The old man was buried in the grave, and the old man was buried.

Lu Cang held the [Book of the Dead] in his hand

This was taken from the hidden BOSS in the Black Crystal Mine.

The others went to move freely, and a monument was erected in the suburbs near the guild base.

It was for the [Necromancer - Oni] who wanted to summon the army of the undead to attack Fenghua City in the Black Crystal Mine.

In the first life, Lu Cang met Oni by chance.

Under the influence of coincidence and various events, Oni gave Lu Cang a lot of help.

Even the secret of the Endless Reincarnation Place was told to Lu Cang by Oni.

If Lu Cang didn't know the existence of the [Endless Reincarnation Place], he wouldn't have been able to be reborn many times.

It can be said that without Oni, there would be no Lu Cang today.

However, in the second life.

Lu Cang no longer chose the same route as in the first life. In the second life, he acted completely as a lone wolf.

Various choices and the direction of various tasks were completely hostile to Oni's ultimate goal.

The result was that the two were incompatible.

Oni was a powerful growing NPC.

After he grew up, his strength was extremely terrifying.

When Oni knew that Lu Cang had been obstructing his plan, what followed was the endless pursuit initiated by Oni.

Lu Cang once had a chance to completely kill Oni.

However, Lu Cang at that time, because of the old friendship in the first life, he was soft-hearted in a fleeting opportunity.

He did not kill Oni.

The final result was that he was almost forced to death by Oni several times.

Lu Cang would never make this mistake again.

Just as Lu Cang asked at that time...

When the grudges are half and half, how to win them over.

Oni was kind to him, but that was the end of it.

He should be killed, and he should be killed.

In the previous three reincarnations, Lu Cang had encountered too many people who were both enemies and friends.

For example, [Tishi] who killed him

[Tishi] who also taught him the way of assassination

The most important principle that Lu Cang realized was that when you should make a decision, you should make it. If you keep on doing it, you will suffer the consequences.

Lu Cang stroked the Book of the Dead in his hand, and in the end, Lu Cang still did not revive Ruga and enslave him.

Lu Cang was not greedy for Ruga's combat power.

There were many bosses who were stronger and more powerful than Ruga.

What Lu Cang was greedy for were the four artifact projections.

If the enslaved Ruga could still summon and use the four swords, it would be really powerful.

Lu Cang was thinking about the future route, and for the time being, he could not think of any situation where he had to use the four swords.

Long before he challenged the gods in his previous life, Lu Cang had already set the route of this life in detail.

Up to now, there have not been many unexpected things.

It was not beyond the scope of the backup plan at all.

"However, I only need those four swords anyway, so it doesn't matter whether Ruga is resurrected or not."

"Let's wait until we need it before resurrecting."

There are only two places for slavery, which is very precious. Once it takes effect, it cannot be changed.

Lu Cang left the guild base.

"Now, those orcs should come for revenge."

"After all, the inheritance relic fell into my hands."

Lu Cang looked at the Pride Blood in his backpack.

Unfortunately, after getting this thing, he couldn't use it directly.

Pride Blood is the key to unlock the arrogant attitude.


It doesn't mean that you can directly unlock the arrogant attitude after getting Pride Blood.

Pride Blood must be combined with [Seven Sins Trial - Pride] to unlock.

Lu Cang touched the back of his head and sighed, "But, the brave man has to be fearless to go through the trial alone..."

After leaving the guild base, Lu Cang found a restaurant and got some food.

The guild already has a cafeteria.

But due to lack of materials, it can't make any delicious dishes.

In the fantasy world, taste and smell can be perfectly simulated.

There are many delicious foods in this world.

It's a pity that in a starting city like Fenghua City, you can't even think about the world's best delicacies.

Speaking of deliciousness, there is a country in the fantasy world called the Land of Gourmet, where you can enjoy unprecedented taste buds.

Lu Cang opened the friend list.

At this time, Yun Qing's level has been upgraded to level 10.

Now the level of the large team has been upgraded.

The speed of bringing new people is also much faster.

Lu Cang sent a message to Yun Qing: "Report the situation."

Almost the next second, [Yun Xiao] replied: "BOSS, I have contacted

Some currency dealers, currency dealers heard that I represented the God Killing Guild, and they were willing to trade large amounts of gold coins with me. "

"However, the current exchange rate of cash and gold coins is lower than before."

"The price they gave is 1:170"

170 cash can buy 1 gold coin, and it was 1:150 before.

The content of the update of Fantasy World this time also directly affected the currency system.

"It doesn't matter, exchange as much as you can, the sooner the better. "

Cash will eventually become less and less valuable.

Gold coins in the fantasy world are the mainstream.

Now the players in the fantasy world have gradually realized that this game is not simple.

However, they are still suspicious at present.

It is just a guess, and there will be no chaos.

When the fantasy world can influence reality and officially enter the public's cognition, the era of only the fantasy world will come.

In just a few weeks, the cash in the world will become worse than white paper.

The only role of cash is to circulate from one player to another, and be exchanged for gold again and again. Coins.

Everyone stays at home playing games, and the once bustling streets will become empty.

No one works, and only some workers are keeping the electricity running normally.

But later, the game cabin in the fantasy world is no longer a necessity for logging in.

Players can log in to the fantasy world directly at any time and anywhere.

At that time, even electricity and the Internet are not needed.

As for eating and drinking...

Eating well inside the fantasy world can meet the needs of the body.

So, if Lu Cang wants to describe the money in the real world, there is only one word.

That is "paper"


"After you reach level 18, I will give you a job transfer book to transfer directly."

"In addition, please help me buy some materials. Some can be bought at the mineral store in Fenghua City, some are in the potion store, and some you have to buy at the auction house. "

Lu Cang sent a list.

Yun Qing opened the list and was slightly shocked when she saw the materials on it: "Cloud Blood Stone, Scarlet Blood Crystal, Rage Potion..."

Lu Cang needed a lot of materials, nearly a hundred kinds.

So many and detailed materials, what does the boss want them for?

Although she was confused, Yun Qing did not ask.

"Yes, sir!"

"By the way, BOSS, do I have a chance to play with you?"

Hearing this question, Lu Cang responded helplessly: "No chance for the time being, the level difference is too big, and I don't have time now."


"BOSS, are these materials urgent?"

"Not very urgent."

"By the way, BOSS, these gold coins purchased with cash..." Yun Qing wanted to ask when to give the gold coins to Lu Cang.

"All the gold coins are used to exchange for jade fruit, buy as many as you can."

"Buy anonymously, just receive all the purchases in the warehouse. "

Lu Cang knows what will be in high demand and in higher prices in the future.

As long as Yun Qing buys and sells at the right time.

It is easy to multiply the gold coins in hand by dozens or hundreds of times.

However, trading also takes a lot of time.

So trading can only be entrusted to people with more free time.

Yun Qing is the right person to do this.


Although there is no reason, I still ask for a leave of absence for one chapter. Today is the only update.

My real name is: Yun Qing, and my ID is: Yun Xiao

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