when the leading bandit saw them running away he shouted

"you traitors you think boss will let you go if you run away" the leading bandit shouted

but no one stop he wanted to speak more but than he saw that the bandits who were running away stopped than they grabbed their chest tightly and coughed up a mouthful of blood and started to die one by one

the leading bandits fear knew no bounds, seeing aside he never even heard of this type of thing in his life

'as i thought the current power of Telekinesis is too much for these guys to handle i can directly crush their hearts from here but this trick only works because there cultivation base is very low compared to mine

it won't work on someone who reaches Spirit King stage but if i reached a more higher stage than its a different thing' (Rex)

Rex than looked at the leading bandit

"you..you let me go we can still discus.." the leading bandit said hurriedly

'Geokinesis' (Rex)

suddenly many sharp pointed thorns came out of the ground and pierced his whole body from many places instantly killing him

bandit main headquarters...

bandit headquarters was actually consists of many caves

although they were caves but from inside they were just like any other luxury building that can be found in a city

there was a big open ground outside these caves

there were many cages outside around the ground

there were only women in all these cages but they can be said to be more beautiful than the ones in other stronghold these were the women selected for the bandit boss to enjoy

in one of the cages one girl and one middle aged woman were sitting with their hands tied behind their backs

both of them were wearing similar blue colored dress, there was a white colored flower was drawn on the left side of chest on the dress

this was the uniform of elder of Snow Flower Sect

"Teacher i am really sorry you got caught because you came with me" the girl said with a sad expression

"its not your fault these guys planed it long ago they knew if that Alchemist made that type of request than your father will call us for help and we will come…

we used the shortest path from Snow Flower Sect to your home to reach there at fastest speed but these bandit and their boss were already there to intercept us do you really think it is a coincidence" the woman said

"than teacher what do you think they want from us" the girl asked a anxiously

"not us but from the sect… don't you saw the dark Qi used by the bandit boss he is definitely related to the Puppet Sect.. Puppet Sect is eyeing our Snow Flower Sect for a long time but because of our Sect Master they dare not act recklessly

they will probably used us as hostage when someone will come to find us they will easily caught them too after all who had thought that black mountain bandit had a Spirit King

after that they will use us as bargaining chip to force sect master to promise allegiance to the Puppet Sect" the woman said solemnly

"Teacher is there really no way of escaping" the girl asked nervously

"only if the sect master personally shot than there is a chance but how would she even realize that we are caught here in the first place and if she came here than the Puppet Sect might use this opportunity to attack sect or ambush sect master

as for escaping on our own over cultivation base is already sealed by him so how could we escape from this place"the woman said

when the woman and the girl were just talking they saw some bandits running to the base with frightened expressions

"help….brothers help.." one bandit shouted

"bosss.. help he is not human.." another on the side shouted with a horse voice

"everyone run…he..is monster….monster.." one bandit shouted as he was about to jump inside the cave to hide

but suddenly like a invisible hand was pulling him from behind he was pulled back and floated in the air

he was not the only one who was pulled in the air all the bandits who were running away were pulled in the air than like magnets they began to stick to each other

when the new bandits came out of the caves to see what happened they too were pulled in the air and got stuck to the large sphere which was formed in the air because of all the bandits stuck together all of them were trying to pull themselves away from each other but their efforts became useless

soon there was no bandits on the ground all were stuck together and were floating in the air

the woman and the girl were also looking at this scene in amazement they were not able to understand the situation in front of them

when they were just thinking they heard the sound of foot steps coming from the entrance of the base

they saw a youth with long white hairs and two bright red eyes walking towards the main base

when the bandits stuck in the sphere saw Rex coming their face became pale there was absolute silence

the woman from Snow Flower Sect looked towards Rex in shock

currently Rex's clothes were died in blood but of course it was not his blood but his expression looked very calm like it was not blood but water

Rex expressionlessly snapped his fingers and a huge bottomless hole appeared on the ground

when the bandits looked at the hole they had a very bad premonition, only darkness could be seen inside the hole

Rex than waved his hands and the huge sphere made of bandits fell inside the giant hole

the bandits shouted and pleaded for mercy but Rex was like a killing machine whose only purpose was to kill

in the bandits eyes Rex was like an Asura from hell who's only enjoyment is killing

"who dare be impudent here…" a hoarse voice came from one of the caves

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