"Master Rex yesterday i heard the whole thing and knew what my unfilial son did.. as for his punishment even if i destroy his dantian and make him a waste it can't make up for it but it will only make Lin Lin and Little Yan sad

and it is also my fault, i didn't taught him properly that's why he thought of making such a decision

so Master Rex as long as you do not kill him you can give him any punishment even if the punishment continues his whole life" Luo Shen said seriously

on the side when Luo Ba heard it he felt a chill running down his spine but in Luo Shen's presence he dare not say anything

'Lin Lin… is it Little Luo's pet name..hehe it will be fun later on..but for now' (Rex)

Rex looked at him than looked back at Luo Shen's resolute face

'killing him won't bring any benefit.. but it might cause contradiction between Luo Ru and her elder sister.. but letting him go like that is not good either…hmm lets do it this way' (Rex)

"as you said…a punishment for whole life" Rex looked at Luo Ba

Luo Ba hurriedly stepped forward

"thanks for senior's mercy i will accept whatever punishment senior give me" (Luo Ba)

"good.. yesterday after i wiped out all the black mountain bandits, a lot of hostage were freed but they did not have a right place to go because of their insecurity

i asked them to come to this town they will be here by afternoon i want you to you to make it like they can live here like a normal citizen without being discriminated or bullied by the other citizens here..

although they have the money from bandits treasury but its their own and you can't use it whether it is making houses or providing jobs its your responsibility… what do you think" (Rex)

Luo Ba looked at Rex in amazement he expected to get a more brutal or hard punishment which he will regret for the rest of his life but it didn't sound that bad

"you what are you doing..are you still thinking" Luo Shen on the side hit his head like he was signaling him to do something

Luo Ba suddenly understood he raised his hand towards the sky with a resolute face

"i Luo Ba pledge to heavens to fulfill Senior Rex's condition i will take care of all the freed people from black mountain bandit as my own people if i break my pledge than i will bear the anger of heavens" Luo Ba shouted towards the sky

seeing this even Rex was surprised

'this old man is really not bad' Rex thought as he looked at Luo Shen

a pledge or vow to heavens is considered scared in the world if it is broken than the dao heart of the one who took it will become extremely unstable he/she can forget about breaking through to next stage and that's not all, they can also encounter a heart demon anytime

Rex nodded in satisfaction

after chatting with Luo Shen for a while Rex decided to go meet Luo Ru's mother

with Mini-Map it wasn't hard to find the number of people and their position in the mention Rex saw that near Luo Ru's dot there was another dot

so Rex concluded that she may be his mother and indeed when he reached the room he could hear the voice of a woman talking with Luo Ru

..knock.. knock..

Rex knocked on the door

"who" the woman asked

"Rex..eh i mean elder Rex" (Rex)

"please come in" the woman replied

Rex slowly entered the room

when Rex entered the room he saw a woman lying on the bed and Luo Ru was sitting beside her

the woman had a charming smile on her face and an alluring figure to back it up it was hard to believe that she was the mother of two girls

when Rex eyes landed on her he subconsciously tilted his head to 45 degree downwards

'will my Little Ru also become Big Ru in the future' (Rex)

"humph.. what are you looking at" Luo Ru snorted when she saw Rex glaring at her mother

as for the woman she only smiled but did not said anything

Rex also came back to himself but when he thought that she was the wife of Luo Ba he felt a sudden pain in his chest

'that idiot.. he have 5 star restaurant of his own but he went to eat roadside food…seriously giving such a woman to him.. heavens have no eyes' Rex shook his head and gave the woman a sympathetic look

"Lin Lin don't talk like that where are your manners" the woman lightly scolded Luo Ru

Luo Ru didn't said anything but putted her head down

"i apologize for Lin Lin's behavior i also want to thank elder for helping me and my family" the woman said with a smile

'Appraisal: name \u0026 cultivation base' (Rex)

[Name: Luo Niu

Cultivation base: Soul Strengthening peak stage]

'hmm this woman is stronger than her husband… interesting' (Rex)

"no there is no need to thank me Little Ru is from my Sect if i won't help her than who would" Rex returned with a smile

when Rex spoke his personality took a whole 180 degree turn he stood straight and looked at her with a firm expression while excluding an aura of a veteran gentlemen

"elder is modest" Luo Niu said with a smile

"Luo Ru its not good to lie you told me that you only have one elder sister" Rex looked at Luo Ru

"giggle..Elder Rex is have such sweet tongue i am not her sister but her mother" Luo Niu said with a smile

"what..is it really true.. but how could it be.. Lady Luo is really beautiful and young how could i imagine that Lady Luo has two daughter with such well maintained body" Rex said with a surprised expression

"hehe.. elder is joking my Lin Lin is way more cuter than me" Luo Niu chuckled

"my Lady is just being modest there is a difference between cuter and beautiful..and My Lady's temperament is on a whole different level" Rex said as he picked her hand from the bed than looked into her eyes

"elder sure knows how to coax a woman" Luo Niu said with a smile

Rex was about to speak but than he felt a strong burning glare directed at him

before he reacted Luo Ru grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the room with her

"mother.. Rex need to help me with something we will take our leave" she said in an annoyed tone

seeing her behavior Luo Niu just smiled and waved her hand at Rex who was looking at her with a bitter smile

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