[Basic Power]

As soon as the Hegemony was activated, the aura of the Fearless Warrior changed. In the eyes of the Withered Ancestral Tree, the Fearless Warrior's weak human body seemed to become as big as a mountain!

But when he came back to his senses, he found that he was still the same person.

His body size had not changed at all.

"The sword that will kill you is called Star Slash!"

Closed Forbidden Circle Slash!


With the double bonus of the Hegemony and the [Star Slash] giant sword, the range of the Closed Forbidden Circle Slash has expanded to a radius of 500 meters.

The black light column shot up into the sky!

It can be seen even from dozens of miles away.

One sword converges!


-125,248,529 (Critical Hit)


The Fearless Warrior closed the sword and slashed it! One sword was 120 million damage.

The Withered Ancestral Tree didn't even realize what was happening.

It was instantly melted by this sword.

Before it died, it could only see its health bar. After taking two Skyfire Drops, it still had about two-thirds of its health left.

But the next moment, this b-man shouted that he was the fourth strongest person of the human race and jumped up.

With a flash of black light, its entire health bar was directly emptied.

What the hell?

One sword for 100 million?

Is this the damage that a human can deal?

The withered ancestral tree woke up again.


"No, we have to leave here quickly."

After experiencing a fight, it realized how terrifying Cang Qiong and others were.

It was completely different from what it thought!

How could it be so outrageous?

Originally thought that even if it was strong, it still had a chance to fight.

And at worst, it could immediately use the seeds to move over long distances. As long as there was enough time, it could still escape. Even if it couldn't win, it could still have no problem escaping with its health.

And if it could take away one or two people from the Sky Team and plunder their equipment and props, it would be a huge profit.


It was completely different from the plan it had envisioned.

How could this be possible? A single attack melted it directly.

However, after resurrection.

The withered ancestor tree found that the situation was not right.

What happened? Why was it all red?

And it was very hot, very hot.

Just as it was about to teleport, whoosh! The sea of ​​fire instantly rose and burned.

[Life value: 52 million] After experiencing a death, it spit out a lot of the upper limit of the life value it absorbed.

The blood volume dropped sharply.

"Since you are here, why are you running." Lu Cang's phantom held the book in his hand and smiled faintly.

In the sky, continuous sky fire fell!

Boom boom boom!

Fifty-two million HP is no different from paper under such fierce firepower. Except for Zuya, everyone in the God Killing Guild can easily output tens of millions of damage.

Four Heavenly Fire Falls, plus the All-Destroying Sea of ​​Fire, are enough to kill it completely.

The Withered Ancestral Tree remembered the legend.

The legend of the death of Explosive Fang.

The death of Explosive Fang has always been a mystery. In theory, it is difficult to completely kill a player.

It takes 24 hours to kill the opponent 5 times in a row.

Basically, during this period, as long as it is a normal player, it will not be killed like this.

Unless it directly blocks other people's resurrection points to kill.

However, when it got the news, the Withered Ancestral Tree didn't care at all.

In its view, Explosive Fang, an ordinary goblin with nothing special, was excusable for being killed.

Until now, when facing the fear of Lu Cang and others, it remembered Explosive Fang.

The third resurrection.

This time, Leng Qingying was guarding it.

[HP: 10.12 million] After dying again, its HP dropped a lot.

Its HP is now less than one-tenth of its peak.

It will take a longer time to convert the HP it absorbed into a permanent HP limit.

If it dies during this period, it will spit out a large amount of HP it absorbed.

Leng Qingying didn't say much, and her figure had already passed through the body of the withered ancestor tree, and dozens of cut marks appeared on the body of the withered ancestor tree almost at the same time.

Swift Shadow Slash, a one-star skill of the level 55 [Dusk Shadow], instantly penetrates the enemy's body, causing 19 consecutive slashes (increased according to the full speed bonus)

Swish swish swish swish swish!

After Leng Qingying completed the piercing action, the damage of the slash exploded.

In an instant, the ancestor tree was killed again.

Lu Cang nodded slightly, looked at Leng Qingying and said: "This time, make it a little weaker, don't harvest it."

"Yes." Leng Qingying responded simply.

The withered ancestral tree revived again,Its mood swings have changed from the initial arrogance and calmness to panic.

It has begun to regret.

Why didn't it leave at the beginning, why did it wait here for two hours?

Waiting for two hours to die is too ridiculous!

[Health value: 5.04 million]

This time it was resurrected, its size has become very small, just a black tree of more than ten meters.

It is far less huge than when it was first seen.

The moment after resurrection.

Its health was chopped down to only 100,000 by Leng Qingying.

And Lu Cang changed his equipment.

Just chopped it twice.

It reduced its health to only 1,200 points.

The control of the damage amount is extremely precise, even Leng Qingying dare not guarantee that she can accurately cut this amount of health.

This is already in the category of damage fluctuation.

The damage in the fantasy world fluctuates according to the different parts attacked.

The damage to the weak point may be higher.

Attacking insignificant parts will cause less damage.

Add to that physical fitness, resistance bonus, race correction and other aspects.

No one can guarantee how much damage their attack will cause.

But Lu Cang accurately controlled his health at 1200.

After his health was reduced to 1200, Zu Ya, who had already returned to the ground by exchanging positions with Leng Qingying, took advantage of the situation and threw a heavy punch!



A simple punch, 1300 points of damage.

Just killed the withered ancestor tree completely, and it was almost as soon as it had consciousness, its health was completely empty.

Then Stone punched it out and put an end to it.

The poor withered ancestor tree has become a toy for the God Killing Guild.

In less than a minute.

It has been killed four times, and the next time it will be completely dead.

While waiting for the withered ancestral tree to revive, the brave and fearless asked: "Boss, it is so weak, how can it challenge us?"

"It is not weak, but we are stronger."

"But it was not its weakness that caused its death, but its ignorance. The more ignorant people are, the more inexplicably confident they are."

"It has never seen us before, but it thinks that our strength is not as good as it."

"Fearless, I don't think your cowardice is a bad thing, because when encountering an unknown enemy, the most important thing should be to understand it first, rather than blindly charging into battle."

"Otherwise, it is the best example."

The withered ancestral tree revived again.

It only had one million HP left.

The last one who had not killed the withered ancestral tree was the only one left among the five people, Bai Lu.

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