Jiang Kai switched glances between Rex and the boxes filled with potions for a while before he calmed down

"Sigh... I will calculate their price now.. that aside these bottles don't have any symbols on them did your master don't want to mention his name on them," Jiang Kai asked Rex

Many alchemists, artifact refiners,.. etc or their organizations have their own unique symbols on their product which shows that they are made by them it works as a brand for others

When people need to buy a pill or potion and they have multiple options then they will decide on one based on the symbols it has because it's like a guarantee of the quality of the product

When Jiang Kai asked this question he had two purposes one was to see if Rex is the disciple of that alchemist or is just running an errand and the other purpose was to find that the alchemist wants to be a low key or is just testing his products here

Rex would have also put his symbol on the potion bottles too but right now he was not in a hurry he only came here to first judge his products and make some money he wasn't worried that someone can copy his product and sell it on market

"What do you mean by my master... I made them myself" Rex patted his chest with a prideful look

"Yeah yeah so your master doesn't want to be high profile then that's fine too" Jiang Kai nodded

"Hey didn't you heard what I said, I am the one who made them" Rex snorted

Jiang Kai looked at Rex for a while

"I see.. so can I see your flame" Jiang Kai asked

Rex became quiet

He had the monster flame he obtained from the Puppet Sect's alchemist but he knew that if he showed it to Jiang Kai then it will just prove that he really didn't refine all these potions because that flame is too weak to do that unless Rex is an old monster of Alchemist Association he can't do that

"My boss told me not to show it to others so I can't fulfill your request, it may seem a lie to you but I can't do anything about it lets make the trade for now," Rex said

"Your boss? may I ask who you work for.. come to think of we didn't introduce ourselves yet, I am Jiang Kai you can call me Elder Jiang" Jiang Kai said with a smile

Although Jiang Kai didn't believe Rex's words he still wanted to make good relations with him so he didn't stretch the matter anymore and he also thought that the boss in Rex's words might be the alchemist or someone closely related to him

"I am Ye Tian as for my boss he goes by the name Shadow Lord," Rex said

'Shadow Lord… it sounds like a titled name then he should be a big shot but why did I never heard of it' Jiang Kai thought

"So Elder Jiang I have a request I want to buy one pill of each kind you have right now and the books on the herb that are sold here and yeah here is a list of some herbs give me 100 sets of each" Rex took out a list and gave it to him

Elder Jiang was surprised by his request but he still nodded and took the list

"High-grade pills are auctioned instead of being sold and the sales here are not much so we don't have many types of pills here but you didn't make any specific requirement about the brand and symbols they need to have so it's fine I can do it," Elder Jiang said as he took out a small bell and ringed it

Soon a man came running from the door beside the counter and bowed towards him

Elder Jiang explained everything to him

The man nodded, he took the list and left after a few minutes he came back with a tray which had a storage ring and a golden card in it

"All the things you asked for and the remaining money is in this storage ring and this card is a VIP card of Myriad Auction House if you have it then no matter which branch of Myriad Auction House you enter the staff will give you the priority and a 30% discount on most of the things, the card and the storage ring is a gift from me to you," Jiang Kai said with a smile

Rex nodded and put both of the things in his inventory

"Is there a good inn around here?" Rex asked

It was almost night and he was really slippy so he wanted to find a good place to rest

"Oh so you are searching for an inn to stay, I know of one its a famous and luxurious inn the comfort there is guaranteed," Jiang Kai said then he took out a blank paper and wrote the address

Rex thanked him then left the Myriad Auction House

Elder Jiang again set on the chair and placed his foot on the counter

Just after few minutes Rex left the auction house the door opened again and a woman entered the auction house

The woman was very young she looked like she was in her early twenties she was wearing a red dress that covered her whole body and only exposed her waist and portion between her sleeves and shoulder

The woman had black eyes and long black hairs when she came in she looked at Elder Jiang and sighed

"Elder I already said I won't leave Corentis you should go there is no use trying to convince me," She said as she looked at him

"Hahaha.. young miss there is no need for that anymore actually I also found something interesting so I decided to stay here for a while" Elder Jiang laughed

"Something interesting.. here in Corentis?" The woman was a little surprised

Jiang Kai was one of her family elders and he has lived a long life and traveled to many places because of business reasons and he had seen many things and have a lot of knowledge that's why whenever something catches his eyes it will be really beneficial of their auction house

Jiang Kai then started to tell about the hidden alchemist that had made those potions

On the other side….

Rex was walking on the road according to the address Jiang Kai gave him

'This old man's writing is very bad for a second I thought it was some ancient language from the walls of a pyramid' Rex thought after he finally reached his destination

Rex looked at the huge 5 story building in front of him, the outer walls of the building were colored in light blue and white color

A big-name board was hanging on its top and the words 'Blue Hills Inn' was written on it

Rex entered the building

The reception was really luxurious its floor was made from high-quality wood and the walls had many artworks hanging on them as decoration

Rex also saw few flower pots near the corners of the hall and near the counter, the flowers growing in them were beautiful and they were also releasing a good fragrance which made him feel very comfortable

Rex was just observing his surroundings but he suddenly noticed a pair of eyes staring at him

A very young girl was sitting on the chair on the other side of the counter, the girl was young enough that Rex doubted if she could even talk, her hair was tied in two ponytails coupled with her furry white dress she looked just like a small barbie doll

At present, the girl was staring at Rex so he stared at back at her in return

There was pin-drop silence

'Is it a deadlock' (Rex)

After keep staring for a while Rex made his move

"Er.. hello little girl" Rex waved his hand at her and smiled

[Charm has activated]

Rex let Charm do the trick so she won't get scared or feel uncomfortable because of him

'Hehehe good my charm is more than enough to win the match' (Rex)

Or so Rex thought but...

Tears filled the little girl's eyes and she started crying

'Huh? this what happened' Rex was confused

[Children's hearts are always pure Charm probably didn't have any effect on her]

'I almost forgot... but even so why is she crying after seeing such a handsome and dashing man in front of her' (Rex)

[I don't want to break your heart]

Rex tried to get closer to her to calm her down but the second he took his first step towards her she started crying more loudly

Just at that time a woman came running from another room and picked her up

"My sweet girl mamma is here why are you crying" The woman lovingly rubbed her head

The girl stopped crying but she pointed her finger at Rex

Rex's face was dark

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