The next day, the sun was shining.

.Dim and lightless is resurrected in [Black Clay Pool].

This is the initial point to enter the Black Water Creek.

Around the dim and lightless, players are resurrected here one after another.

"Fuck! My weapon fell! That was the weapon I spent 10,000 to buy!"

"Fuck, my shoes are gone too!"

"Fuck, I lost 13 gold coins!"

Seeing this scene, dim and lightless sighed.

Even if he didn't need to report, he knew that this mission had failed.

He initiated a voice call to [Hidden].

Soon, Yinchen answered the call.

"Wu Guang, I have seen the world announcement triggered by the God Killer Guild."

"They have finished the dungeon. You are here to report the battle situation to me now."

"How is it? The video should be saved."

What he said was, of course, the video of Lu Cang being killed by Yin Kong.

According to the plan, Yin Kong will put an end to Lu Cang.

As long as there is this video, the Yin Yuan Guild can package Yin Kong as a hero who single-handedly killed Cang Kong with the advantage of first move.

As for whether it was a single kill, there is no other video to prove it, and the perspective of the God Killer Guild is only dark.

Naturally, what he says is what it is.

As for other public opinions, they can also be covered up.

For example, the equipment gap and the level gap.

Yin Kong can be directly packaged as an assassin who, under various disadvantages, took advantage of the environment to defeat the strong and killed the strongest master in the fantasy world.

Public opinion can be manipulated.

However, it is different from Yin Chen's dream of victory.

The dark and lightless responded in a simple and unpretentious manner: "The mission failed."


The dark and lightless heard the sound of a cup being smashed over there.

Then, Yin Chen cursed: "How could it fail!"


Yes, the dark and lightless recalled, how could it fail?

He couldn't figure it out.

Because Cang Qiong dodged the attack in the dark?

Because Cang Qiong split the bullet?

Because Cang Qiong found Yin Kong's position?

There are too many reasons, but they don't seem to be big reasons.

"Because, we can't beat him."

In the end, the dark and lightless chose the simplest answer.

We can't beat him.

To sum up all the reasons, it really is that we can't beat him, a very pure and simple reason.

"We can't beat him? We attacked first! Are you going to fight him openly?" How could Yin Chen accept such a conclusion?

"It was a sneak attack, but he dodged the first wave of skills."

Yin Chen said in a deep tone: "Are you kidding? This is not funny. The moment you leave the dungeon, your vision is dark. How could he react in the first place!"

"Even if I knew you were going to sneak attack, I might not be able to dodge it, so how could he dodge it!"

When you come out of the dungeon, your eyes will be dark. Even if it lasts a little longer, you won't realize that something is wrong so quickly.

Cang Qiong can't know the existence of the Shadow Talent. The Shadow Talent is well hidden by the Yin Yuan Guild.

Only a few players know about it.

"Lu Cang, maybe he has the ability of perception." Dark and lightless explained.

"Perception? What about Yin Kong? Didn't Yin Kong move? Are you going to tell me that Cang Qiong can dodge Yin Kong's attack without any vision?"

Dan and lightless was silent for a while.

Yin Chen really guessed right...

Dan and lightless still can't figure out how Cang Qiong dodged that attack.

That was an attack that was completely out of sight and could not be sensed!

"Cang Qiong did dodge Yin Kong's attack... and he hid in the dark. Cang Qiong found Yin Kong's position, and then Yin Kong was killed in seconds." Dark and lightless calmly continued to explain the facts he knew, but as he spoke, Dark and lightless himself laughed.

He himself did not believe these things.

Hearing Dark and lightless laughter, Yin Chen was furious: "Hey, lightless, are you kidding me? Even if Lu Cang has perception and can sense other attacks, that's it."

"But Yin Kong's talent can make him unperceivable, how could he be discovered?"

Dandan Wuguang responded to Yin Chen in a helpless tone: "President, it's useless for you to vent your anger on me. Unfortunately, such a thing happened."

"I have sent you the video. This mission has indeed failed."

Hearing this, Yin Chen opened the dialog box.

[Dandan Wuguang]:

"Video File" As he said, the file has been sent.

Yin Chen clicked on the video.

Then, his pupils shrank slightly.

After the pupils shrank, they never opened again.

During the whole video, Yin Chen's pupils remained shrunken.

The video was not long, and it ended in just 30 seconds.

It was not until the whole video was finished that Yin Chen came back to his senses from the shock.

The reason why the video was so long was not because they persisted for so long.

In fact, the assassination team was completely wiped out in more than ten seconds.

The reason why the video was 30 seconds was because the video included the perspectives of different players participating in the crusade.

After watching the video, Yin Chen completely understood the helplessness of the bleakness.

In the video, Cang Qiong's performance was completely incredible.

To put it in the simplest terms... is: Is this a human operation?

What shocked Yin Chen even more was that during the entire battle, Lu Cang did not show any special abilities at all.

The whole battle was fought with the transformable exclusive weapon.

In addition, there are basic skills and ordinary attacks.

Yin Chen couldn't help but wonder: "He... doesn't even use his talent?"

An Dan Wu Guang replied helplessly: "It seems so."

"You killed all my elite team of 100 people without even using your talent?"

This team, 90% of the players are A-level talents, and the remaining 10% are B-level, because they have a major auxiliary role, so they are arranged in.

This is almost a perfect team.

As a result, Lu Cang is now like this, without using any talent, rushing in and killing them like chickens?

"Where is Yin Kong?"

"Yin Kong, the last time I saw him was near the copy of the Black Water Cave."

"His resurrection position seems to have been changed by Cang Qiong."

An Dan Wu Guang sneered, with a tone of helplessness and despair: "By the way... his level is only level 11 now."

Yin Chen clicked on the friend list.

Found the contact person: [Yin Kong]

But at this second, [Yin Kong (LV: 11)] suddenly became [Yin Kong (LV: 10)]

"Why did you say this now!" Yin Chen was angry!

This is obviously the most important thing.

Beside the [Black Clay Pool], An Dim sat on a stone, smoking a thin cigarette.

He looked into the distance, his eyes were a little blurred.

Yin Chen's curse came from his mind, but his expression was still calm.

After a while, he slowly said: "I plan to resign. You should find someone else to take over the position of vice president."


[Black Water Cave - Outer Copy]


Leng Qingying sat on the stone, looking at the place with a flag in the distance with a calm face.

Three minutes passed.

Yin Kong has been killed 37 times.

It can be resurrected once every 5 to 6 seconds. Resurrection is natural, and there is no option not to resurrect.

Players can only operate after resurrection.

Even if Yinkong wants to quit the game now, he can't do it.

Unless someone directly cuts off the power and pulls him out of the game cabin.

But the problem is.

Yinkong logged into the game not in the club of Yinyuan Guild.

But in his own home.

As a special S-level personnel, there are always special treatments.

As for the game, it doesn't matter where you log in, and it is impossible to encounter a situation where you have to unplug the line.

Yinkong wants to work from home, so Yinyuan Guild allows him to work from home.

And Yinyuan Guild would never think of it.

The main force of their own guild, which is S-level, will be blocked by Lu Cang at the resurrection point and killed again and again.

"20 million."

"20 million."

"20 million."

Resurrection, stab a spear, resurrection, stab a spear.

After being killed so many times, with the bonus of 4 points of luck, all the equipment on Yinkong was blown up.

Not to mention more than 2,000 damage.

Now even 500 points of damage can kill him.

"20 million." Another spear stabbed Yin Kong back to life.

Lu Cang turned around and asked, "How many hundreds of millions do you have now?"

Bai Lu excitedly compared 8 and 2 with his hands, and said excitedly, "820 million."

"It's not even 1 billion yet... I can only get five if it's divided 50-50, but it's definitely enough to pay off the debt."

"I have to keep working hard."

Puff puff puff puff --

The fearless warrior clenched his fists as he watched from the side.

20 million, divided 50-50, even if he only got one third, it would still be 300


This is World Currency!

3 million, even in Laoshan District where the housing price is 20,000 per square meter, you can buy a nice house.

If 3 million is not enough, just give me another 3 million.

Watching Cangkong stabbing with his spear, the fearless warrior wanted to rush up to share Lu Cang's worries and poke more holes in Yinkong.

It seemed that he could die more times this way.

However, as he was stabbing, Bai Lu was a little worried and said, "Brother, if we do this...will the Star Gate Guild not pay?"

After all, this is too shameless.

If it were put in the previous games, it would probably be classified as malicious use of BUGs and the account would be directly and unreasonably banned.

Isn't it a cheating to make money like this?

In response to Bai Lu's question, Lu Cang poked Yin Kong for money and replied cheerfully: "No."

"For the Xingmen Guild, tens of billions are nothing."

"If we do this, they will only make more."

"Besides, do they dare not pay?" Lu Cang said in a calm and casual tone.

Bai Lu suddenly realized.

"That's right!"

This video is not only evidence of taking money, but also a threat.

Today, the Shensha Guild can kill Yin Kong like this.

Tomorrow, they can kill Xingxi of their guild like this.

Don't pay? Ha, do you still want to play?


"50." Leng Qingying counted.

Another minute passed, and Lu Cang had already brushed ten small goals.

Ying Kong had also dropped 5 levels, only 8 levels left.

"The Star Gate Guild will not only not default on its debt, but may even give more. However, this makes us look like a criminal gang collecting protection fees."

"Oh, you know that too? The leader of a criminal gang. 51." Leng Qingying did not miss this rare opportunity to mock.

Lu Cang responded helplessly: "Don't talk nonsense, I am the most lawful citizen of this game. I have never offended the guards in my fantasy career. In the good and evil evaluation last year, my kindness score was 90."

But Bai Lu added at this time: "But the evil score is 95."


Another spear pierced through the chest.

Yin Kong was like a background board, repeatedly dying in the happy chat of the God Killing Guild.

Leng Qingying saw this scene... Haha, lawful...

If you want to select a player representative who is the most chaotic and evil in the fantasy world, you are afraid that it is the first one.

Killing the celestial creatures who wanted to help him in the dungeon, and a player repeatedly killed 5 outside the dungeon...

"53." Killed again, Leng Qingying did not take over the conversation to complain, but continued to count.


The inside of the Yinyuan Guild was also in chaos at this moment.

At the highest conference table, the seven senior executives of the Yinyuan Guild paced left and right, looking at the contact [Yinkong] in the list

Their faces were wrinkled.

A bald senior executive frowned and said: "What's going on with Yinkong!"

[Yinsu] wearing glasses gave his own speculation: "It looks like he has been killed all the time, and he doesn't even reply to messages."

"Either he was blocked, or... he was killed so hard that he didn't have time to send messages."

"Looking at the speed of the level drop, it is very likely the latter."

The bald man slapped the table: "Damn, how could this happen? How did Cangqiong do it?"

"Perhaps, it was the props that the hidden BOSS just dropped. This kind of hidden BOSS has a chance to drop unique props, which may change some of the rules of the fantasy world." Yinsu replied.

The bald man said angrily: "We must go and save Yin Kong."

On the side, the muscular uncle [Yin Zhan] said angrily: "Go to the Black Water Cave to save him now?"

"How to save him? We didn't win just now, can we win now?"

"Does the whole guild go out in full force to fight four people?"

When this question came out, everyone in the meeting was silent.

"I didn't agree with this action in the first place. In the final analysis, you insisted on provoking Cang Qiong. Now it's over!" Yin Zhan spoke sharply and pointed at everyone angrily.

Even Yin Chen, the president, was a little speechless.

But soon he knocked on the table and reminded: "The responsibility will be investigated later. The important thing now is how to save Yin Kong."

Just then, [Yin Su] wearing glasses raised his hand and said: "I have an idea."

"Say it."

"Unplug the network cable."


[Real World]

The duo guarding the door of Lu Cang's villa received a message from the Yin Yuan Guild.

But seeing this message

The two were somewhat puzzled.

[Immediately cut Lu Cang's hair short

[Home network cable]

"Pull out the network cable now?"

The dwarf Erzhang was confused: "The world boss hasn't come out yet, right?"

The tall man next to him slapped the dwarf's head: "Damn! Just do what I tell you to do! Why so much nonsense!"

The order was issued.

They didn't care and directly cut off the power switch in Lu Cang's house.

Then they cut the exposed wires directly! After doing all this, the two got in the car immediately! Slip away as fast as possible.


[Inside the fantasy world]

"Did you cut it?"

"They said they cut it."

"It should be fine."

Everyone stared at Yinkong's name, and Yinkong's level was now level 5.

"If Yinkong is no longer killed by Lu Cang, maybe he can send a message back..."

However, Yinkong didn't see any news for a long time.

"Damn, why is there no news?"

Everyone waited silently for half a minute, and this half a minute was simply torture for them.

But suddenly.

Yinkong's name jumped again.

[Yinkong (Level: 4)]

Yinkong's level dropped to Level 4!

"Damn! Could it be that Cangkong is not offline?"

"No, there is a possibility... Other people from the God Killing Guild can also help Cangkong kill."

"Damn! I said it's not that simple."

"Where are the people going to Yinkong's house? When will they arrive!"

"If you don't hurry up, the level will really drop!"


[Black Water Cave]



Another spear thrust out.


Lu Cang has been "boringly" poking here for more than ten minutes.

Yinkong's level has dropped to Level 1, and it is still a Level 1 empty experience slot.

One Yinkong directly gave them 3 billion.

Just when Lu Cang was about to thrust out the next spear, swish!

Yinkong disappeared.

He was offline.


"It seems that we can't swipe anymore."

Lu Cang had expected this scene a long time ago, and everyone knew that this moment would come sooner or later.

But seeing this scene, everyone was still a little disappointed.

The Yinyuan Guild acted very quickly, and rushed to Yinkong's home in ten minutes and knocked him offline.

How could he not feel disappointed when a gold coin monster that could blast infinite money was gone?

In the words of the Brave and Fearless, if he was given such a monster to poke, he could poke from day to night, 24 hours a day without rest and working overtime.

Taking a break is disrespectful to money.

20 million, if he worked normally, the Brave and Fearless didn't know if he could make 20 million in his life.

3 billion, even if he could only take a small share, 1.5 billion was divided equally among everyone, and he could get 500 million by himself.

This overwhelming wealth, how could a college student dare to dream of wealth?

If someone told him that he could make money in this way before playing this game, he would only suspect that the other person was Qin Shi Huang, or was just after his money.

After Yin Kong disappeared, Lu Cang directly selected [Xing Que] from the contacts

He still added this friend, after all, if he didn't add him, he couldn't withdraw the money he spent.

Not much talk.

Lu Cang didn't say a word of foreshadowing, and directly threw the recorded video over.

[Cang Qiong]: "Video File, 152 times."

Xing Que just came out of the dungeon.

They made a mistake in the dungeon, which led to their group annihilation. After all, he was not the starting team, nor a professional player, so it was normal for the dungeon to fail.

As soon as he came out, he saw the message sent by Cang Qiong.


"Did you kill Yin Kong? You're really quick."

"What does 152 mean..."

Xing Que couldn't think of the meaning of this number.

After all, this couldn't be the number of times Yin Kong was killed, right?

Xing Que didn't think much about it and directly forwarded the video to the guild group, then clicked on the video to watch it.

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