The fireball exploded, and the fifteen wild boars behind Lu Cang were all turned into ashes in an instant.

Their health was only 150.

Bai Lu turned them all into ashes with just one blow.

The flames dissipated.

Lu Cang walked out of the flames.

Teammates will not cause harm to each other. In fact, even if there is no team, there will be no accidental injuries to players.

Unless Bai Lu turns on the red name killing mode, she can attack other players indiscriminately.

"Well done."

Bai Lu is actually a very talented player. She herself did not realize that she has a very strong combat instinct.

Moreover, Bai Lu has a strong calculation ability. A girl who is addicted to the Internet and can be admitted to Qinghua, her talent is not ordinary.

Lu Cang had noticed Bai Lu's talent in the first life, but out of consideration for Bai Lu's academic performance, he did not let her indulge in games too much.

As a result, in the later stage of the game, his sister sacrificed for him, which is one of Lu Cang's most painful memories.

As for the next two lives.

Because Lu Cang chose a lone wolf style, for various reasons, it was not convenient to take Bai Lu with him, and the training of his sister was still lacking.

Memories flashed, and Lu Cang shook his head, not thinking about these memories of the previous life.

When he was reborn for the first time, Lu Cang was often troubled by memories, lost too many things, and always wanted to protect everything.

Now Lu Cang has seen through it, and he came back to change everything.

If it doesn't work once, then again, and again.

But there is no need to suffer anymore, and there is no need to always look only at the future and the distance. It is also good to pay attention to the people around you.

"Wow! Help! Boss, help!"

After Lu Cang killed fifteen wild boars, a player wearing red clothes and carrying a huge sword on his back rushed towards Lu Cang crying.

Behind him, a wild boar with red eyes followed closely.

Player name: [Fearless]

"It's him."

I wanted to find him deliberately, but I didn't expect that he would find him by himself.

Although Lu Cang is a reborn and knows the information of each player, he has no way of knowing all the movements of each player after entering the game.

Lu Cang saw that the wild boar behind him was already low on health.

He flashed an arc directly, and at the same time, he also made two more attacks.




Three damages were almost hit at the same time, and fell with a muffled thump.

The wild boar chasing the fearless fell to the ground and gradually turned into ashes.

Lu Cang turned his head: "Hey! Fearless, the wild boar chasing you is dead!"

Fearless was still running, and only turned his head when he heard Lu Cang's shout.

As expected, the wild boar chasing him was gone.


Even before Lu Cang could react, Fearless hugged Lu Cang's thigh.

"Boss! You are the boss! Take me with you!"


I heard that Fearless was very embarrassing in the early stage, but I didn't expect it to be so embarrassing.

The corners of Lu Cang's mouth moved slightly.

"Get up quickly, I will take you."

Fearless immediately stood up, and Bai Lu came over, her face was a little hesitant and embarrassed.

"Brother, this... is your friend?"

"No, I just met him too."

"But let's level up together with him."

Fearless is also the owner of S-level talent, and the top warrior talent among S-level, and is also a character that Lu Cang must bring into the guild in his plan.

"Really? Are you really willing to take me with you?"


"But the premise is that you have to join my guild."

The Fearless Warrior is a complete rookie. Although he has obtained the S-level talent, he has not yet figured out the value of this talent.

In the Fantasy World, this level of newbie can only be described as comparable to a giant panda.

After all, with the popularity of the Fantasy World, even if you have never played it, you must have heard all kinds of rumors about the Fantasy World.

Thanks to the fact that the Fearless Warrior is a newbie, now is the best time to trick him into the guild.

Otherwise, it will be too late when he realizes the value of the S-level talent.

I can't offer any other good conditions now. Other big guilds can easily throw out checks of tens of millions and offer monthly salaries of millions.

And the only thing I can offer is probably the 500 million debt.

I can't say to the Fearless Warrior: "Brother, I'll leave this 500 million debt to you."

Faced with Lu Cang's request.

"Okay! Isn't it just joining the guild? No problem


The Fearless Warrior agreed without even thinking about it.

"But I may not be able to beat these monsters..."

"It's okay, just stay aside and wait for the upgrade. When you reach level 5, we will go to get the first kill in the Ash Forest. That's when you need to work hard."

"First kill? What is it?"

Hearing this question, Lu Cang's mouth twitched. He was indeed a newbie who didn't even know what the first kill was.

Lu Cang invited the Fearless Warrior to form a team. The Fearless Warrior at least knew how to form a team and joined the team directly.

"Lu Lu, charge up."

Lu Cang moved and continued to pull the wild boar. To grab the first kill, he not only needs strength, but also needs to hurry.

The progress of other guilds will not be much slower.

"I'll explain to you what the first kill is on the way. "

Lu Cang used the same trick again, pulling a group of wild boars to chase him.

After having the experience once, Bai Lu has become familiar with this style of play.

Bai Lu's own gaming talent is not low.

After watching it once, Bai Lu basically understood most of it.

[Energy Infusion Chanting - Fireball (4 seconds)]

Boom boom boom boom -







[You have killed - Wild Boar (level 1) - Gained experience value: 11]

[You have killed - Wild Boar (level 1) - Gained experience value: 11]

[You have killed - Wild Boar (level 1) - Gained experience value: 11]


In just five seconds, more than a dozen wild boars were lying on the ground.

Lu Cang did not delay at all, and immediately turned around to pull the next batch of wild boars, and the arc flash pulled out a "<" broken line.

An assassin The small displacement skill was used to great effect in Lu Cang's hands.

And Bai Lu's work was much easier.

Just stand still and charge, and bomb.

Boom boom boom boom——






[You have killed - Wild Boar (level 1) - Get experience: 11]

[You have killed - Wild Boar (level 1) - Get experience: 11]

[You have killed - Wild Boar (level 1) - Get experience: 11]

And so on.

After eight consecutive bombings, Lu Cang's team also killed about 100 wild boars.

And it took only more than a minute. This efficiency made other players numb.

They even forgot about leveling up and stared blankly at Lu Cang's team.

Killing wild boars in piles.

"Who is that Bai Lu? ”

“Isn’t her fireball too powerful? Doesn’t she have an S-level talent?”

“S-level talent? I remember that if you find an S-level talent owner, report it to the guild. Ah, there is a bounty for reporting.”

“Yes, yes, yes! I remember that if you find an S-level talent owner without a guild, you can get a 5,000 yuan bonus if the situation is true. This is my monthly salary!”

“Haha, fools are still discussing, and smart people have already started to contact the talent department of the big guild.”

“Speaking of which, have they reached the hidden conditions?”

After more than a minute, that is, after killing a full 115 wild boars, Lu Cang did not delay and returned to Fenghua City with Bai Lu and others.

Without giving other players the opportunity to harass him, after rejecting several players’ friends and team invitations, Lu Cang and others had already entered the city and soon came to the nearby guide.

“Deliver the task. ”


[You have completed the task - clearing wild boars in the suburbs]

[You have met the additional conditions - clearing 100 wild boars]

[You have obtained the hidden reward of the task - you have obtained experience points: 3000, copper coins: 500]

[Congratulations on your level up to: 5]


Clearing 100 wild boars is the fastest way to level up to level 5.

This hidden task was discovered 10 days after the first zone was opened.

To this day, this is the fastest formula for leveling up to level 5.

After Lu Cang handed in the task, he immediately went to the guild administrator.

"Register the guild."

The guild administrator smiled and said, "You have a registered but unactivated guild - Guild name: God Killer"

"Do you want to pay 100 copper coins to activate it?"


Lu Cang delivered the 100 copper coins.

[You have activated the guild

Guild——God Killer】

[You have obtained the identity——President of the God Killer Guild, and you have activated the talent——Eternal Ruler]

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