The whole world was shocked.

what's the situation?

A guild...robbed three world bosses?

"That post is for real!"

"Damn, there are only four people in the God Killer Guild, and each of them is fighting for a world boss? Isn't this too awesome?"

"Wait... is there a key thing missing? The character didn't show up?"

"Aren't you talking nonsense? There are four people in the God Killing Guild! I, Cang Shen, haven't appeared yet! The president is really different, he actually appeared at the end. "

"Damn, I think the Yinyuan Guild seems Still fighting the BOSS, you must be sweating profusely?"

"Still fighting? Why don't you run away?"

"Run? Haha, the Star Gate Guild seems to have reached some kind of cooperation with the God Killing Guild, and the Hidden Yuan Guild ran away. , won't the Star Gate Guild come out to defeat the BOSS? "

"The Hidden Yuan Guild must be sweating profusely now."

At this moment...

At the place where the World BOSS spawned, the Star Gate Guild was not seen.

The Hidden Yuan Guild Players, sweat broke out on their backs.

Originally, it was planned that the Star Gate Guild would fight them for the BOSS.

They were all ready for the battle.

But now, there was no one, only them and the [Raging Three-Headed Dog] were fighting. .

But they knew.

The God Killing Guild must be hiding nearby.

They would never believe that the God Killing Guild would let go of this opportunity to snatch the BOSS.

They didn't know whether they would snatch the BOSS from other places.

But Fenghua City's BOSS, how could they not rob it?

In order to prevent Lu Cang and his men from launching a sneak attack, the Yinyuan Guild did not defeat the BOSS too quickly, just to wait for first-hand intelligence.

This was exactly what the Yinyuan Guild wished for.

During the process of beating the BOSS , indeed, he also got the information about the God Killing Guild.

First, the Brave and Fearless killed the BOSS.

Then, he got the information that the White Deer was in the Holy Water City and seemed to be trying to steal the BOSS of the Brilliant Guild.

Then Leng Qingying attacked Zuiyue and Precision Hub Guilds and took down the BOSS.

Immediately afterwards, the announcement of Bai Lu killing the world BOSS popped up.

The Yinyuan Guild accelerated completely! They wanted to quickly defeat the BOSS in front of them. Kill!

Doesn't that mean that in Fenghua City, only Cang Qiong is left?

"Damn! Don't just stand there! Speed ​​up!"

If Cang Qiong is the only one left! What's there to be afraid of!

"Cang Qiong No matter how strong his skills are, he can't beat tens of thousands of us!"

"According to the information we have so far, Cang Qiong should not have the skills to kill people in a large area. If he comes in alone, he will die!"

"Reducing the BOSS's health to 14 % let Yinkong kill him! "

After Yinkong came back online, he leveled up hastily.

Because the starting team Yinkong followed before was over level 10.

So, I couldn't accompany Yinkong to play [Ashes Forest] again.

I couldn't play nightmare difficulty. In Ash Forest, Yinkong can only level up in a less efficient way.

As a result, he has just reached level 7.

His current talent is to attack from behind without perspective, and the damage caused can kill 14% of the health.

This kill line is increased according to the level, but the highest is only It can be increased to 25%.

Even so, grabbing the BOSS can be regarded as an absolute BUG talent.

In normal development, the Yinyuan Guild with Yinkong will definitely defeat the World BOSS, whether it is the last blow or the loot. They can all be grabbed directly.

Killing damage is also considered damage, cutting off more than 20% of the health, who can compare with this output?

But unfortunately, they met Lu Cang.

"Hurry, hurry, hurry!"

"Cang Qiong is just He has strong control, but his damage is not high!"

"If he is alone, he is not to be feared! We have nearly 20,000 people here!"

20,000 people is the most effective number of people to fight the BOSS. If there are more, You won't be able to reach the BOSS because the distance is too far.

One million people and 20,000 people are almost the same in terms of efficiency in defeating the BOSS.

This is also the reason why when two guilds fight for a BOSS, basically each guild sends out 10,000 people to surround the BOSS.

No matter how many people fight the BOSS, they can only OB from the sidelines.

Of course... team fights are an exception. If the battle starts, then we will shake out all the people who can shake.

Currently, the sky has only shown strong operations.

As long as BO

SS's HP dropped.

Let Yinkong, who had been in stealth mode and waiting for an opportunity, get the last blow.

This BOSS can be snatched!

No matter how strong the operation is, it can't be used as damage.

However... the fantasy is beautiful.

Yinyuan Guild began to accelerate the attack on BOSS.

The HP of BOSS also began to drop at a rapid speed.

Without the interference of other guilds, the attack was fast, and soon, the HP of BOSS dropped to 20%

"It's almost there!"

"Output with all your strength! No matter where Cangqiong is, as long as he reaches Yinkong's killing line, it's our victory!"

"We won!"

From the opening of the server to now, they have been suppressed by Cangqiong.

The players of the entire Yinyuan Guild were suppressed.

Even if Cangqiong never showed up during the attack on BOSS, it still caused them a great sense of oppression.

And just when they saw the dawn of hope.

The sky...

suddenly darkened.

To be precise, a large shadow appeared, blocking the light in the sky.

Everyone looked up at the sky.


How many meteorites?

A total of 15 meteorites fell from the sky.

Lu Cang, standing far away from these players, turned on the yellow name.

"Mode switch, guild hostile mode... hostile guild, Yinyuan Guild."

Red name can kill any player indiscriminately.

But it is also very easy to cause accidental injuries, while yellow name can conditionally turn on the attack mode.

You can attack a certain group without causing harm to unrelated people.

What Lu Cang turned on was the hostile mode specifically for the guild, killing only players of the Yinyuan Guild.

"Meteorite magic?"

"Three-star elemental magic?"

There was no time to think about it! The highest commander of the Yinyuan Guild immediately issued an order!

"All shield guards! Put up your shields and defend!"

Boom boom boom boom——

All shield guards, put up your shields immediately!

There was nothing they could do, nothing they could do in time, they could only watch the meteorites fall from the sky!

The first meteorite fell.


The meteorite hit the bull's eye, hitting the back of the three-headed dog BOSS, causing nearly a million damage!


Then, the shock wave caused by the meteorite's fall spread!

Boom boom boom——

And the shock wave spread after the meteorite fell to the ground.

It instantly swept a radius of six kilometers!








Immediately in the distance, I saw a piece of more than 400,000 damage figures floating out.

At the first moment, a large number of players from the Yinyuan Guild were killed instantly!

Go to the city to revive.

The few who survived were shield guards holding large shields.

The shield can greatly reduce the damage of impact type.

The reduction is infinitely close to 100%

So as long as there is a shock wave type attack, it is equivalent to being invincible if you set up a shield in the direction of the shock wave.


It can only target shock waves.

After the first meteorite fell, flames rose from the earth, and soon a terrifying sea of ​​fire with a radius of 3,000 meters was formed.

Shields can protect against shock waves, but not fire.






Flames rose.

All the shield soldiers of the Yinyuan Guild were burned to death.

As for Yinkong, who could kill 14% of the HP.

He died directly in the first wave of shock waves.

Died peacefully.

And this is far from the end. Then, the second, third, and fourth meteorites fell!

Boom boom boom boom --

Fifteen meteorites fell, turning the entire BOSS battlefield into a sea of ​​fire.

Even if the players of the Yinyuan Guild could revive and rush over in the first time.

They could not break through into the sea of ​​fire.

At the current level of the players, it is difficult to use skills to hit the BOSS at a distance of three kilometers.

Hidden Sky Kill?


You have to be able to touch the BOSS to kill it.

Now the three-kilometer area is all a sea of ​​fire restricted area, so let's kill one.

A meteorite can hit more than one million HP, plus the burning of the sea of ​​fire.

15 meteorites directly killed nearly 15% of the BOSS's HP.

Then, the five phantoms of Lu Cang raised their hands at the same time.

They have completed the charging chant prepared in advance.

[Glorious Flash]


Five flashes of light flashed at the same time!

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