"The heritage of the goblins, a heritage without even any information..."

"Another game of pioneering." Lu Cang thought to himself.

Even after being reborn four times, there are still things in the fantasy world that Lu Cang doesn't know.

It's better to say that there are too many things that he doesn't know. In fact, the knowledge he knows is only a small part.

He only knows what happened in this lower world, the places he has been to, the things he has seen and heard.

Compared with the vast knowledge of the entire fantasy world, these knowns seem to be a little insignificant. If it is called "omniscience", it would be even more ridiculous.

But the good thing is that this insignificant knowledge is barely enough to some extent.

After all, in the fantasy world, almost no one can say that they know everything.

"Send it back first."

Lu Cang just wants to see what treasure the compass points to.

The Fearless Hero scratched his head and asked, "Ah? Go back directly?"

"Or are you going to play the dungeon with a burden?"

"Oh, that's right."

The Yeti has very little HP, only a little over a thousand, and moves slowly.

Forget about AOE.

It might be blown to pieces by the wind in some harsh terrain.

It's not that you can't find a way to protect it.

But it's also tiring to protect a burden all the time.

Lu Cang's decision is absolutely correct, and this has become a theorem within the God Killing Guild.

Even if they have to turn back the same way, everyone doesn't have too many other ideas.

Soon, everyone returned to the original fork in the road.

Walk towards the fork on the right.

The monsters along this road are obviously much weaker.

All of them are the monsters with 40,000 or 60,000 HP that appeared before.

The Fearless Hero naturally killed them like cutting melons and vegetables.

After walking for a while, I saw a [Angry Snow Beast] not far away.

A level 40 BOSS.

Its health is 2 million, and it has the characteristic of being able to continuously add a freezing effect to all enemies within a radius of 50 meters.

The freezing effect can slow down the player's overall speed.

In the fantasy world, there is only full speed. The so-called attack speed and movement speed are all divided by the average number of attacks that players can temporarily make at a certain speed, or the average movement speed.

But generally speaking, masters can be higher than this average, resulting in the phenomenon that one side is always faster under the same speed attribute.

And the fearless warrior has a very fast attack speed now.

Seeing this BOSS, the fearless warrior slashed with a sword from a distance!

A long and wide sword light flashed across.


One sword deals 4.5 million damage.

One sword cut the BOSS to gray blood.

Directly locked at 30% of the blood volume.

The [Angry Snow Beast] in the distance crossed his hands and began to charge on the spot. Snow and wind gathered around it within a 50-meter radius.

An extremely cold area was formed.

"Don't get close, it's going to explode."

Everyone stopped outside the BOSS skill.

Sure enough, after charging for three seconds - boom!

A loud bang! The storm of ice and snow exploded directly!

A huge pit was left on the spot, and the BOSS only had 1% of its health left.

This turned out to be a self-destruction type of attack? If you get hit by this attack, there might be a lot of danger.

The damage in the fantasy world always follows the rule that the stronger the side effects, the greater the lethality, and the self-destruction type of lethality is undoubtedly among the best among all the damage.

The BOSS, with only 1% of its health left, turned his head and looked at everyone, his eyes red.

Leng Qingying threw the Mortal Dagger in her hand, and the dagger instantly penetrated the BOSS, causing more than 60,000 damage.

In another instant, Leng Qingying came to the dagger and picked it up again.

Two treasure chests appeared in front of Leng Qingying.

Leng Qingying opened the box directly.

"Nothing good."

[Loot treasure chest: life recovery potion (small), flying snow wrist guard (black iron), flying snow crown (black iron), flying snow leg guard (black iron), gold x3...]

A pile of broken copper and iron, all garbage.

This is also the first kill in the dungeon, the first kill in the easy difficulty dungeon.

The easy difficulty can only explode black iron quality equipment, and the gold coins are pitifully few. This is also the reward that most human players in the fantasy world can get from dungeons.

After a dungeon, five people share 3 gold coins, and they also need to repair equipment.

If it weren't for the money given after completing the task, otherwise, after playing a dungeon, including the money for taking drugs and repairing equipment, I'm afraid I would have to pay out of my own pocket.

This is also the reason why the gold coins in the fantasy world are valuable. The big guilds buy gold coins from the players who are frugal.Picked off.

In the Brave Fantasy, other players sell gold coins for dozens or hundreds of gold coins.

But in fact, when players sell gold coins to coin dealers, many of them sell them for a few silver or copper coins.

Some low-powered players do not make as much money from dungeons as those players who pick up garbage.

Of course, in fact, dungeons are not a particularly profitable channel. The players who really make money are those merchants squatting in the trading house.

There are only a small number of players who can make high profits in dungeons.

Only in Lu Cang's guild can a crazy-difficulty dungeon earn thousands of gold coins, but how many people in the entire human race can play a crazy-difficulty dungeon?

"Just collect it, and throw it directly into the guild warehouse when you get to the town."

There is no need to share this resource.

After killing the BOSS, a white light gate appeared in front of everyone.

Obviously, as long as you go out of this light gate, you can leave the dungeon.

Everyone took the snow monster through the light gate.

After leaving the dungeon, there was a house made of ice bricks in front of them.

Dozens of snow monsters live here.

"Waibi!" The snow monster led by Lu Cang and others shouted, and then ran towards an old snow monster not far away.

The old snow monster heard the shout and looked in the direction of Lu Cang and others.

Seeing the little snow monster, he couldn't help but show a human-like shock.


The brave man asked the white deer: "What are they talking about?"

The white deer: "It's sentimental."


The two snow monsters ran towards each other and hugged each other tightly. This scene really seemed to need no translation.

Then, the old snow monster stood up and said to everyone: "Waibi Barros..."

The white deer translated: "Now thanking us."

"I hope we will treat this place as our home."

Then, a prompt popped up in front of everyone.


[Snow Monster Mission Completed - Your Team Has Activated Independent Teleport Point: Snow Monster Village]

[You can now teleport to the Snow Monster Village through any teleport array, provided that the village is within the teleport range]

[This teleport point is only available to players who have completed this mission, and is not a shared coordinate point for the entire clan]


"Independent teleport point."

Generally, such places often have some special features, such as some exclusive props that can only be sold here, and special materials that can only be produced here.

Independent teleport points are extremely rare, and players who have activated independent teleport points rarely share their own teleport points.

"Waibi Bimo!"

"It's inviting us to be guests, and it also said it will give us a reward." Bai Lu translated.

Everyone entered the village under the leadership of the snow monster.

Not long after, they arrived at the residence of the old snow monster.

"It said that Qiqi (little snow monster) is its only child. It was very anxious when Qiqi got lost some time ago. It is very grateful that we brought it back."

"This is a gift to us."

The old snow monster took out five amulets.


[Zero Degree Guardian Amulet]

[Effect: Holding this amulet, you can be immune to all negative effects of non-divine cold systems, and ignore the extreme cold curse in the gray snow cave]

[When holding this amulet, the moment you receive fatal damage, the ice guard will be triggered, and you will be completely frozen for 30 seconds. The ice has extremely high durability and will not be damaged by anything other than ice before the ice breaks (once every 6 hours)]


Immune to all cold control.

And it also has death immunity.

This item is really a good thing.

More importantly, with five copies, the fault tolerance rate of the entire team can be said to have been greatly improved.

The God Killing Guild is indeed strong now, but among the five people, four are fragile.

Although there is a master like Lu Cang who is always there to back us up, the margin of error is too low in general.

The risk of death is always there.

With this amulet, it is much easier to fight.

"Ignore the extreme cold curse of the Gray Snow Hollow? It seems to be a series of tasks." The inheritance copy of the goblin tribe is called the Gray Snow Hollow.

It seems that if you don't get this amulet, you may be eroded by a troublesome curse when you enter that copy.

This snow monster is indeed sent to the right place.

Of course, the village is next to it. If you find the Gray Snow Hollow copy and find that there is a troublesome curseIf you find Qiqi directly after defeating the world boss, you will probably go to the snow monster village to find a solution.

At this time, you may also receive a task from the village chief to find the snow monster Qiqi.

After a series of clues and tasks, it is very likely that you will find the world boss in the end. After killing the world boss, you will find Qiqi to hand in the task.

The route to accept tasks in the fantasy world is not fixed, but diverse.

Of course, if you find Qiqi directly after defeating the world boss, and then kill the snow monster to eat, the task will be interrupted.

However, the interruption of the task does not mean that you can't get the amulet at all. If you kill the village chief and confiscate his house, you can probably find the amulet.

If you don't take this route.

There may be other solutions to the so-called gray snow hole curse.

In the fantasy world, there are always many ways to solve a problem. It can be said that almost 99% of things have unique tricks, and there are at least three solutions.

"The specialty of our village is Shengjing Ice Dew and Everfreeze Crystal Ore."

"If you need it, you can come to our village to buy it at any time. We only need a small amount of materials from the outside world to exchange. However, our village is small and the production is limited. We may not be able to provide a large amount of resources at one time." Bai Lu continued to act as an interpreter.

After the old snow monster finished these words.

He took out five small bottles of crystal blue.


[Shengjing Ice Dew]

[Effect: After taking it, the ice resistance is increased by 70% on the basis of the original resistance, and an additional 50% ice damage reduction is obtained (duration: 12 hours)]

[Description: A potion that greatly improves the resistance to ice, and it tastes good. ]


"Ice resistance potion, and the value is very high."

Lu Cang is not a potion useless theorist. On the contrary, Lu Cang will prepare various special potions in advance to deal with different complex situations.

Under the right environment, a bottle of potion can even produce a stronger effect than a fully enhanced gold equipment.

For example, use Featherfall when jumping off a cliff, and drink fire resistance potion in a fire environment.

There are many monsters in the fantasy world that are good at single element attacks, especially various elemental monsters.

Lu Cang accepted the other party's thank-you gift.

"Lu Lu, give me your snowman suit."

Bai Lu looked strange after hearing his brother's request: "Huh."

But he still took off his clothes and transferred them to his brother.

Lu Cang put on the snowman suit and started talking to the old snow monster.

"Waibi Babu, Waibi Polo..."

"Waibu, Bubi Wai Luo..."

After chatting about seven or eight sentences.

The two stopped communicating, and Lu Cang returned Bai Lu's snowman suit.

"Okay, you can go to the next book and get the goblin's inheritance relic."


The text layout is gradually lengthened to reduce page turning. The previous style was more paragraphs and fewer words.

Now a paragraph will contain more information.

Considering that if you have to turn the page more than ten times in a chapter, it will definitely be more troublesome than turning the page only five or six times, so the length of a single paragraph has been gradually lengthened and the number of paragraphs has been reduced.

In fact, the two types of layouts have their own advantages and disadvantages.

It is easy to read the information of a sentence at a glance with more paragraphs and fewer words, and the speed of receiving information is fast.

If a single paragraph has more words, you need to read it a little slower, but in terms of the advertising mechanism, it should actually reduce the frequency of advertisements.

I read it myself in 15-point Hanyi Qihei, and also use 15 and 17-point fonts as the standard for typesetting.

Then finally, let me say something inconspicuously. I have something to do today, so it is likely that there will be only two updates, and there will be more updates tomorrow. (The author has something to say but can't put it down, so I'll put it here.)

Tap the screen to use advanced tools Tip: You can use left and right keyboard keys to browse between chapters.

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