Fighting the world bosses all the way, we got a lot of materials that can be used to upgrade equipment.

However, there are six special weapons in a guild that need to be upgraded, and the warehouse is still a little empty.

"After the first sleep, the special weapons should be upgraded to the platinum level."

Leng Qingying sent two silver-quality equipments that were strengthened to +4 to Nige Rongzi.

Nige Rongzi wiped the sweat from his forehead when he saw Leng Qingying coming again.

How many special equipments do these people have?

Isn't it said that a piece of special equipment is rare? Why is it that in their hands, special equipment is as common as cabbage.

After delivering the special weapons.

Leng Qingying took the teleportation array to teleport back to the Trial City and accepted her first sleep task.

After that, she was bored and wandered around the city, waiting for the special weapons to be upgraded.

Her awakening task could not be done immediately.

In about twenty minutes, the upgrade of the special weapons was also completed.

The craftsmen at Nigrongzi's place seemed to have improved their skills.

They were upgraded to expert craftsmen.

The reason was that they upgraded their special weapons more often.

NPCs may get upgrades in level and ability after meeting certain conditions, which Leng Qingying knew.

However, this was the first time Leng Qingying had seen an upgrade due to forging special weapons.

"I've really become an errand boy." Leng Qingying sighed in her heart after getting the special weapon.

She went to Moka Volcano again to strengthen two pieces of equipment to +5.

She spent a lot of gold strengthening stones, but fortunately, the guild's contribution was relatively high, and there were discounts within the guild, so the expenses were not very high.

After doing all this, Leng Qingying activated the teleport again.

She returned to the Trial City and sent the equipment back to the stone in the wasteland.

After working for most of the day, she had the opportunity to start her own sleep task.

"Hunting at dusk, during the twilight hours, clear the first to the 50th floor of the Tower of Confusion."

"The Tower of Confusion... It seems that the missions of the president and the warrior are also the missions of the Tower of Confusion."


[Tower of Confusion]

The BOSS on the 59th floor has a HP of 12 billion.

[Ancient Destruction Device]

[Level: 60]

[HP: 12 billion]

[Skills: Directed Destruction, Great Destruction, Destruction Restart...]

[Description: The ancient device in the Tower of Confusion is the guardian to the 60th floor. ]


It is almost the same as the black dragon encountered in the Moka Volcano.

But what is more brutal is that the BOSS in the Tower of Confusion has a longer HP lock, and the range attack almost covers the entire map.

Even if he switched to the ability of the fearless warrior, he couldn't kill the BOSS quickly, because he needed to spend a lot of time to avoid the BOSS's range attack, and the BOSS happened to be the type of BOSS that could perfectly defend against attacks from a certain direction.

You have to find a lot of angles to kill it.

It really takes some time.

Fortunately, no matter how strong the BOSS is, it's just a matter of a few closed circle slashes.

After killing the BOSS on the 59th floor, a blue light gate appeared in front of Lu Cang again.

This light gate is the way to the last floor.

Before, after clearing the dungeon, Lu Cang would enter the next floor without stopping.

But at this time, after this light gate appeared, Lu Cang paused.

He sat cross-legged in front of the door and closed his eyes, as if he had entered a special state.

[Countdown 59, 58, 57...]

The enemy to be faced on the next floor should be himself in the previous life.

Although Lu Cang is quite satisfied with his strength in this life, he still cannot be careless if he has to face his previous life, after all, he is an existence with SS-level talent.

Although the talent is only one level higher, the span of strength growth is terrifyingly high.

SS-level infinite phantoms have six permanent phantoms. The phantoms and the main body can not only switch positions, but also teleport to the location of other phantoms.

Whether the main body or the phantom hits, an additional new phantom will be created, with a maximum of 14 phantoms.

After that, a fake body will be created.

The fake body has the same health and number of times it can resist damage as the main body. It can switch positions and move, but it cannot use skills and normal attacks.

The number of fake bodies that can be created is unlimited, but it cannot leave the range within a radius of 200 meters of the main body.

The existence time of the fake body is 20 seconds.

If Leng Qingying gets the SS-level infinite phantom, a death dance will be performed, and hundreds of fake bodies will appear.

Although there is no damage, the real body and the fake body are mixed together, who knows which one to hit?

And the current situation is even more tricky. The one who has infinite phantoms is not Leng Qingying, but the self in the previous life, who is level 60 and has completed a sleep.

If he hits Leng Qingying, even if she gets infinite phantoms, Lu Cang can distinguish which one is the real body and which one is the fake body through habit.

But hitting himself...

Lu Cang knows his own operation, and it is difficult to distinguish the real body from the fake body.

"But if there is a range attack, it's okay, but I also have the means to resist range attacks in my previous life. The means of saving my life in my previous life are..."

"Try not to make mistakes..."

[Countdown: 6, 5, 4...]

After the review and simulation, Lu Cang stood up and walked towards the light gate.

This simulation had been done once before entering the Tower of Confusion. Now it was just to make sure everything was foolproof.


[Tower of Confusion——60th Floor——Empty Realm]

After entering this floor, the mist dissipated.

[After arriving here, are you still confused in your heart? ]

A hazy figure walked from the distant mist, step by step.

This figure was similar to Lu Cang's body shape.

Suddenly, a sound of gears engaging was heard.

[Your confusion is——Reincarnation]

[Can you defeat your past self? ]


Finally, the prompt dissipated.

The mist dissipated, and a being who looked like Lu Cang appeared in front of Lu Cang.

[Confused Sky]

When they met each other, they did not fight immediately.

Instead, they faced each other and transmitted their thoughts to each other.

"You are here, which life?"

"The fourth life."

"Am I dead again?"

"Yes, the true god is too strong, I can't beat him."

"Whose hands did you die?"

"The Dark Destroyer."

"Which path are you taking now?"

"The Eternal Ruler."

"What level is your talent?"

"Keep it a secret."


The moment the words stopped.

Seven [Lost Sky] appeared in seven different directions of Lu Cang.

The dagger in his hand had already cut over.

In seven different directions of Lu Cang's body, seven black shadows also stood up high, holding daggers in their hands, stabbing towards the position where Lu Cang was.

[Ghost Shadow Kill] This skill is not strong in output.

But it is strong in that it cannot be avoided. No matter how fast a person is, he cannot escape his shadow.


Lu Cang's reaction was also very fast. Almost at the moment when the phantoms cut over, he disappeared and appeared in the distance again in an instant.

However, the next step of Lost Sky and the phantoms was to step out of the shadows.

They chased after Lu Cang and killed him.

Lu Cang dodged again.

Lost Sky and the phantoms chased again.

They were completely sticking to Lu Cang and fighting!

But Lu Cang turned his wrist and a huge sword appeared.


The black light was just about to rise, but almost at the same moment when Lu Cang took out the big sword, the phantoms disappeared again.

Lu Cang immediately canceled the big sword in his hand.

The Goblin Scroll was thrown out.


But as soon as the scroll was thrown out, the goblin was just born, and a flash of cold light flashed and it died instantly. Lost Sky did not give Lu Cang a chance to kill the goblin.

It killed the goblin before Lu Cang.

Lu Cang failed to summon the phantom.

Lu Cang's current speed is not as fast as Lost Sky, because the talent of infinite phantoms also has a speed bonus.



Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding!

Guiyingsha's attack has been stabbed down, and a shield appears in Lu Cang's hand.






Guiyingsha did not cause any damage.

Zuya's special weapon breaks down the damage into 7 parts. This is the effect of the gold-quality special weapon after +5 enhancement.

It is completely not in the same level as the silver-quality 0-strong weapon.

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