When Rex saw it he walked closer to her then pointed his palm towards her

'Heal' (Rex)

A golden light came from his hand and fell on Ria's body

Kaira and others became caution but they didn't saw the light doing any harm to Ria so they stopped furthermore they noticed that the blood coming out of her wounds have stopped which stabilized her injuries

'This level of healing is too low to fully close her wounds' (Rex)

Rex then took out some glass bottles and gave it to Kaira

"The orange one is Low Grade HP... I mean Healing potion, the blue one is Low Grade Qi Replenishing potion and the green one is Stamina Recovering potion" Rex said

These are few of the potion Rex made after he got the knowledge on basic herbs from the alchemist as for herbs required to make it Rex had a lot of it in his inventory which he filled in the lower realm

Lower realm has plenty of resources for its development it's just the people there doesn't know the way to use it

Low Grade HP potion is 10 times more effective than Lowest Grade HP potion and the same goes of Qi Replenishing potion

Kaira took the potion and opened the caps of the bottle Rex was surprised when she believed him that easily but… he soon found out why after she opened the bottle caps she started sniffing the potions inside them

[Normal bear have a very strong sense of smell which allows them to smell their prey from miles away and it also applies on her, but because of her cultivation strength her sense of smell is further enhanced]

'You obtained this information from DNA Codex?' (Rex)

[Yes, but as we predicted we can't gain their skills and abilities that easily because they all have strong requirements to install but you may awaken an ability or trait related to them in next evolution or it may also unlock a new evolution path]

"Do you really think I need to use poison if I want to kill you?" Rex said with a smile

Kaira looked at him for a while after some hesitation she took a sip of the HP potion but then she looked at it in surprise

Rex didn't disturb them but helped them to treat their injuries and while doing that he also collected their DNA signatures

They didn't waste much time either in just a few minutes they finished tending to their injuries and were ready to move

"Senior we will pay you for these potions when we reach the village," Kaira said

"Eh... no need they weren't that expensive" Rex said

Kaira looked at him strangely but she didn't say anything in the end

'It's not like I don't want her to pay but I still do not know how much these potions could worth here… If it was earlier I would predict the price based on Alfred's array costs but now that the things seem a little different here from what I thought its better if I wait.. I don't know how long has it been since Alfred left this realm so I can't fully depend on my current knowledge' (Rex)

After they were all ready to move Rex saw that Ria took out a circular brown glass like thing and imbued some Qi in it

When she did that one curved side of it shined a little after seeing that Ria pointed her finger at her right side and moved in that direction everyone followed behind her so Rex also joined them

"Senior how did you lose your compass," Ria asked on the way

'So this glass like thing is the compass that works here' (Rex)

"Its a long story I was traveling to Myriad Beast Continent but a bandit group attack us I was lucky that I inherited an Escape Teleportation scroll from my ancestor so I was able to escape but when I opened my eyes I was here in this forest.. so I don't know much about this place could you tell me about it.. and you can call me Rex," Rex said

A Teleportation scroll is something that everyone knows about but no one has it.. because only those who have an entry in Space Law and is also Spirit Array King could make the lowest grade Teleportation Scroll that's why they are mostly found in runes or are inherited in big families

"Master Rex seems to have suffered a big loss," Ria said as she looked at Rex

Rex didn't know the value of a ship so he didn't know how to feel about it

"The ship was not mine I was just traveling on it so the one with the biggest loss is not me... my lose are still acceptable and as they say… If you have life, you have the world

And just Rex is fine my friends only call me that... Master Rex makes it sound weird" Rex said with a smile

"So Mast... I mean Rex, you don't know about this place?" Ria asked in surprise

Rex shook his head

Ria was not bothered by how Rex did not like being called senior because she already met many people in the village who would rather be called a leader or sir instead of senior, she was only a little surprised when Rex asked her to just call him by his name but she decided to just do that instead of asking more questions after all they and Rex will soon separate their paths after they reach the village

"This is the outer zone of Misty Maze Forest in Golden Bird Continent" Ria explained

"What Golden Bird it's a Roasted Crow Continent right now" Coco jumped in the conversation

"Do not interfere when two peoples are talking and don't call it roasted crow continent again" Kaira tapped her head

"Ouch.. but ..but this name suits its best right now" Coco rubbed her head with tearful eyes and made an expression which made it look like she was wronged for no reason

"You are lucky that you didn't enter the inner zone of the forest or you should have already know what would happen if you get noticed by the king of the forest.. wait you are not from here so you might not know about," Ria said

"Hmm.. is it a strong spirit beast or something," Rex asked curiously

"Not just strong but highly intelligent but no one knows how he actually looks because those who went inside the forest to catch him never came back...

He is too strong, strong enough that people think he has some kind of treasure that made him so strong that's why many people tried to get him

Just a few years ago many kings and strong sect here in Golden Bird Continent formed a big alliance and went inside the forest to attack them at that time Everyone thought that a big fight will break out which will destroy a big part of the forest and the beast would be either subdued or snailed

Everyone waited for them for hours then hours changes into the day then weeks but hose who went inside the forest never came back and there was no big moment in the forest either that incident also angered the king of the forest that's why after that he never allowed a cultivator to enter the inner zone of the forest if they enter it then they can never leave it" Ria tried to tell Rex how lucky he was

Rex nodded

'A beast who have high intelligence and is strong enough to rule such big territory but do not want to live with other cultivators…strange' (Rex)

Rex didn't talk more because he didn't have much knowledge on the Golden Bird Continent

Just when they were traveling Rex saw many dots on Mini-Map slowly coming towards them from behind

'Someone is tracking us from behind.. reinforcements? hehe.. its good now I don't need to worry about my lack of knowledge in this realm' (Rex)

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