"It's a big problem if Monster Hunting Sect is going to attack us… should we move the village from here" Dreg asked after hearing the whole story

"We can't.. even if we know that they are going to attack we can't leave this place because we don't have a better place to hide right now and if we move in such a big group then it won't be long before they can track us and catch us, here we at least have a chance to win but winning outside is hard," Aiden said after thinking for a while

"So we can only brace our self for future battle.. that aside what do you think about this human Rex listening to their story it seems like he is not from here" The woman sighed

"That thing aside I wonder if he is even a human" Aiden said while being a little confused

"Huh? why do you say that" Fred asked in amusement

"His smell is different from all the human being's smell I had known," Aiden said

"He may be using perfume or a spirit tool to make it like that and his cultivation technique may also have affected it" Fred made his guess

"Do you think I can't differentiate between the smell of perfume and a human but the other two may be possible...

That aside the because of his impulsive actions we mistreated someone who helped our children if the news of this passes out then in the future who would bother to do that even if they have a kind heart with no discrimination against us" Aiden said as he looked at the lizard man guard

The lizard man bowed his head in shame

"You have a point after deciding his punishment we need to prepare everyone for the upcoming battle," Dreg said as he looked at the sky

On the other side...

Rex was surfing on the river.. to be more precise Rex was using Hydrokinesis and a wooden board to surf on the quietly flowing river

"Woohoooo…this is what I call life," Rex said as he put on his custom made goggles

[To think you would use Hydrokinesis like that]

'Haven't you heard, we should do smart work instead of hard work and its good I feel refreshed right now' Rex said

[That aside you do know that what you gave Ria was not a defensive talisman]

'Of course, I know its an SOS talisman as long as she uses it in the rang of 250 miles I will know' Rex said as he took out a silver talisman which looked similar to the one he gave to Ria

SOS Talisman was also a product of Array Circuit Tech

It was actually a set of Talisman if one of them was triggered then the others will activate and give the location of that Talisman

Rex actually made it for Wang Cang and others but he still had some left

[But if she uses it for defense then won't she get injured]

'When the talisman activates it bursts in a bright radiance of light just like a flash grenade so she should be fine as long as the enemy had its guard down although there is a chance she might get injured what can I do this was the best idea I got at that time…

If I would have told her that its an SOS Talisman and what is its purpose then with the personality she had shown me until know she won't even use it the reason for that is she will probably think that I am not strong enough to help her and if she uses it and I went to help her then I will put my life in danger too

That's why I said that its a defensive Talisman but didn't tell her how strong it is.. and it's good if she thinks it's not too strong and she uses it in the start of battle because if that happens then I can rush there at my fastest speed' Rex replied

[But what if she does not encounter any danger and safely escapes with other beast men]

'That.. there is a very low chance of that happening even if they escape from Monster Hunting Sect it does not mean that other greedy people wouldn't make their move... the main problem is if she gets out of range it will be troublesome I will hide some Talisman in the range of 100 miles to increase its range' Rex said

The most important thing about the SOS Talisman is that we can increase its range by the other Talisman in the right positions

For example, there is a Talisman A which is 400 miles far away from Talisman B then it won't work because they are out of range but if there is a Talisman C between them whose distance from both Talismans is less than 250 miles then they all will work it means if one is activated then the other two Talismans will give signals and its location

Rex surfed for hours and finally left the forest he then traveled on land

Rex then noticed that the flow of wind here was normal so he took the flight after flying for a while Rex easily found the road but stopped there to take a rest

'Let's allocate the status points first, I have 60 of them so.. add 40 in INT and 20 in WIS but do it in two sets first add half then add the other half in second turn' (Rex)

[Allocating status points...]

[Limit-Break activated your total INT is permanently increased by 1.4 %]

[Limit-Break activated your total WIS is permanently increased by 0.7 %]

[Limit-Break activated your total INT is permanently increased by 1.2 %]

[Limit-Break activated your total WIS is permanently increased by 0.9 %]

[You awakened a psychic ability 'Hallucikinesis']

[You awakened a psychic ability 'Mind-Control']

Rex appraised the skills


Type: Psychic

Grade: Ungraded

Description: It is the ability that allows you to make your target hallucinate according to your will, you can create an illusion for the target but the illusions will only affect target but not others

Its easier to use this ability on someone who has their guard down against you or fears you

Cool down: None

Cost: None]

[Mind Control:-

Type: Psychic

Grade: Ungraded

Description: It is the ability to control the target's mind you can not only control the target's mind but can also affect their memory but the deeper the user goes in the target's mind the harder it gets to control them and it becomes dangerous for the user too

It's very hard to control someone who has the same cultivation base as you, the chances of gaining control increases when the target is weaker compared to you, when the target has its guard down and when the target does not resist

Cool down: None

Cost: None]

'I see both of them will give the best results only when used together' (Rex)

After resting for a while Rex headed on the road

'See buddy how tall is that city wall' Rex exclaimed when he saw the tall city wall that now came in his vision

When Rex got closer he also saw a giant door in it and two guards that were standing outside it, Rex appraised them and found out that the cultivation base of both guards was just Dao Comprehension peak stage which meant that they were not here to protect the main gate themselves they were just here to inform others in case something unexpected happens

Rex walked to the gate and was about to enter the city but the guard stopped him

"You forgot to show your pass" One of them reminded

'Pass? what pass' (Rex)

[Please make your choice:-

1. I lost my pass in the jungle while fighting monster beasts

2. I am new here so I don't have a pass]

'You don't fool around here' (Rex)

"See that's is a flying sparrow there' Rex pointed into the sky

"Where" They both looked into the sky

..Thud..thud.. pu..tong...

Rex struck the back of their head with appropriate force to make them lose consciousness

'It's good that no one is here right now.. let's see' (Rex)

Normally guards like that use sound transmission talisman to communicate and switch their places every hour that's why when Rex made them faint no one was there to see that

'Hallucikinesis' (Rex)

Rex castes Hallucikinesis on one of them to make him hallucinate while he was unconscious and further let his guard down

'Mind-Control' (Rex)

Then Rex also castes Mind-Control on him, now that the guard was hallucinating he didn't show any resistance when Rex cast Mind Control on him

'Good... it's a success' Rex made a fist in the air

After Rex successfully took the guard under his control, The guard stood in front of Rex with an expressionless face and hollow looking eyes

"What is the name of the city," Rex asked

"Corentis" The guard replied

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