When the golden light fell on their body their skin began to emit a dense black fog which was actually dark Qi, both of them lost control over the Qi inside their body

The Qi inside their body was restless they felt like they like they could explode anytime

Light element is the nemesis of dark element, dark attribute Qi can only win against light attribute Qi if it is more pure than the light attribute Qi at that time

Rex made a 2nd grade Light Trapping array, this array is normally used to weaken or trap dark attribute monster beasts but Rex made a small change in the array he made a small sensor using Array Circuit Tech near the array and connected it to the array

The sensor was capable of detecting dark Qi in the surrounding, when Elder Hotian and Elder Xu used dark Qi.. the sensor got activated and it started the array

Because of the array all the dark Qi will be neutralized or will leave their body which is a very painful and dangerous process.. and even if they can survive that it will be useless…

Soon both elders stopped screaming all the dark Qi inside their body had already been emptied this process had strained their body a lot..that's why they were panting heavily right now

Li Min seem to understand something she suddenly reacted and rushed towards both the elders

Wang XIu Ying also noticed her movement so she too flew and followed behind

Suddenly Elder Hotian felt a death crisis he looked at Li Min rushing towards him, he quickly raised his hand and try to use the corpse puppet to defend against her but the corpse puppet remained motionless.. only then he realized that he have no Qi in his dantian

Elder Hotian used his hand to block Li Min's blade but in his current state he wasn't even capable of dealing with a Form Synthesis stage cultivator much less a Spirit King

The blade easily pierced through his hand then penetrated his shoulder, she did not stopped there.. a jade palm struck on Elder Hotian's chest.. when the palm made contact with his chest.. a thin layer of ice was formed on his whole chest and it also froze his inner organs which instantly killed him

Wang Xiu Ying was not behind either but she did not chose close combat, she gently raised her hand and several small water droplets were condensed above her hand she then waved her hand and the soft water droplets flew at a very fast speed like bullets and penetrated the vital organs of Elder Xu which directly killed him

"not bad" Li Min praised Wang Xiu Ying

"Senior's attack was way more lethal then mine" Wang Xiu Ying said with a smile

All the people from the Puppet Sect that came with the two elders were still in shock they still did not believe what they saw with their own two eyes

Their two respected elders died before they even got the chance to use their corpse puppet

Li Min looked at them coldly

"don't spare anyone kill them here right now" Li Min said to Wang Xiu Ying and Wang Cang then she rushed towards them

Wang Cang summoned the wind around her to block all their wooden puppets but she did not killed them..

Li Min and Wang Xiu Ying already knew her personality she hates to kill..so they did not argued with her and directly killed them

Under their siege Puppet Sect's disciples had no resistance at all and soon every single one of them died

Li Min coldly looked at the disciple who choose to join the Puppet Sect earlier

When they saw her cold eyes they shivered involuntarily, the outer sect elder even keeled on the ground and asked for mercy

When Wang Xiu Ying said that Wang Cang did not refuted her after all she gave the sect master position to her if she doesn't even allow Wang Xiu Ying to do what she want for the sect then what is the use of her being sect master

Wang Xiu Ying ordered her elders to punish them according to what she discussed with Wang Cang and Li Min

"Senior Brother we have two..a total of two Spirit King in our sect" Zhang Ming hopped like a rabbit in excitement

"Not two… it might be more" Liu Wei said with a smile

"Eh.. Senior Brother you know something.. right tell me i want to know too" Zhang Ming looked at him with big sparkling eyes

"Maybe i know or maybe i not" Li u Wei said mysteriously then he left

"Senior Brother don't talk like that …tell me i want to know too" Zhang Ming followed behind him

"So what do you think still want to mere sect or not" Wang Cang looked towards Li Min

"I still want see this Rex before making any decision.. lets talk inside" Li Min said after some thinking

All three of them went back to the four story building….


Few days later…

Somewhere in the Eastern Forest…

A strong Qi fluctuation occurred in a place.. all the monster best around that place ran away in fright

Then several black lines appeared on the ground making a complex circular pattern

Although the lines were black but they had no dark Qi presence in them

The pattern looked like an array.. when the pattern was formed it sucked all the spiritual Qi in the surrounding even the trees and plants around it were withered

After a while when a lot of spiritual Qi was absorbed by the pattern then it stopped sucking more spiritual Qi but then several white particles came out of that pattern and began to combine with each other

Soon four humanoid silhouette were condensed above the pattern and in another instant the pattern disappeared and only left behind its mark on the the ground

All the four silhouette were clad in black dress.. but it didn't looked like an old shoeshines dress from old times… the dress looked like it was actually consisted of long black gloves, long black boots, black arm guard… etc

They were even wearing a black goggles like equipment which covered their eyes.. all the four figures looked exactly the same because every part of their body was covered because of their dress

One of them stepped forwards, he looked around after making sure that the other three had also arrived successfully he took out a wooden scroll and opened it

Their was a map inside the scroll, it looked like the map was of Eastern Forest and there was also a cross mark at one place on the map like it was indicating some kind of hidden treasure.. but the shocking part was that there were also four black dot on the map which seem to represent the position of four of them

The man in black took back the wooden scroll in his storage ring then made a hand symbol and pointed towards his right direction then he turned into fleeting black shadow and flew in that direction

The other three looked at each other them followed behind him but before that one of them threw a talisman at the ground where the pattern left its mark

When the talisman touched the ground it gave a strong Qi fluctuation and exploded

A big hemispherical pit was formed in the ground which destroyed any visible trace of the things that happened here earlie

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