The whip fell!

The smoke and dust rose!

The place where it hit was exactly where Lu Cang had just stood.

Bai Lu's mind went blank for a moment.

But then, a voice came out in her mind: "Don't stand there, move."

Bai Lu reacted instantly, Lu Cang was fine!

The dizziness was also relieved at this time.

Bai Lu saw Lu Cang's health bar, and at this time Lu Cang's health bar was less than half left.

Brother, he was really hit?

Since entering the game, Bai Lu has never seen her brother being attacked.

Thinking like this in her mind.

The magic in Bai Lu's hand was not slow. Bai Lu pointed at the suffering miner, and a blazing light burst out directly!


The light penetrated the miner's body.

It should not be said to penetrate, but to cover.

The huge beam of light almost covered his entire body.

At this time, Lu Cang's health bar rose a little.

The [Thousand Machines - Shield] in Lu Cang's hand disappeared and switched to a dagger.

[Thousand Machine Box - Shield Equipment Effect: After blocking, you can get up to 90% damage reduction. When holding this shield, the duration of abnormal status is reduced by 50%]

The stun control just now only controlled Lu Cang for 0.5 seconds.

In the remaining 0.5 seconds, Lu Cang used the shield to block once at an extremely fast speed.

Blocked the whip.

But even so, Lu Cang was hit by this attack and his health was residual.

Lu Cang did not stack health, and his basic health was only more than 4,000.

For a crazy difficult BOSS, 8,000 damage is more than enough with one attack.

Lu Cang took a bottle of big red medicine and rushed towards the slave owner.

"The miner's next roar will be in one minute. After that, he will not have hard control. Kill him in one minute."

The brave and fearless are released from the dizzy state.

[All Changes Domination] is activated.

And Lu Cang directly got Leng Qingying's talent.

Using her ability to hurry on the road, Leng Qingying and Lu Cang act together.

Although her output is not as high as Lu Cang, her operation allows her to serve as a deputy and handle some complicated situations for Lu Cang.


The flame pillar bursts!

The blazing flame pillar completely enveloped the slave owner.

Even the miner was enveloped.

If the total damage is to be calculated, the flame pillar actually has more damage than [Glorious Flash].

However, the speed at which the slave owner loses blood is obviously not counted.

Half of the damage he received was shared by the miner.

Lu Cang and Leng Qingying were already in the flames at this time, and came to the slave owner's feet.

Leng Qingying did not move, and Lu Cang immediately slashed with a knife [Swift Light Slash].

Cut the slave owner's feet.

After several consecutive attacks, Lu Cang soon gathered all five phantoms around him.

Almost at lightning speed, five swords came from all directions!

One sword draw caused 400,000 damage!

Then, double draw!


Two attacks!





After Lu Cang's clones double-drawn and slashed, the slave owner's health immediately dropped to 50%.

On the other side.

The miner fell into a blinded state.

Brilliant Flash has a blinding effect if it is used on the eyes.

For creatures that live in darkness all year round, it is even more effective.

This kind of hidden effect will not be written in the description of the skill, because there are too many hidden effects and the occasions of application are too wide.

Moreover, when the brilliant flash hits a person, it generally covers the whole person directly.

"You! You angered me!"

"Fearless, make up for the damage!"


At the same time that Lu Cang gave the order, Fearless immediately slashed the miner with two fierce dragon sword slashes!

600,000 damage burst out instantly!

Then, the slave owner stretched out his right hand and reached into the void.

His hand floated in the air for a while.

Then, he pointed to Leng Qingying at his feet.

During this process, both BOSSes were in an invincible blood lock state.

"You are the one who will challenge me."

[Challenge Instructions - Leng Qingying]

[Brutal Slave Master - Current Status: Named Challenge: Only the player "Leng Qingying" can cause damage to him]

This is the mechanism of the slave master.

When the health is 50% red, choose one

The player with the lowest output damage.

Only this player can cause damage to the slave owner.

This is a very disgusting mechanism. If other teams were to play it, it would be equivalent to hiding the role that should have been the main C and not outputting damage.

Otherwise, there must be a nanny and a tank in the team.

The main C will definitely do more damage than the nanny.

At that time, we can't let the nanny output damage to the BOSS, right?

It is also to target this mechanism.

So in the entire team, only Leng Qingying didn't output damage.

If the BOSS named Bai Lu or the Brave and Fearless, the risk of sudden death would be too great.

Their newbie operations cannot guarantee that they will not make any mistakes.

The flame pillar gradually dissipated.

"I'll leave this to you." Lu Cang left a thought.

Leng Qingying just nodded lightly.

Then she immediately drew an attack and summoned her clone.

After the Fearless drew his sword twice in a row, the miner's health was only 30%

The miner's tankiness and resistance were much higher than the slave master's.

But because he would help the slave master share the damage, he lost more blood than the slave master.


After the slave master entered the second stage, he first whipped the miner three times.

The whip hit his dark skin, and his skin gradually turned from black to red.

The miner entered a state of violent whipping.


The miner was furious! He waved his pickaxe wildly around!

A series of ground-breaking shock waves shook in all directions!

The Fearless rolled and crawled, avoiding the ground-breaking waves that broke out after the pickaxe hit the ground.

Bang bang bang bang bang bang!

The miner was still blind and could not see the situation outside.

LV: 2 brilliant flash, light covers the eyes, blinding for at least 5 seconds.

For the miserable miners who have lived in darkness for a long time, the blindness can last up to 8 seconds.

But even for the miners who are completely blind.

The brave man was still in a hurry when dodging the skill.

On the other hand, Bai Lu easily moved to avoid the spreading ground-breaking wave.

This slow and foolish skill is still easy to dodge.

But soon, after the slave owner called out, Lu Cang also turned around to support.

There was no business for him over there.

Leng Qingying's posture was flying.

The main body plus five clones were located in five different positions of the slave owner, and they were crazy about output.


[Bleeding Thorn: Perform a stab, causing 1X agility damage, then add a layer of bleeding to the target, causing 10% of the main attribute damage per second, lasting 3 seconds, cooldown time: 3 seconds]

[If the target has a bleeding effect caused by you, the cooldown time is shortened to 1.5 seconds, and the damage caused becomes 3X agility, and a layer of bleeding effect is added, and the upper limit of the bleeding layer = character level]


Bleeding Thorn.

It is the reward for completing the letter delivery task.

King Fenghua not only gave Guanghui the ultimate move, but also the original reward for delivering the letter.

Bleeding assassins are a kind of hot commodity in the dungeon.

As long as the bleeding is stacked, it can easily produce high output, even LV: 5 bleeding thorns, bleeding also has an armor-breaking effect.

It can make the team's output higher.

At this time, Leng Qingying, the main body and the phantom, each of them bleeds around the slave owner.





After just a few attacks, the bleeding has been stacked to 20 layers.

The bleeding damage has also reached 60,000 per jump.

However, when Leng Qingying was concentrating on dealing with the slave owner.


But a muffled sound was heard from the side.

The huge suffering miner had fallen to the ground and became a corpse.

Lu Cang went over with the phantom.

Directly inflicted damage to the suffering miner and killed him.

The suffering miner was a disgrace in this dungeon. There was no second stage and no blood lock mechanism.

Only the attack speed and damage were constantly increasing.

It was really embarrassing to have a BOSS without a second stage.

Leng Qingying's eyelids twitched when she saw this scene from the corner of her eye.

Comparing people is really annoying.

I killed the half-health BOSS on my side. After 5 seconds, I just hit more than 500,000 of the opponent's health.

On Lu Cang's side, he had already killed all the bosses...

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