Rex reached the Sky Pear Town in less than an hour

He directly entered Luo Rus's room through the window then he laid on the bed

'All this work really tired me out' Rex thought

After few minutes Rex heard the footsteps of someone coming towards the room

"You really made me wai…" Rex said as he looked at the incoming Luo Ru

Rex was just speaking but when he looked at Lo Ru he was shocked by her beauty

she was wearing a blue gown with a pair of white pearl earrings and a white silver necklace which really suited her and coupled with the snow white jade flower clip on her shoulder length inwardly curled hairs.. she appeared to be a knockout beauty in her age group

When it comes to age Lu Ru still looks like a nineteen year old girl who just finished her high school

Rex has always seen her in the White Moon Sect's core disciple uniform so it was the first time he saw her like that

Rex also noticed that she was wearing a blue colored jade like bracelet on her right hand, it was the same bracelet Rex made of her

"You.. when did you came here.. but you came on the right time i have something to discuss with you" Luo Ru said with a smile then she sat beside him

'Looks like she is not angry anymore but what does she want to talk about, the news about Puppet Sect shouldn't have reached here so soon' (Rex)

"Rex i want you to be my fiance" Luo Ru quickly said

Rex head was blank

Luo Ru looked at his frozen face and suddenly realized she had said something wrong so she spoke again

"Don't misunderstood what i mean is you need to act like my fiance in front of grandpa.. how about it" Luo Ru corrected her words

Rex had an urge to hit his head on the wall

'No maybe i heard it wrong lets try again' Rex comforted himself

"Can you please repeat what you just said i seem to hear that you want me to become your fake fiance" Rex said slowly

"Eh what do you mean by that i only asked you to act as my fiance in front of my family its not like you are loosing anything" Luo Ru said in dissatisfaction

"Hehe.. its looks like words alone can't make you understand anything, you can only learn by actions" Rex rubbed his forehead

"Eh?" Luo Ru tilted her head in confusion

When she was still confused by Rex's words, he wrapped his left hand around her waist then pulled her closer to him, his right hand was not idle either Rex placed his right hand behind her head to support it

Before she could think more Rex implanted his lips on hers, Luo Ru's eyes were wide in shock, when she was still in shock Rex moved his tongue but Luo Ru suddenly came to herself she bit his tongue then pushed him back

Rex did not resisted her either he rolled to other side of the bed and kept laying on it with a satisfied expression on his face

Luo Ru quickly grabbed her pillow then tightly hugged it, when Rex looked at her she hid her head behind it

'Does she think that pillow is strong enough to use as a shield against me' Rex thought as he smiled

Luo Ru occasionally peeked at Rex few times from the other side of the pillow but her face became more and more redder when she thought about what happened just now she then threw the pillow at Rex and ran out of her room while hiding her face with her little hands

'When did this girl became so shy…' (Rex)

"Get ready we will head back to the sect in the afternoon" Rex said to her when she was running out of the room

After she left the room Rex closed his eyes and slept until afternoon

At afternoon….

Rex sent Luo Ru a message to remind her that its time to go back to the sect

Rex walked out of the house and arrived at the garden he then saw Luo Ru sitting in the garden when he looked at her she averted her eyes from him like she was angry but her cheeks were red

Rex didn't focus on her for long because he saw that Luo Ba, Luo Shen and Luo Niu were also sitting beside her

When Rex walked to them they all stood up and greeted him, Rex also greeted them then his eyes landed on Luo Niu but when he remembered what happened last time he quickly switched his glance to Luo Shen

When Rex was just about to take Luo Ru and leave, Luo Niu stopped him

"Master Rex is it fine if we have a small talk right now" Luo Niu asked with a smile

"Huh okay.. what does my lady want to talk about" Rex asked politely as he switched to his gentlemen mode

"Lin Lin go inside i want to have a personal talk with the elder here" Luo Niu said with a smile

"Why mother.. what do you want to talk about behind my back i want to know too" Luo Ru said

Rex didn't looked towards her but focused on Luo Niu because he suddenly noticed Luo Ba and Luo Shen were silently standing there like they had no saying in Luo Niu's decision, Rex felt that the matter was not simple

"Little girl you should listen to your mother" Rex said to Luo Ru

"Why i am the only one who is not allowe….." Luo Ru was dissatisfied because she was the only one who is not allowed in the chat so she tried to refute

'Mind Arts: Sleep' (Rex)

Luo Ru was just speaking but she suddenly felt her eyelids becoming heavy then she went to deep sleep and it happened when she was still standing, she was just about to fall to the ground but Rex supported her then he putted her on a chair near him

When Luo Shen saw her fainting suddenly like that so he became anxious and was about to come forward but Luo Niu stopped him

"She is just asleep" Luo Niu said

"So what do you want to talk about" Rex asked directly

Luo Niu did not said anything immediately but just looked at Rex for a while

She then snapped her finger and a silver rectangular paper appeared in her hand she then threw that paper towards Rex

'What.. a talisman?' Rex quickly retreated

The talisman stopped in the mid air then it shined and two illusory white mongoose came out of the talisman and attacked Rex

Rex did not tried to fight the mongooses but just observed their movements

'Holy Arrow' (Rex)

A golden arrow was condensed in mid air then it headed in the direction of the two mongoose, the two mongoose did not retreated but whipped their tail towards the golden arrow

But just when the arrow and the two tails were about to collide, the arrow changed its direction and passed from the side then it attacked the talisman flying in the mid air

The mongoose suddenly turned and wanted to stop the arrow but it was too late, the arrow pierced the talisman and destroyed it when the talisman was destroyed the two mongoose also disappeared

"May i ask what does it mean?" Rex looked at Luo Niu with slight anger in his eyes

"As i thought you are not from this realm at all or you won't know how to deal with this kind of talisman.. am i right?" Luo Niu said with a faint smile on her face

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