Rex was just a few meters away from the exit but when these words reached his ears he halted his steps

"Apologize," Rex said in a faint voice with his back against Young Master Lu

"Oh what did you just say" Young Master smirked when he saw that Rex stopped, for him, it was like he found a new toy to entertain himself

'I can bear anything they say about me but how dare they say anything about the people I love' Rex's anger was boiling inside him he was like an active volcano that can explode anytime

"Hehe.. why are not speaking anymore didn't you asked me to apologize… come make me do it if you dare" Young Master Lu sneered

"That was your last chance," Rex said in a very low tone

At that time three people had walked down the stairs from the second floor one of them was Elder Jiang when he saw the back of Rex he was surprised so he stopped and was about to speak but before he spoke he heard the sarcastic comments from Young Master Lu

'Is it a conflict.. hehe.. good this rich idiotic kid gave me an opportunity to have a favor over him' Jiang Kai thought as he looked at Rex

But just when he was about to speak again he saw Rex turning his head towards Young Master Lu

[Rage Auto-Activated]

Suddenly a wave of dense killing intent engulfment the whole Azure Dragon Pavilion

All the peoples below Dao Comprehension peak stage directly fainted which included all the workers in the pavilion

Anyone below the Earth Venerable stage was almost on their knees

Most of the people in the pavilion were all rich generation who had never seen much blood and only survived with schemes so how could they withstand such killing intent

Young Master Lu only reached Human Venerable stage just because of pills so he was barely conscious

At that time he and the three people including Jiang Kai saw an illusion in which a big sea wave of blood drowned them

Elder Jiang was at same cultivation base as Rex but he felt that Rex was like a supreme beast and he was just like an ordinary old man, he couldn't see Rex's cultivation base at all

Because the aura Rex had after cultivating Yin-Yang Sacred Lineage Cultivation Technique was very profound and above in quality compared to someone of same cultivation stage and it was just one of the advantages he had gained after cultivating such high-grade cultivation technique and coupled with his soul cultivation base Rex was not someone an ordinary Earth Venerable could take on

'Telekinesis' (Rex)

Young Master Lu still didn't knew what is happening but at this time an invincible force pulled his body then smashed him into the ceiling

.Boom.. boom…

Before he had the time to even feel all his injury the mysterious force again pulled him and struck him on the floor, the process kept repeating itself until he was barely alive

Rex didn't killed him but in his current condition cultivating aside if he didn't have at least one spirit grade pill then he can just forget about even walking on his two legs

Rex didn't had any mercy or sympathy for him he could tell from his behavior that doing these kinds of things was nothing new for him Rex won't be surprised if he had beaten many people to death after having a conflict with them just like that... it's just that this time the roles were reversed

Rex then looked towards the two people beside Jiang Kai

'Appraisal: name and cultivation stage' (Rex)

[Name: Adal Meyer

Cultivation stage: Earth Venerable early stage]

[Name: Huang Ma

Cultivation stage: Human Venerable late stage]

Few minutes earlier…..

In a guest room on the fourth floor of Azure Dragon Pavilion

Jiang Kai was sitting with two other people and enjoying a new wine

One was an old man who looked a little more older than Jiang Kai but in fact, Jiang Kai was more older than him it was just because of the difference in cultivation base that he looked more older, he was Huang Ma the owner of Azure Dragon Pavilion

The other one was a young Adult, in simple words he looked like a youth who just enter his adulthood he was Adal Meyer, the city lord of Corentis

"Elder Jiang looks happy today did something good happened," Adal Meyer asked as he drank the wine in his cup

"Hehe off course but that aside you remember what I told you before about leaving Corentis" Jiang Kai gave a meaningful glance to him

"Sigh... Elder, I already told you no matter what I won't give up on Corentis my ancestors, my grandfather then my father they all had worked hard for their whole life to make Corentis one of the greatest city in the continent and when it was time for me to take care of it… it degraded to this state I can't leave Corentis" Adal sighed

"Brother it's not your fault its just fate.. we are old it doesn't matter if we spend our life here, you are young and talented you will have many opportunity if you leave Corentis and move to another flourishing city," Huang Ma said as he emptied the bottle in his glass

"Actually I think you still have a chance" Elder Jiang interrupted their conversation

"Huh? a chance" Adal's eyes shined

"Although I don't have any proof but there is a 90% chance that there is an Alchemist of Alchemist Grandmaster rank or above in Corentis" Elder Jiang said

His words caught the attention of both Adal Meyer and Huang Ma

If there is really an alchemist in Corentis then it's good for both of them, Huang Ma can ask to make pills for loosening the bottlenecks in his cultivation and his very presence can can affect the economy of Corentis

At its peak time such Alchemist won't have much much impact on the Corentis's economy but right now its different

Jiang Kai told them about the potions but he never told Rex's name and appearance

"Elder we are like brothers just tell us," Huang Ma said politely

"Hehehe" Jiang Kai just laughed

'Even I had not established my connections yet and you want to pull him in your business when did I become foolish enough to tell you everything' Jiang Kai thought

Adal Meyer didn't asked much from Jiang Kai, for him as long as there is an alchemist in Corentis it will be of big help

"I have already stayed long enough I need to go back there is a business I need to take care of,f" Jiang Kai said then he walked out of the room

Huang Ma also gave up he knew that Jiang Kai won't tell him anything that easily

Adal Meyer and Huang Ma followed him from behind

Just when Elder Jiang reached the first floor he stopped, when Adal Meyer and Huang Ma was curious to what caught his attention they saw Elder Jiang looking at Rex

The present situation…..

Rex looked at Adal Meyer

"You are the city lord here" Rex looked at him

"Yes" Adal Meyer replied as he looked back at Rex, he was someone who had gone through life and death battles before that's why he was able to remain calm even after all this

"Pass my message to Lu family, tell them to leave the city before tomorrow morning or today's night will be their last" Rex said then he walked out of the building without any more talking

'I underestimated him he is stronger than me and such young appearance.. an alchemist only an expert Alchemist is capable of doing that' (Jiang Kai)

Right now in Jiang Kai's eye,s Rex was an old monster who had used precious medicine pills to restore his youthful appearance

"Who.. who was he? Elder Jiang, you are strongest of us why didn't you stopped him" Huang Ma said as he looked at the current condition of the pavilion

"Stop him? do you think I would be standing here if I was confident enough to stop him and why would I stop him.. you asked earlier who is that Alchemist right, he is the one I was talking about he came to your shop and you angered him instead… there goes your golden chance" Jiang Kai said and left

"What.." His words shocked both Adal Meyer and Huang Ma

When they thought that an alchemist had come to the city they expected him to be an old man who wasn't able to gain high status in other big cities that's why he came here but after seeing such young appearance it looked like things were not as simple as they thought

On the other side…

When Rex came out he found Clin unconscious outside the pavilion so he picked him up and left that place

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