The enemy is in a dilemma.

Before this actual combat instruction, Leng Qingying had no idea that she had so many loopholes in her combat.

Only after being instructed did Leng Qingying know.

Every move and attack in her actual combat.

There were so many loopholes in Lu Cang's eyes.

Obviously, in Leng Qingying's eyes, she had handled it according to the best plan.

However, in Lu Cang's eyes.

Her handling was full of loopholes.

There were mistakes everywhere.

"If I were it, even if you tried your best, you would not be able to live for more than three seconds."

This was the final evaluation given by Lu Cang.

Leng Qingying, after all, is still an assassin's body.

As long as the attack keeps hitting.

Still have to die.

Even if the enemy's attributes are much lower than hers.

"But it's still an improvement."

"It's much better than the previous random beating without any rules."

Leng Qingying heard Lu Cang's praise.

She was relieved.

When the president gets serious, it's really a bit scary.

"Thank you."

"Another point is well done. In this environment with insufficient light, black silk is indeed better than white silk."

"If you wear white silk, it will probably react to the last kick, which is the key to winning or losing."

Leng Qingying said with disgust: "President, if you shut up before these two sentences, you will look very majestic."

After the summary.

Explosive Fang was resurrected, and after resurrection.

It was the turn of the Fearless to beat it.

Explosive Fang lost several pieces of equipment because of death.

Explosive Fang, who lost his equipment, had no way to break the Fearless's defense.

He could only let the Fearless practice with him.

It’s not that Fiery Teeth doesn’t want to run.

But the problem is that the female assassin is guarding the only exit.

She won’t let her run.

She can only rely on the remaining six pieces of equipment to deal with the warrior in front of her who can’t fight at all and has poor skills.

In this way, Fearless Warrior repeatedly trains the feeling of fighting against a strong enemy.

After getting started.

Fearless Warrior knows what kind of pressure Leng Qingying is facing.

At such a fast speed, do I have to react quickly to block it?

Do I have to dodge the attack that suddenly appears beside me?

This is not something a human should do!

“All your battles so far have been crushed by numbers.”

“But one day, you will have to face a strong enemy alone and fight alone.”

“For one day in the future, you can’t hide behind us all the time. One day, you will become the real vanguard of our guild.”

The positioning of the warrior profession itself is the position of the vanguard.

But because his skills are too poor, Leng Qingying or the president is responsible for the charge.

Unable to fulfill his duties, the fearless warrior still felt a little guilty.

He felt a little sorry for such a good teammate.


"I will become stronger!"


The fearless warrior successfully blocked another attack from the flaming teeth.

This attack was blocked dangerously.

After blocking it, the fearless warrior still felt a lingering fear.

But after blocking this attack, the next one came.


The fearless warrior was tense.

Is this the world of masters?

Every battle must predict the action and change in the mind.

Think about it, if there is really a day when there is no president by your side, and you have to face a powerful enemy alone.

It feels really scary.

Without the president, can you really beat the powerful enemy by yourself?


Another block was completed.

The fearless warrior was just about to defend against the next attack that followed.

Lu Cang's order came to his ears.



The fearless warrior who received the attack order felt relieved!


The fearless warrior's attack was simple and unpretentious.

A flat A slash!

There was no room for dodge, and the Fiery Teeth wanted to block.

But he couldn't block!

The fearless warrior's attack, each attack itself is a charged attack.

Unless there is a skill like perfect block.

Otherwise, the charged attack will directly break the defense for blocking.

Its innate ability is that every attack will burst the flame into the enemy's body, and when it is enough to kill, it will explode directly!

However, under the command of that man.

The flame explosion he accumulated always failed to reach the limit of killing people, and it was


Really, it's too frustrating.

Having S-level talent but unable to use it.

Despite the hardship, the Fearless Warrior completed a round of basic training under Lu Cang's guidance.

After a practical training.

The Fearless Warrior had a feeling of spiritual enlightenment.

He really learned a lot of things. Those things that he couldn't understand before, and those things that the president described verbally, he quickly understood a lot in the battle.

Fiery Teeth was resurrected again.

Still in the volcanic cave with a slight fire.

"Put on the equipment."

Lu Cang did not pick up the equipment it dropped.

Instead, he told it to put on the equipment.

And Lu Cang himself took two steps forward and faced it.

This goblin is really a good person.

He helped to complete the challenge task and helped to practice practical skills.

He really helped people to the end.

Fiery Teeth was so angry.

But he didn't know why he was resurrected in this place.

What special props are there to limit the resurrection location?


On the ground were not only the equipment that had just been dropped by the dead, but also the equipment that Leng Qingying had killed him before.

"Well, it's my turn."

Lu Cang casually took out a toothpick from the spare equipment library in his backpack.

In the fantasy world, anything that can be taken.

can be used as a weapon temporarily.

Of course... the numerical value is also very abstract.



[Attribute value bonus: None]

[Description: Ordinary wooden toothpick for picking teeth, nothing special, very fragile, be careful not to break it. ]


"Sorry, there is no weapon shorter than this."

"You are, humiliating me!"

The Explosive Tooth was furious!

It had never been humiliated so badly!


[Strong Attack]

Almost instantly, it had arrived in front of Lu Cang, and the short thorn was close to Lu Cang's chest.

But it was only close.

During this process, Lu Cang had already completed his sideways movement.

Swish! Swish!

Three consecutive stabs!

Each stab of the toothpick hit the temple of Explosive Fang!




Lu Cang stripped off his equipment until he only had 500 points of agility left.

The attribute value gap with the enemy is ten times.

It’s not that he can’t fight with a lower attribute.

But in that case, the killing speed would be too slow.

Explosive Fang slashed back!

Lu Cang was always slightly farther away from its attack distance, and Lu Cang stretched out his arm and just poked his eyes with the toothpick.

[Blindness (short-term)]

Two injuries to the eyes caused a momentary blinding effect.

After the blinding effect ended, the back of its head was stabbed seven or eight times.

Explosive Fang waved the short thorn in his hand even more furiously.

But what frightened it was that no matter how it attacked, it was always just a little bit away from touching the sky.

It was as if there was a boundary between it and the sky that could never be touched.

[Fission Stab]

[Wind Piercing Stab]

[Random Slash and Crazy Attack]

Faced with his fast and violent attack.

Lu Cang moved lightly in the narrow space.

The toothpick stabbed, stabbed.

Every attack made it lose a small amount of blood.

Are you kidding?

How could this be!

This is more desperate than fighting that female assassin!

Fighting with that female assassin, at least there is hope of winning.

But facing this man.

Fiery Teeth could only feel powerlessness and despair.

"Okay, the last blow."

Its blood volume has reached the bottom.

And Lu Cang, as if taking a walk, slowly came behind it.

It was as if it turned around and left its back to Lu Cang.

It was no longer clear how Lu Cang got here.

But it knew it was over.

Lu Cang poked it gently on the back of the head with a toothpick.

He also completed his challenge.

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