Another battle...

Another one.

Another one.

Another one.

A battle of one, if fast, ends in a dozen seconds, if slow, it's only two or three minutes.

During this period, Bai Lu tried to kill Lu Cang directly with the shock wave of the meteorite.

But Lu Cang took out his shield and directly resisted the damage of the shock wave.

This trick is still useful for non-shield professions, but it has a very poor effect on professions with shields.

As for the Flame Pillar, this type of continuous damage skill, if released before the battle is announced, will not work after the battle begins.

After the battle begins, if Bai Lu wants to open the Flame Pillar, he must ensure that he is not killed immediately.

Unfortunately, there is no exception in the nine battles.

Bai Lu was the one who was killed at the first moment.

In the last round, Lu Cang used the flintlock rifle again.

And this time, no matter where Leng Qingying hid, she would be shot in the head by the ricochet bullet.

This time, Leng Qingying knew thoroughly that it was not that Lu Cang could not shoot in the head in the first round.

He was just torturing himself.

As long as Lu Cang wanted, the flintlock rifle in his hand could accurately shoot in the head no matter from which angle.

It was just like using a cheat.

No, this was even more outrageous than a cheat...

After losing nine games in a row, Leng Qingying felt very unwilling.

But she couldn't help but accept it.

Lu Cang really let it go. He was a casual profession and could only use one-star small skills.

And each of them had four-star skills, plus restrictions on talents.

Moreover, they chose a map that was beneficial to them, and Lu Cang even banned his flintlock weapon.

But even so.

The three players with S-level talents were still completely defeated by Lu Cang.

If such a record is told to others, even Leng Qingying, who doesn't care about the opinions of outsiders, will feel a little embarrassed.

After playing in the arena nine times.

Lu Cang stopped PKing with them.

"Are you satisfied?"

"If you are satisfied, it's time to practice."

Lu Cang opened a training ground alone.

He pulled them all into the room.

In the training ground, various forms of custom settings are supported.

After arriving at the training ground, Leng Qingying asked the question he had been accumulating for a long time.

"How did you learn these skills?" Leng Qingying found that Lu Cang knew too many things.

Not just assassins and gunners.

He also knows the skills of mages, warriors, and various branches, and he can master them skillfully.

Shouldn't this Lu Cang mainly play assassins?

"I figured it out by myself." Lu Cang's answer was also simple.

Leng Qingying was a little speechless.

So many skills, can you figure them out by yourself?

"No one taught you?"

"I have some references to other players, but no one taught me."

Leng Qingying was about to say something after hearing this.

But suddenly she thought, indeed, who could teach him the skills?

How big of a boss would that be?

Cang Qiong's skills are probably unique in the entire Fantasy World.

Although Leng Qingying could not see Lu Cang's realm, it was not difficult to know that Lu Cang's operation realm was much higher than theirs.

"Fearless, I will teach you some basics."

"Just learn my movements."

Lu Cang took out the giant sword from the projection of the Thousand Machine Box.

He posed in front of the wooden stake.

What Lu Cang is teaching the Brave Fearless now is a set of basic skills after the Fantasy World was opened a hundred years ago.

It is for three-year-old children to practice.

In the world of the later period of the Fantasy World, children mature early and have to go out to fight monsters at the age of three.

And they cannot be resurrected.

The name of this set of basic skills is also very down-to-earth, it is called "Basic Combat Skills"

Simple and easy to learn, easy to practice.

But if you master this set of basic skills, you can be considered a T0-level expert in this era.

Many things included in the basic skills are theories that have never been mentioned in the fantasy world.

For example, the fastest way to swing a heavy sword.

Another example is how to include ordinary attacks in the process of skills.

How to judge a person's position by breathing.

How to judge the flight trajectory of a bullet by the flow of air.

Listen to the sound to identify invisibility.

How to fight when you have completely lost your five senses.

Lu Cang is not teaching so much now, just the heavy sword's flat attack part.

"Fearless, you only need to practice the flat attack now."

"Each skill must be connected to the flat attack, and keep observing the surroundings."

"You learn my movements."

"The most important thing about the heavy sword is to follow the

"Don't lift your sword too hard, just strike once, and then immediately mobilize your whole body after the strike..." "Well, follow my movements and strike down." Lu Cang demonstrated and taught at the same time.

There is no clear attack speed in the fantasy world.

Instead, there is the speed of movement and the judgment of normal attack.

In theory, this is similar to the attack speed. The faster the movement speed, the faster you can make more normal attacks.

However, if you want to make an effective normal attack, there are complex judgments.

Even a sword weapon has different judgments for stabbing, picking, sweeping, and chopping.

This judgment mechanism is still being studied by fantasy world researchers.

Currently, players rely on their feelings to make a normal attack.

So that at the same speed, some players can only make one effective normal attack per second.

Some players can make three or more attacks in a second. Four attacks.

The giant sword is recognized as the most difficult weapon to master the rhythm among all weapons.

According to statistics, it takes players an average of 1.5 seconds to swing a giant sword for an effective attack.

After learning from Lu Cang two or three times, the Fearless Warrior gradually found the feeling.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

After learning a set of movements, the Fearless Warrior chopped the wooden stake five times in a row according to Lu Cang's teachings.

The speed was so fast that even Leng Qingying, who had been immersed in the fantasy world for two years, couldn't help but shrink her pupils.

Without relying on skills, a heavy sword combo of 5 swords in 2 seconds?

The Fearless Warrior just imitated Lu Cang's postures and movements and did it again.

"Okay, that's it, find the feeling yourself and practice a few more times."

Then, Lu Cang sent him to the side to fight the fake man.

"Bailu, there are not many operations required for the turret type mage. What you should learn is to predict and release skills accurately. ”

“Prediction is very simple, you just need to remember…”

The teaching on prediction is easy to understand.

When Leng Qingying heard it, she found that every word was extremely insightful.

It was as if she had opened the door to a new world.

Why didn’t she know it before? Why didn’t she pay attention to this aspect before?

After hearing Lu Cang’s explanation, Leng Qingying thought of the previous nine battles.

She couldn’t help but blush.

Just by listening to Lu Cang’s explanation, Leng Qingying felt that her skills had improved.

When you listen to it, your skills will improve.

Afterwards, Lu Cang called out some flying robots from the training ground.

They served as targets in the air.

Used to train Bai Lu's skill accuracy.

Bai Lu's skill range is large, but it does not mean that he does not need to release skills accurately.

Accurate and stable skills are a must for every mage.

According to Lu Cang.

If Bai Lu accurately predicts and releases skills stably and accurately, one person can kill him alone.

Brilliant Flash is a flash attack.

The speed is extremely fast, and it is impossible for a person to dodge it.

If Bai Lu accurately releases Brilliant Flash before he moves, he will be evaporated in an instant.


So Bai Lu also practiced.

As for Leng Qingying.

Lu Cang looked at the vague expectation in Leng Qingying's eyes...

"You, practice with me directly in actual combat."

"After practicing the basic operations, I will tell you the plan to grab the BOSS when I come back later. "

Leng Qingying heard Lu Cang's arrangement.

She felt cold inside.

No way? I'm going to be abused again?

Leng Qingying is a strong character and always wants to face challenges head-on.

But these nine consecutive defeats have left her traumatized by Lu Cang's abuse. It's okay if they are evenly matched, and she can still muster the will to fight.

But these few consecutive defeats are so severe that she can't even get a leaf of her clothes touched.

Seeing Leng Qingying's tangled expression, Lu Cang asked, "Are you coming? If not, I'll go solo."

Leng Qingying gritted her teeth and said, "Come. "

After saying that, Lu Cang left Brave and Bai Lu in the training ground.

He and Leng Qingying left the training ground.


The world seemed to have become calm.

It had been more than an hour since Lu Cang last posted a world announcement.

After the Black Crystal Mine, there were no other world announcements.

The last world announcement stopped when Lu Cang was awarded the title of Fenghua City Hero and the God Killing Guild became the Fenghua City Honorary Guild.

"Why has the Sky Exclusive Announcement gone silent?"

"Boss Sky, are you offline?"

The current world announcement has been teased by players as the Sky Exclusive Announcement.

In the ten world announcements, at least

Eight of them were triggered by the sky.

"Damn... not that bad, right? You're offline just one copy away? I have to finish this copy all night!"

"Damn, it's uncomfortable, my obsessive-compulsive disorder is about to come. How could the big guy disappear just one copy away from the first kill?"

"Come to think of it, are their levels stuck at level 20 and not upgrading?"

"You know shit, this is the level limit before changing jobs. If I had their strength, I wouldn't change jobs casually."

Professions are divided into common professions and rare professions.

Rare professions are often more awesome, and people who have this idea will be stuck at level 20 and try to find a way to change to rare professions.

Of course... not everyone can be so smooth.

Some people refuse to change jobs if they don't have rare professions, and they are stuck at level 20 for a year.

"The World Boss will be refreshed soon, right?"

"Come to think of it, I see that there is no movement from the Star Gate Guild, are they not planning to fight for the Boss?"

"Haha, I think the Star Gate Guild is also unlucky. They just happened to start the game in the same city as Cang Qiong. I guess they gave up."

"Have you seen the video that was circulated not long ago? I heard that the S-level of the Hidden Yuan Guild was directly killed from level 13 to level 1 by Cang Qiong."

"Now everyone in the Star Gate Guild is afraid to mess with Cang Qiong. I heard that their internal attitude seems to be to give the World Boss to Cang Qiong. "

"What do you think... what will the other guilds do? Will they also give the world boss to the God Killer?"

"Forget it, the Star Gate Guild probably won't be able to snatch it, so they decided to give it up."

"No matter how strong the God Killer Guild is, it's impossible for it to snatch all the bosses in the world. Other guilds will probably fight the bosses normally."

"But seeing that Cang Qiong has disappeared, the other members of the God Killer Guild haven't made any moves... Could it be that they have also given up on snatching the world boss?"

"Maybe they are not interested in the world boss at all?"

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