The two guilds continued to deal damage to the BOSS.

Bai Lu also hid in the crowd and secretly dealt damage.

No longer used the charged fireball spell.

Instead, he threw the fireball directly.

Even so, a fireball could deal more than 3,000 damage.

Such output made it difficult for the main group of the Brilliant Guild to OT (out of control of hatred).

After the first attack test.

Bai Lu felt more and more sensitive to hatred and numerical control.

He could roughly estimate how much damage those teams had dealt.

Lu Cang did not tell her directly how much damage she needed to control.

Instead, he asked her to find the feeling and think for herself.

Take this opportunity to find the feeling of damage control and evaluate how the situation of the entire battlefield will evolve.

Bai Lu felt that her brother was a bit like a teacher, assigning her homework.

But whose homework is assigned by the world boss?

How the situation will evolve, who knows!

This pressure is too great. If I really make a mistake, it is very likely that the entire guild will not be able to complete the challenge task!

Bai Lu changed her position every time she fired a fireball.

As for the Brilliant Guild looking for someone... There are too many people now, and it is impossible to find her.

Even if the Brilliant Guild issued an announcement claiming that it would no longer pay people to take off their masks, most players still hold the mentality of coming here.

Just stay where you are.


The giant smashed the popsicle in his hand, and a frost crack appeared in the ground.

Under this attack, many players were affected and died in batches.

As the health of the BOSS continued to decrease.

There must be casualties in the World BOSS battle!

Under the concentrated fire of everyone.

The health of the BOSS has almost dropped to 30%

The BOSS only has 45 million health left.

At this time, the output of the two guilds began to slow down.

Both sides are wary of each other...

Grabbing the World BOSS is not the business of one guild.

The Roumiao Guild and the Brilliant Guild fought the BOSS together, not out of kindness.

They are not so willing to contribute.

The purpose of the Roumiao Guild is also to grab the BOSS.

After all, the World BOSS follows a certain combat mechanism, and this World BOSS has already appeared in District 1.

The major guilds have also fought the BOSS that is refreshed every week dozens of times.

The routines have been almost figured out.

It is so familiar to fight.

If there is no interference from outsiders, the seemingly powerful world boss can actually be taken down in just five minutes.

But the question is, how can there be no interference from outsiders in the fight for the boss?


Behind Shengyao, a figure attacked from the darkness!

The assassin of the Roumiao Guild took action!

The eight major guilds are friendly to passers-by players.

But these guilds are not friendly to each other.

If they really want to fight, they will attack without saying hello.

[Shu Rouzhe] broke out from the shadows, and her attack this time directly found the S-level player of the Brilliant Guild.

As long as Shengyao is killed, the hatred that Shengyao has played will be directly cleared.

The hatred of the boss to this team will drop significantly, and the next hatred will naturally fall on the Roumiao Guild.

At that time, the spoils will belong to the Roumiao Guild.


[Holy Wall]

The healer's defensive spell unfolded, forming a barrier to protect Shengyao behind him.

The assassin's attack hit the barrier, creating a lot of cracks.

But unfortunately, it still didn't penetrate the barrier.

Shu Rouzhe, who was trapped in the Brilliant Guild team's encirclement, was targeted almost the next second.

She was directly treated as a monster by the Brilliant Guild!

"You see, it was the Roumiao Guild that started it! They want to kill Shengyao from our guild!"

"I was fighting the BOSS with them peacefully, and each of us relied on our own abilities to grab the BOSS! But now they are attacking us!"

"If no one offends me, I won't offend anyone! If someone offends me, I will kill him even if he is far away!"

"Kill these women!"

Finally, the world BOSS battle evolved into a guild team battle!

The Roumiao Guild is full of female characters.

But the female characters in the Roumiao Guild are also very strong.


"The shameless ones in the Brilliant Guild."

If the hatred is always controlled by the Roumiao Guild, it is likely that the Brilliant Guild will initiate the attack.

But there is nothing we can do about it.

Whoever's team cannot control the hatred, they have to consider taking action!

"You want to grab the BOSS and you say it is so legitimate. Haven't you, the Brilliant Guild, grabbed our BOSS less?"

"Fight if you want, why do you have so many excuses!"

Boom boom boom boom!

In the first two seconds, the two guilds were still working together to output the BOSS.

In a blink of an eye, it became a war between the guilds, and the two sides began to bombard each other with spells.

[Shengyao] As an archer with S-level talent.

The lethality is terrifying.

The light rain fell from the sky, and in almost an instant, dozens of Roumiao Guild players were killed.

But then.

The continuous water arrows from the Roumiao Guild penetrated over!

The two sides began to charge in close combat.

The two sides killed each other!

But then, the boss smashed down with a stick! Boom!

The main tank of the Brilliant Guild was instantly killed.

A lot of the previous attacks hit the tank, making the tank's condition worse.

And the blood line dropped, but it was at the boss's killing line.

"Sub-tank, follow! Take the hatred!"

This situation is not very favorable for the Brilliant Guild.

Because the boss's hatred is still on them.

The output of the Brilliant Guild is S-level talent, but on the side of the Roumiao Guild, the S-level talent player is not the main output.

This makes it difficult for Roumiao's output to keep up with Brilliance.

It lags behind by a long way.

"Fuck... I knew it would turn out like this."

Guang Yin saw this scene and couldn't help but feel a headache.

It's too difficult to deal with the world boss while fighting with the Roumiao Guild.

Every time the boss is snatched, it will become a melee between guilds.

After the BOSS is beaten to a low health, only one in ten players can really deal damage to the BOSS.

The side that gets the aggro must resist the attack while dealing damage to the BOSS.

Try to ensure that the BOSS is killed before the aggro is transferred.

But the other side that does not get the aggro can go all out to fight in a group and harass the opponent's damage.

With both sides restraining each other, it is hard to say who will win or lose.

But what Guang Yin is most worried about is actually the old six of the God Killing Guild...

If Guang Yin guessed correctly.

Now Bai Lu is still secretly controlling the aggro and maintaining a certain amount of aggro.

She doesn't need to fight any group battles.

But even if she knew these things, Guang Yin was powerless. She felt very helpless about the open cards of the God Killing Guild.

"The best way is to give up the hatred and let Bai Lu from the God Killing Guild take over the hatred."

"That way we can find her."

"But the second echelon of hatred must be Rou Miao's side. Even if we give up the hatred, Rou Miao Guild may not listen to us and give up together."

"Besides, if we all give up the hatred... then Bai Lu will just run to a distance to pull away the hatred, and then we can fight again."

Guang Yin thought frantically in his heart.

But he found that he had no solution at all.

The God Killing Guild only sent one person to kill Huihuang and Rou Miao Guild.

This is too scary.

The best way at present is to fight with the flow.

Whether you can grab the BOSS depends on fate.


"Don't let them hurt our main force!"

Three-stage slash, sword slash, chop, uppercut...

Fireball, water arrow, divine judgment

Spiral arrows, scatter arrows, explosive arrows, poison arrows...

Shield wall, explosive bombs, hand cannon bombardment, Gatling gun fire!

Players from the two major guilds died in batches.

After resurrection, they immediately teleported over to continue fighting!

The two major guilds fighting for the BOSS will not ruin their popularity.

Which player will feel violated because of watching other guilds fighting for the BOSS?

The disputes between the big guilds have never had anything to do with the small players.

As long as they don't kill ordinary players, their disputes will not make the guild's reputation bad.

Even the winner is the king, and the winning guild will make other players feel more awesome.

"Let's fight! The one in blue, someone is attacking you from behind!"

"Damn, why don't you kill the enemy general first? Don't you understand why you kill the team leader first?"

"Definitely fight the S-level first, they are so powerful!" One by one, the idle players who were watching around began to give advice.

Watching the fun is not a big deal.

The battlefield was full of corpses.

The world boss was also killing like crazy.

As the players' formations began to become chaotic, the boss became even more ferocious, killing hundreds of people with one blow.

Hatred also began to change back and forth as the personnel changed.

Even Shengyao of the Brilliant Guild was killed once, and the hatred was reset.

But it was just as Guangyin thought.

Even after the hatred was reduced, there was no way to lure Bailu out.

However... after Shengyao was killed.

Bailu patted his chest, a little frightened: "It turns out... I don't need to control such high hatred, I just need to wait for their main C to be killed."

"The situation on the battlefield is really changing rapidly, and I almost messed it up."

The health of the boss is still decreasing.

30%... 25%... 20%...

10%, 5%

Finally, the health of the boss dropped to 3.3%

Only less than 5 million blood left!

If the two guilds output at full strength without leaving any room for error, it will only take 10 seconds to take down the last 3% of health!

And now the hatred of the BOSS is still in the hands of the Brilliant Guild!

But it was at this moment!

A huge shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.

It seemed that something had blocked the sun!

Everyone looked up and saw three huge meteorites falling from the sky.

Bai Lu raised the book in his hand towards the BOSS in the distance.

Bai Lu's mind flashed with what his brother said to him before the action: "Bai Lu, the easiest way to grab the BOSS is to put the BOSS at a blood line that no one else can kill except you."

"Bai Lu, you now have the highest killing line in the entire fantasy world when you burst out at full strength."

Now the damage of a meteorite spell that hits the target completely, not counting resistance, is 1.5 million.

The damage of the fully charged Brilliant Flash is 2.25 million.

Bai Lu took into account the resistance of the BOSS and calculated that the BOSS is vulnerable to fire damage.

One Meteor should deal at least one million damage.

Use Meteor to lower the health and fill the aggro.

After three Meteor, control the BOSS's health to 1%.

1 million health.

Use Brilliant Flash at this time.

It is absolutely impossible for any player to grab the BOSS, and the BOSS can be killed directly.

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