Ye Jun looked at the sky and sighed

"Young master calm down we should think with cool mind, getting angry won't give any result" The old man on the side said

"Calm down? elder you are saying i should calm down after hearing all this… for the last 15 years i always believed that the little brother died after getting poisoned i got the title of first genius but i wasn't even able to protect my only little brother only i know how powerless i felt..

Me aside what about younger sister she lived until know believing that it was her fault that got him killed you had already seen how much her personality had changed after all that….

And now mother and father tells us that he is actually alive, they didn't told us about it all this time.. even if it was for his safety its still too much and now they say the same thing as you… we need to calm down and think with cool mind you don't know how it even feels like" Ye Jun was frustrated so he spoke everything going on his head

The old man just shook his head and didn't spoke anymore

He was one of the most trusted man of Ye Ying that's why he knew many things about her working style that's why it wasn't hard for him to guess her reason for doing it

'Young ones these days.. he still don't understand that the reason for which Saintess didn't told him that his brother is alive is not because she didn't trusted him but because she wanted him to feel the pain of losing his brother and show him how powerless he was without his background..

Later on that powerless feeling became his motivation to become strong and that's how he was able to become an inner disciple of an Ancient Sect.. the ways of the Saintess might be terrifying but result is always excellent no wonder she is a member of intelligence department in the federation' The elder thought

As for the other four on the side, although they were wearing helmet like equipment which hided their faces but their eyes were wide in shock

They only knew the target had the bloodline of Sura clan and they needed to find him but never in their wildest dream did they thought that what they were finding was the third child of the Saintess who was believed to have died long ago

They looked at each other… the meaning was clear no matter what we will never talk about it in the future.. because it means death

Ye Jun wasn't worried about revealing it to them because they will know it sooner or later while finding Rex and they were trusted people working under his mother who could give their life for her without a second thought that's why Ye Jun believed that they will never reveal this secret

"Young master even if you say that our first priority is to find the third young master before its too late.. although the word of him being alive is still a secret but who had seen tomorrow, the earlier we found him the better it is" The elder said

Ye Jung nodded

"Tell me everything you found out about him" Ye Jun said to the captain of the squad

"Yes, when we weren't able to find the target using his smell we decided to use the information we had on him to track him down.. first we tried to find out about the orphanage in the Eastern Continent he was given to but the orphanage was not where it was supposed to we asked many people that were related to it in the past

And after using force and money to bribe we finally found out that it was secretly moved to Southern Continent then we went there and investigated about the target but the founder of the orphanage directly refused about knowing something about the target or even being in Eastern Continent

But we suspected that he was lying so we used different ways to make him speak the truth and then we found out that he was indeed lying, the orphanage's actual business was to raise children to sell them to evil sects they occasionally sold children in batches

And when it was the target's turn.. including him they sent many children with few people to deliver them to their biggest customer and backer.. The Puppet Sect… like always they told the children that these people are taking them to a bigger orphanage because there are too many people here…

But when they were passing through the forest a tragedy happened the target seem to be already aware of their plan so he made his own plan with the other children to escape, he was just waiting for the right moment and he got his chance

A monster beast attacked their carriages on its way.. it wasn't uncommon for monster beast to attack the people passing though the forest and just when the people were fighting the monster beast.. the target and his group attacked the only person keeping a watch on them and escaped in the forest he never thought that the children would attack him because they didn't even supposed to know that they were sold

All the children ran in different directions so they all won't be caught easily.. but they were just children without any fighting experience so many of them were directly killed and eaten by monster beast in the forest

Only few of them survived, but they knew the dark secret behind the orphanage that's why the people of the orphanage tried to find them and kill them, the target was on the top of the orphanage's killing list during that time they chased him he lived in slums and kept running from one city to another with fake identity until an Elder from Sky Cloud Sect found him and took him as a disciple

And when the people from orphanage learn of it they were scared they weren't scared that he will tell the truth to Sky Cloud Sect they didn't even cared about it their fear was from the Puppet Sect.. that if they knew that if the Puppet Sect knew that they made such mistake they might be killed so those people ran away from Eastern Continent and settled in Southern Continent" He said

The captain was telling all the things he found about but then he suddenly noticed the killing intent in Ye Jun's eyes so he quickly closed his mouth

"Sigh.. no wonder he didn't wanted to come back to clan.. so Elder now how do you plan to bring him back if we found him.. by force?" Ye Jun gave a dry laugh as he looked at the Elder beside him

The Elder knew how angry he was.. after all the young generation of Sura class is raised in a way that they gave high priority to their pride.. and now he found out that someone especially the one who was blood child of the Saintess of the clan grew up while running for his life

"This Puppet Sect we will give it a visit before leaving this realm" Ye Jun said with a expressionless face

"This.. the Puppet Sect is no more" The man in black said

"Huh? so someone finally got rid of it… they are lucky to not have met me, i would have ripped out their souls and put it in the blood purgatory for the next thousand years.. its good that little brother at least found a good teacher and sect to rely on" Ye Jun said with the visible anger on his face

"About that… actually Sky Cloud Sect was also destroyed we found some of its survivors and found out what happened to the target after that" The captain told Ye Jun the whole revenge story of Rex and Elder Ma Fe

Everything he told Ye Jun was accurate like he was also there while all this happened

Although others didn't knew about the matter of Blood Transfusion technique but many people who knew the about Ba Jing's real personality and Ye Tian's personality can guess that Ye Tian was framed when Elder Ba Jangue and Elder Ma Fe told everyone that Ye Tian tried to sexually harass Ba Jing and blackmailed her for money because in sect Ye Tian stood up for many girls and boys who were bullied by others and he ever suffered because of it

With this knowledge the all four of them could easily predict what would have happened

"And after that he gone though bloodline awakening in this forest and his trail disappeared" He said

Ye Jun didn't even knew what to say anymore although he thought Ye Tian would have probably lived a hard life but it was just 15 years with time they will be forgotten and he can live with them in peace but after hearing his whole story he felt that its already kind of Ye Tian for no trying to get back at them

"Elder I don't think he will come back to the sect… I can't think of any word to convince him to come back at all" Ye Jun sighed deeply

"We should focus on finding him first we can think of the rest later on… according to what he said this Shadow Lord first destroyed Puppet Sect.. it may be because of righteousness but then he also destroyed the Sky Cloud Sect and more importantly the person he first targeted were the same who framed third young master..

Does this Shadow Lord have some connections with third young master… maybe he accepted him as a disciple or something" The Elder said

"We also thought that at first that's why we investigated him but he found out that he only had one disciple and that's not him.. we wanted to have a talk with Shadow Lord but after investigation we found out that Shadow Lord had already ascended to the next realm

We even prepared a sketch of the target with the help of survivors of Sky Cloud Sect and tried to match it with all disciples in Frozen Flame Sect but we didn't found out anyone that matches it" He said

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