Wang Cang wanted her to merge the sects but she herself seem to have no status in the new sect

"Senior can be a Sect Ancestor just like teacher… i think instead of dealing with the sect senior should focus on cultivating to reach higher cultivation base..if senior really want to go to upper realm that is" Wang Xiu Ying said with a smile

She really liked Wang Cang's proposal

What White Moon Sect really lacks right now is quantity…

With the current number of people in White Moon Sect they can't neither have a big territory nor have a big business

Li Min was silent

"Senior think if the Puppet Sect is really destroyed then that will only be the beginning.. many sect are silent and obedient right now because they fear Puppet Sect…

Once it is destroyed every sect will try to expand as fast as they can to rule most of the land in Eastern Continent at that time if we are separate then our benefits will be limited but if we combine to form a new sect then we can rise together and others will not dare to get in our way" Wang Xiu Ying persuaded

What she really wanted from Li Min was her connections.. as Li Min said she really does not know too much about outside world but Li Min does

After the Puppet Sect is destroyed the hardest part will be taking over the Puppet Sect's trade route because it requires both numbers and connections

If the sect are merged then they will have a large number of disciple and elders to help and as for connection Li Min have a lot of them

"I need some time to think.. " Li Min said even if the offer looked appetizing to her she was a cunning woman but not reckless she will not make a decision in hurry

When they were just talking they heard the sound of door opening and Elder Wu came running in

"Sect Master…" Elder Wu came in running he had various injuries on his body because of that he didn't even had the time to notice the effect of Qi Gathering array

"What happened" Wang Xiu Ying stoop up from her chair and hurried towards him she then took out a HP potion and handed it to him

Elder Wu is one of her most loyal elder he was handpicked by Wang Cang after all so he won't come in without permission until it is that urgent

Elder Wu didn't drank the potion but tried to caught his breath then spoke in a hurry

"Puppet Sect has send many people to attack us ..two of them are Spirit King and they are saying to hand over our Spirit King" Elder Wu said as quickly as he could

Until know Elder Wu still did not know what Spirit King were they talking about he only thought that they are just finding new excuses to fight

Although everyone knew about the destruction of black mountain bandits but only few knows that it was done by someone from White Moon Sect

"I will see how they touch the people of my Sect" Wang Cang's momentum rose and she darted towards the sect entrance

"Wait.. i will come too" Li Min said

"You sure" Wang Cang asked

"Yeah they already involved my sect when they schemed against my sect and kidnapped my elders now there is no use hiding our relation anymore and with your current condition it is unlikely that you can win against them" Li Min said with a resolute face

Wang Cang hesitated for a moment but then she nodded and went to sect entrance with them

When they reached sect's main gate they saw that the many elders of White Moon Sect were fighting several people wearing black uniform

And two old men in black clock were flying above all of them, they were just watching them fight

One old man was bald, he was a fat man and one of his eye was wasted the other old man was thin and had grey hairs

When the two old men saw the arrival of Wang Cang and others they were surprised

"Hehe who knows this pathetic sect had such mesmerizing beauties looks like my visit here this time is not wasted" the bald old man said with a sneer

The grey haired old man also looked at them with lustful eyes but then his eyes fell on Li Min

"If it isn't Snow Flower Sect's sect master why are you here do you want to join hands with White Moon Sect …good from now on you are also the enemy of my Puppet Sect" the grey haired old man hurriedly said

He knows that their sect master had his eyes on Snow Flower Sect for a long time but he wasn't able to find a good reason and way to take a hold of that sect and now when he saw Li Min here it was a great opportunity

He can not only blame her for colluding with the enemy of Puppet Sect but can also subdue her because she does not have her sect elders with her to protect her

"Yes i did.. is there a problem with that" Li Min said with a cold expression

When the two old man heard it they were surprised they expected Li Min will to make an excuse but they will not listen to it and attack her to kill her right here right now

The looked at each other and reached an understanding that is Li Min needed to be killed here right now or she will become a problem if she allied with other sect to resist against Puppet Sect

{Listen carefully the bald one is Elder Hotian he had reached Spirit King 3rd stage like me and the grey haired one is Elder Xu he had reached Spirit King 2nd stage the main problem is not them but their puppet because of the puppets they are always sure to win if its one on one with someone of same cultivation base therefore we can't act recklessly

Wang XIu Ying nodded

When they were just talking Elder Hotian looked around trying to find out the trace of mysterious Spirit King who destroyed black mountain bandits but he found nothing then he looked at the disciples and elders of White Moon Sect that were looking at him

He came forwards and spoke in loud voice

"Listen all of you from White Moon Sect i will give you one chance, those who want to live come to me and join my Puppet Sect if you don't surrender to my Puppet Sect then you will only die but if you join Puppet Sect you will gain more resources

And you would also have the backing of Puppet Sect.. my Puppet Sect always welcomes new talents i give you one minute to decide" Elder Hotian shouted in a loud tone

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