After finishing the giant bear cave, Lu Cang led the team to continue to clear the other two copies of the bear forest. [Congratulations to the players: Cang Qiong, Fearless, Bai Lu, Leng Qingying for clearing the 15th level nightmare copy - Terror Bear Forest] [Congratulations to the players: Cang Qiong, Fearless, Bai Lu, Leng Qingying for clearing the 16th level nightmare copy - Dark Bear Cave] Leng Qingying also followed them to get the first kill of two copies for free. Unconsciously, Leng Qingying's face became thicker and she felt a little more comfortable. It feels good to win without doing anything. On the way to the next dungeon, Cang Qiong did not act like a big boss at all, and taught the brave Wu Fearless how to operate in an easy-to-understand way.

"Wu Fearless, you must always remember to connect with ordinary attacks during the process of skills, so as to maximize the damage."

"The multiplier of your mighty five-stage slash is 6, and the multiplier of ordinary attacks is 4."

"If you can connect with ordinary attacks during the process of mighty five-stage slash, it is equivalent to increasing the output to 1.6 times the original."

"And if you start with the fierce dragon, and then hit the five-stage slash and ordinary attacks continuously, you can immediately reset the CD of the fierce dragon's sword."

"But if you only use the five-stage slash, you can't immediately reset the CD of the fierce dragon. The output efficiency difference between interspersing ordinary attacks and not interspersing ordinary attacks is at least twice."


Lu Cang explained the operation skills to the brave Wu Fearless.

The brave Wu Fearless wrote down the skills taught by Lu Cang.

In addition to this superficial understanding of the damage interspersed with ordinary attacks, Cang Qiong occasionally talked about some deep understandings.

Even a master like Leng Qingying would benefit a lot from listening to Lu Cang's explanation.

At the same time, Leng Qingying probably also had some understanding of the abilities of Bai Lu and Fearless Warrior.

The most important ability of Fearless Warrior seems to be that he can use charging skills without charging.

And Bai Lu's most important ability should be to store skills, and the skill effects are amplified, but I don't know what the amplification rate is.

Compared with them, his assassination talent does not have much advantage in brushing dungeons.

As for this person named Cang Qiong, his talent ability is unknown.

But he is suspected to have an ability similar to [Copy], which can borrow the equipment and abilities of teammates. If he can always cooperate with the holder of S-level talent, he is indeed S-level, and the upper limit can even be higher.

Along the way, in just twenty minutes, Leng Qingying's level has risen to level 16.

Lu Cang and others have even risen to level 18.

It doesn't take much time to brush dungeons, and most of the time is wasted on the journey.

However, at this rate, the dungeons near Fenghua City may not be enough for them to clear.

This team has no intention of repeatedly clearing dungeons. After clearing one dungeon, they will directly switch to the next one.

They leave after getting the first kill in each dungeon.

There are only 11 dungeons below level 20 around Fenghua City.

Now the Shensha Guild has cleared 6 dungeons, and the number of remaining dungeons is less than half.

According to this progress, it is estimated that in half an hour, all the dungeons near Fenghua City will be named after the Shensha Guild.

According to normal development, these dungeons should be contested by various guilds.

But now, it has become a one-sided situation.

In the guild rankings, the points of the Shensha Guild have reached 10,000 points.

+5,000 points for the world's first kill.

After that, 1,000 points can be obtained for each dungeon first kill.

After the God Killer Guild, the second place is [Glorious] with 1,000 points, the third place is [Drunk Moon], the fourth place is [Roumiao]... These guilds all have 1,000 points. After taking the first kill of a dungeon, the ranking of the God Killer Guild can be said to be a huge crushing victory.

As for the role of guild points, there are many roles. Points are needed to upgrade the guild, exchange prizes, and open the guild skill tree.


[Outside Fenghua City - Xiong Lin]

A team from the Yinyuan Guild is still looking for the trace of Cangqiong.

All the way along the dungeon, there are records of the God Killer Guild's clearance.

13 seconds, 21 seconds, 15 seconds, 9 seconds...

Looking at these records, [Black Crystal] swallowed a mouthful of saliva

: "Hey... Isn't the God Killer Guild a bit too outrageous?"

Beside him, [Obsidian Head] who was on the mission with him responded: "S-level, they should all be at this level."

"Bullshit, when we were fighting for the record in District 2, Shadow Twilight didn't hit such a terrifying record, right?" Black Crystal is an old player, with accounts in Districts 1 and 2, and is considered a veteran player of the Hidden Yuan Guild.

And Shadow Twilight is an S-level player recruited by the Hidden Yuan Guild in District 2.

"I remember it was about one minute at that time."

"One minute and 9 seconds, the difference is too big."

Obsidian Head hummed: "The talent of the one called Bai Lu should be very suitable for playing dungeons, but it is indeed a bit terrifying that they can hit such a record in this period."

At this time, a newcomer who followed them asked: "Don't we have such a record of ten seconds?"

Hearing this question, Black Crystal sneered: "Ten seconds? Our records are all at least one minute."

The newcomer was a little puzzled: "Ah? Why? Aren't we all S-level?"

"There are also differences between S-level players, and the first task of S-level talent owners is to upgrade first."

"Dieying, you are a newcomer to the fantasy world, right? It's normal that you don't understand."

Hei Jing thought for a while and thought about how to explain it. Then he said, "Well, let me ask you a question. Do you think S-level players upgrade faster or ordinary players upgrade faster?"

Dieying didn't think about it and immediately answered, "It must be S-level! They used the resources of the entire guild."

"Hehe, then where do their equipment come from?" Hei Jing asked again.

Dieying touched his chin and thought: "Equipment... the guild bought it from other players..."

"Oh, I understand what you mean, senior!"

"Haha, I'm glad you understand." Hei Jing explained: "There is a huge gap between S-level players and ordinary players, and such strategic players cannot lower their level just to set a dungeon record."

"It's like the Ash Forest. They reached level 10 after one dungeon, and then they lost the qualification to brush the Ash Forest."

"Even if they have better equipment, they can't come back to set a record."

"It's the same with other dungeons. Although S-level talents are powerful, without good enough equipment, they can't play their best strength, and naturally the record can't be raised."

Good records need equipment to be achieved. The eight major guilds have players with S-level talents.

If the equipment is fully loaded, the record will not be much worse than Bailu.

But the problem is that it can't be fully loaded.

Who can take out gold-quality equipment and special weapons with specially customized effects at level 10?

Nightmare difficulty dungeons can drop silver quality equipment at most.

If you want to get gold quality equipment, you need to play crazy difficulty dungeons, or the world boss can drop it.

At this stage, the equipment of other players is compared with the equipment of the God Killing Guild.

That is the difference between modern armies and primitive people.

Therefore, these records set by Bai Lu are simply a legend that cannot be surpassed for other guilds.

While they were communicating, another world announcement popped up.

[Congratulations to players: Cang Qiong, Brave and Fearless, Bai Lu, Leng Qingying for clearing the 16th level nightmare difficulty dungeon - Violent Bear Cave]

See this world announcement.

Cold sweat dripped down everyone's forehead: "Hey, hey... Another one."

"In twenty minutes, they have already taken six first kills."

"The Violent Bear Cave is just ahead. Speed ​​up and rush over. We should be able to intercept them and complete the task given to us by the president first."


[Bear Forest Dungeon - Violent Bear Cave]

Lu Cang and others came out of the Violent Bear Cave Dungeon.

In less than ten minutes, Cang Qiong, Fearless Warrior, and Bai Lu had already changed into full silver equipment.

Head, wrist guard, belt, pants, clothes.

Two rings, one necklace, boots, weapons.

A total of ten equipment slots, full of silver equipment, and all of them are silver equipment above level 10.

The equipment ranking list has even been dominated.

Among the top 50 equipment, nearly 40 are on them.

The first and second equipment are naturally two special weapons.

They didn't hide it, and Lu Cang didn't ask them to do anything. Anyway, this thing couldn't be hidden.

It's OK to see the name, but not the effect.

The third, fourth, and fifth equipment were the gold equipment they were wearing.

Further back, there was a row of silver equipment. Looking at the entire ranking, there was a clear

All the names are three people.

Fifth equipment holder: Cangqiong,

Sixth equipment holder: Bailu,

Seventh equipment holder: Brave and Fearless.

Even some of the equipment that has been eliminated and replaced are on the list.

Leng Qingying has certainly heard of dominating the list.

Occasionally, a certain guild will directly occupy three or four positions in the top ten of a certain list.

But Leng Qingying has never heard of such dominating the list.

In a guild, only three members occupied more than 40 positions in the top 50.

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