few days passed just like that...

the news about black mountain bandits extermination already spread all around the Eastern Continent and many people celebrated it like a festival

White Moon Sect…

Wang Cang was drinking tea in the garden and Wang XIu Ying was practicing her flying skills

in last few days she had breakthrough to Spirit King 1st stage, when Rex increased her cultivation base she was just a little away from becoming a Spirit King and after comprehending the new Earth rank cultivation technique Rex gave her she successfully breakthrough to Spirit King stage

"its been hours how long are you going to fly like that come rest for a while" Wang Cang said as she took a sip of tea

Wang Xiu Ying carefully landed near her then sat on the chair beside her

"Teacher Rex is still offline how long do you think he will take to come back" Wang Xiu Ying asked

Wang Cang gave her a long look

"you know its the fifth time since morning you had asked me that and its just counting today, if you are that worried then why don't you talk to him properly when he is here" (Wang Cang)

"i… i am not worried i just asked it because i was bored and its not like i don't want to have a normal talk with him but he just never gets serious" ( Wang Xiu Ying)

"maybe its his real personality so he is always like that.. and why do you think he is never serious" (Wang Cang)

"why you ask.. he always keeps teasing me even when i am older then him , he always keeps fooling around and…he acts like he likes me..or something" when she completed her sentence her voice was smaller then a mosquito and her ears were slightly red

seeing her like that Wang Cang almost laughed out loud but she held back and just smiled a little

"why do you think he acts" Wang Cang asked with a smile

"off course he acts.. his innate talent is higher then me, he is younger then me, he is kind and he..looks good too and he don't even know me for a long time so how can he fall in love with me in just few days or he is just after my body" Wang Cang spoke

she treats Wang Cang more like a mother then a teacher that's why she can freely tell her whatever she thinks without any restraint

"sigh.. my disciple tell me something.. do you think Rex's thinking can be compared to a normal child of his age" (Wang Cang)

"hu.. no" Wang Xiu Ying replied without thinking

"then do you think you are the most beautiful woman in the continent or you are the only one he had seen until now" Wang Cang asked again

"eh that's rude..teacher but no" Wang Xiu Ying puffed her cheeks

although she said that she did not feel bad about it she knows Wang Cang for a long time that's why she knows despising others are sarcasm are the words which don't even dare touch her

"then tell me why is he behind you can't he just go to other women or do you think with his talent he is not qualified to get them….

with my understanding even the emperor in the central continent will happily marry her daughter to Rex if he knew about him" (Wang Cang)

after Wang Cang said that she closed her eyes and leaned back on her chair to enjoy the taste of the tea

when Wang Xiu Ying heard her words she went into deep thinking she wanted to refute her but she wasn't able to find the right words for that

just at that time she heard the voice of Elder Wu coming from outside sect master hall

"Sect Master i have urgent news can i come in" (Elder Wu)

Wang Xiu Ying looked at Wang Cang, they both were a little surprised by that because normally no one even dare to disturb them especially Wang Cang when she is around her residential area

"you can come in" Wang Xiu Ying said then her temperament totally changed if earlier she was like a little girl talking to her mother about her personal life then right now she was a domineering sect master

Elder Wu entered the sect master hall then came to the garden through the back door when he saw that Wang Cang was also there he quickly greeted her

"Sect Master i came to inform you that the sect master of Snow Flower Sect have come to our sect and want to meet you she also has two elders with her" Elder Wu hurriedly said

"let them in" (Wang Cang)

Elder Wu nodded and left

soon three people came to the garden

two of them were Luo Yan and Li Na their sect master brought them because they had already met Rex

the sect master of Snow Flower Sect looked like a women in her late thirties

she had also burned her life essence few times before, although she had taken vitality pills but how could 1st grade vitality pill compare with the effect of Rex's HP potion

when Li Min saw the young looks of Wang Cang and Wang Xiu Ying she almost wanted to rub her eyes and check again

because of the HP potion they both recovered the used life essence so they looked young even at that time but now that both of them reached Spirit King stage they began to look more young like they were in just their twenties

Wang Cang naturally understood her shock so she just smiled

"lets talk inside" Wang Cang said then walked towards the 4 story building

Li Min nodded and followed behind her

Wang Cang opened the big door and walked inside others followed her from behind

the second Li Min placed her foot inside the big hall or the first floor… she froze on the spot

because she felt the spiritual Qi inside the hall was several times more dense compared to outside

"this.." (Li Min)

"nothing special just a Qi Gathering array" Wang Xiu Ying nonchalantly said like it was very common for a sect to have few arrays like that

Wang Cang's lips twitched

'she is catching on to little boy's shamelessness' (Wang Cang)

Li Min didn't knew hot to reply to that.. she was also a little dissatisfied with Wang Xiu Ying talking to her like that after all she was a Spirit King and even her elder did not talk to her like that but thinking that it was a friend's disciple she did not mind it

Li Min just set on a chair while Luo Yan and Li Na stood behind her

she expected it will be the same with Wang Cang and Wang XIu Ying

Wang Cang will sit on the chair and Wang Xiu Ying will stand behind her to show her respect but contrary to her expectations Wang Xiu Ying also picked a chair and sat on it

Li Min thought this time it was too much she didn't blame Wang Cang because she knew how kind and naive she is, it was not unexpected that she will mot be able to discipline her student because she will never be too hard on her

Li Min was just about speak but suddenly a thought came to her mind

'if they have such Qi Gathering array then won't their cultivation speed increase by at least few times… then Wang Cang's cultivation base' (Li Min)

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