goblins.

"The strongest man of the human race is Cang Qiong."

"The second strongest man of the human race is Leng Qingying."

"The third strongest man of the human race is Bai Lu."

"The strongest man of the stone statues is Zu Ya."

"The fourth strongest man of the human race is Brave and Fearless."

The goblins whispered to each other, and when they saw the people coming, they checked the rankings on the leaderboard one by one.

The people of the human race who came were all high-ranking big men.

The goblins were not as suspicious of the rankings as the human race.

They believed in the rankings of the strong in the fantasy world.

The goblins hiding behind the city wall also whispered: "Are they the ones who killed Fiery Fang? What a strong aura."

"Yeah, Fiery Fang is actually quite powerful."

"Didn't you see the flame that fell from the sky just now? Fiery Fang is nothing!"

The ranking of Bai Lu and Leng Qingying's strength always changes occasionally.

The sides of the two battles

Different emphasis.

In fact, it is difficult to distinguish the strong from the weak.

Combat skills do not account for a high proportion of Bai Lu's combat rating.

However, Fearless has always been at the bottom.

Who told him that while his combat skills are poor, skills are very important to him.

Under the escort and accompaniment of the goblins.

Everyone came to the reception hall of Sim City.

The reception hall can be described as magnificent and grand.

But when I think of it, this is the territory of the goblins.

Leng Qingying couldn't help but feel a little spoiled.

After everyone waited for a while.

Soon, the ruler of this city was invited out.

It was accompanied by two fully armed goblin guards, and smiled flatteringly: "Lord Cangqiong."

"What are you doing here?"

In the private communication just now, it has already understood the horror of this group of humans.

The goblins exaggerated.

It made Lu Cang and his people look like demons.

It knew about [Xilong City].

The lord of that city was much more powerful than it.

If Xilong City couldn't be defended, then its Sim City probably couldn't be defended either.

"If you want to borrow it, please feel free to do so." The lord of the city rubbed his hands and said respectfully with a flattering smile.

It was humble and showed goodwill to Lu Cang.

"Is this your plan, Boss?" The fearless brave was shocked by the team's language.

"Then we can just pass by casually!"

But Lu Cang said contemptuously in the team voice: "Heh, you are useless."

Faced with the city lord's question, Lu Cang shook his head and said: "No, I'm not asking for permission."

"I'm here to ask for an explanation."

"Ask for an explanation?"

"A few hours ago, we passed by a forest hundreds of kilometers away."

"I didn't want to have a dispute with you, but you attacked us without knowing the truth."

The corner of the goblin city lord's mouth twitched.

Feeling a little bad.

"This matter has not been settled yet." Lu Cang said in a serious and cold tone.

Leng Qingying, who was standing aside, was fearless and even Bai Lu was shocked.

Can this be counted?

"This... but didn't you also kill tens of thousands of our goblin warriors..." The goblin city lord wanted to refute.

But seeing the murderous intent in Lu Cang's eyes, he swallowed the words he wanted to say again.

"We have already paid with our lives."

"Not enough, that was just our legitimate defense, not compensation." Lu Cang said in a tough tone.

"So what do you want?" But after saying this, it shuddered and immediately added: "Is one million gold coins enough?"

Damn! Bai Lu was stunned.

Can this really be blackmailed? Sure enough, the bigger the fist, the harder the truth.

Oh, yes, and it has to be right! Sure enough, the president is right when he says that there is a reason everywhere!

Lu Cang still directly rejected the city lord's proposal: "Not enough."

"How much do you want? Name a number." The goblin city lord gritted his teeth.

It can already sense that it will be ripped off.

When he heard the other party say this, Lu Cang smiled slightly and said: "I don't want much."

"Just give me this city, it will be your apology for attacking us."

"Moreover, I can also guarantee that the human race will not take the initiative to attack you goblins for a period of time, unless... you ask for trouble."

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