Rex collected all the swords and and binded them using one of the disciple's uniform than hanged it on his back to carry these swords with him

"steel is not a problem, neither is coal and nor do the low tier herbs but 3-5 monster's DNA if it's for abilities than i should take five as a target and i already have three in mind but finding the monster core won't be that easy" Ye Tian thought as he walked through the forest

after a while he reached a nearby river, he than hid behind a giant tree at the bank of the river as if waiting for something

as time passed by many monster beast came to drink water near the river but Rex ignored them he was actually choosing a right monster for him to take the DNA

"howwl" a sudden sound caught Ye Tian's attention which came from the other side of the river

"a wolf.. hmm lets see" Ye Tian cautiously moved towards the direction of the sound than he saw some movement ahead so he hid in the bushes

he saw that a one big white wolf was fighting a siege of few black wolfs its not that they were was more like only few were left alive

because when Rex looked around he found the corpse of a giant snake which was lying a little far away from them

the snake was really big it had shining black scales all over its body and there were many dead black wolves lying beside him

'that snake's size and its aura is above tier 4 tier early stage its enough to tell that these wolf can't defeat it no way...hmm its scale looks new .... i see... he probably tried to complete his breakthrough to tier 4 tier middle stage here

during his breakthrough these black wolf pack attacked him

and if it tried to step into tier 4 tier middle stage it means it formed a core inside him and these black wolves pack leader wanted the core to increase his grade

but after they won this big White wolf attacked them and they are not willing to let their prize go' Rex made his deduction but than his lips curled up and he kept hidden and took out one sword from his back

even after the sun set the battle was still on going but only a black wolf was left from the black wolves side which was a little bigger compared to the others

he was the leader of the pack but the white wolf was not in the good condition either he was on the death's door too

'looks like black wolf will win' (Rex)

the white fur of the white wolf was now dyed in blood red he was barely standing with shaking legs but... suddenly when the black wolf was just about to deal the final blow..the fur of the white wolf started to emit a white luster and his momentum started to rise than white wolf looked towards the moon in the sky and gave a big howl than it turned towards the black wolf and fought again but this time the flow of battle completely changed

the white wolf took the lead the black wolf who was about to win a moment ago got overwhelmed easily..the black wolf braced himself and used all his strength and jumped towards the white wolf to deal the final blow at the expense of his life

but unfortunately for him...the white wolf's speed was not as same as before the white wolf easily dodged his attack than turned and slashed his throat...blood spurted out from his throat and he died with an unwilling look

after the last black wolf died, white wolf's body stopped emitting white luster he walked towards the corpse of Black Snake with his trembling legs and sat down near it

he wanted to recover some of his strength as he did not even had the strength to take out the monster core of black snake..he slowly tried to control his breadth..but he seem to felt something so he suddenly turned around his head but it was too late

with a shoooosh.... sound its head got penetrated by a sword


[Player Ye Tian killed a white wolf and gained 100 experience points and 22 soul energy points]

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