Rex thought for a while then spoke

"Actually I have a better way" Rex pointed his finger towards him and a stream of white light came out of it and entered his head

Zakiya doesn't seem to be afraid of Rex's attack hurting him so he didn't resist

[Would you like to accept Rex's friend request: Yes/No]

This was an improved version of Friend List after Rex's soul strength has increased he doesn't even need to touch someone to send them a friend request

Rex wasn't afraid of triggering the Zakiya's greed because of it, these type of things may look very appealing to someone who knows about them but it wasn't something that can catch the interest of a powerhouse

Rex was expecting to get a shocked or at least surprised expression from Zakiya but instead of getting shocked he started to observe it curiously

"I See... SO That's How It Is You Wasted A Part Of Your Soul To Make This Seal… It's More Like An Array Than A Seal You Made Three Seals Then Connected Them To Achieve This Effect I Have To Say I Am Quite Impressed But…

It's Better If You Don't Use It Again, It's Not Only Wastes Your Soul... Your Friend Can Also Use It To Give You Backlash Or Seriously Injure Your Soul If They Betray You" Zakiya said with a serious expression

'Trying to be mysterious… how can someone else use it to harm me' (Rex)

"You Don't Believe My Words?" Zakiya said when he saw the look on Rex's face

"It not like that I don't believe you but is it that serious" Rex talked in a roundabout way

"Sigh.. looks like you need an example" Zakiya sighed then he clicked yes and joined Rex's friend list

[Due to your friend Zakiya having high cultivation base his range has increased]

After joining the Friend List Zakiya looked at Rex playfully like he was waiting for a show

Rex was still thinking about what he was trying to do but suddenly he felt the pain coming from his soul

[Alert! your friend Zakiya has forcefully Infiltrated the server]

[Alert! your friend Zakiya has taken control of server]

[Alert! your friend Zakiya has used soul suppression]

The server mentioned by Rose was actually the place in Rex's consciousness where the main soul seals responsible for working of Friend List were present

Zakiya had infiltrated Rex's sea of consciousness using the connection he had formed with him because of Friend List and started put pressure on his sea of consciousness to suppress him after few seconds he released the control then the pain disappeared and everything became normal

Rex was panting on the ground just now he felt that if Zakiya really wanted then he could have seriously injured his sea of consciousness

'To think my Friend List had such a big loophole I will either upgrade it… no, it's better to remove it later on after all I can make other good devices for communication…. the risk does not worth the price' (Rex)

Rex took his time to manage his breath

"Hey if you are fine with it can I take that dead python?" Rex pointed at the frozen python he had seen earlier

He was not after the python but the Yin Qi that was absorbed by the python's body for so long, he didn't ask Zakiya directly because it will be a problem if he asked him about his element or attribute Qi, although Zakiya was able to tell his cultivation base he didn't raise the topic about Rex's strange attribute Qi which only means that he didn't check it

Maybe it was because Zakiya wasn't interested in knowing his attribute but if Rex asks him for his Yin Qi then Zakiya will definitely ask this question

Zakiya waved his paw signaling him to take it

Rex quickly walked to the frozen python and stored it in his inventory

"Rex tell me something you was able to find the cure for the poison after using less that one drop of my blood so why did you take 5 drops of my blood" Zakiya narrowed his eyes towards Rex

"To do research on this poison," Rex said with a straight face

'So he wants to do research on the poison so that he won't make any mistake when making the cure' Zakiya thought and nodded

'To do research on this poison so I can make a more advanced or variant poison… if this poison can work on a powerhouse like Zakiya then why can't it work on others… it can even become one my trump cards in the future hehe..' (Rex)

"One more thing I want a place to make my base here in this forest so would you mind it if I brought some people there to work for me," Rex asked

"As Long As They Don't Enter The Core Zone It's Fine," Zakiya said

After asking a few more things about the forest's geography Rex parted his way with Zakiya and flew towards the inner region of the forest to find a good location to set up his base

It was night so Rex used Shadow-Dive to travel through shadows

Rex kept wandering through forests for many days to find a suitable place for the base

8 days later…

After 8 whole days, Rex finally saw what he was looking for

"This is it…." Rex thought as he looked at the landscape in front of him

The place in front of him was like a big inactive volcano… no it was more like a big meteorite fell there in the past and because of the impact the ground at the center sank a little and because of the impact mountain like wall formed a circular boundary around it

But it was not barren all the mountain boundary and inside the region was covered in greenery, it looked really spectacular even from far away it looked like the tall mountains of the boundary almost touched the cloud and the very fact that those mountains could stand against these deadly winds at high heights shows how strong they are

Right now Rex only looked at it from far away while he was flying at high altitude

'This place looks good' Rex thought as he flew towards that place

After flying for a while Rex realized that he underestimated the size of this place

From far away it didn't look that big but only now did he realized that it was more than twice as big as Corentis from inside

One has to know that Corentis was once one of the 20 largest cities in the whole continent both by economy and size, this was enough to show how big it was

When Rex entered the place from above he found out that the wind inside was not as wild and deadly as outside and the region inside didn't have the mist like rest of the Misty Maze Forest furthermore the spiritual Qi there was denser compared to outside

Rex flew around to check the place from inside out

'Strange I flew for so long but I only saw very weak beasts here considering that this place is in the inner region of the forest.. don't tell me this is the territory of a strong spirit beast' Rex thought

[It likely is, so should we retreat]

'We can't, this place is really good.. good enough to take the risk we should at least check it thoroughly even if we cannot defeat the beast here we can still escape' Rex said

[Why do these words feel so familiar]

'Stop it, not every beast is like that big headed Zakiya' Rex snorted

Rex then flew upwards so that he could cover the maximum area in his scope of vision

Suddenly something caught Rex's eyes, he saw something shining around the center of the place

Rex quickly flew to the center only to find it was a pond

Yes it was a pond but the water inside it was very clear but when the sunlight fell on the water it was sparkling like many pearls were floating in it

'The spiritual Qi coming from the water is very rich.... this water is not simple' Rex took a little amount of water in his hand and drank it

'This water is very sweet and it makes me feel refreshed.. its the same feeling when we take a hot bath after a long tiring day.. wait bath hehe' Rex took out his shirt and jumped in the pond


"It's really good, I have decided I will make my private bath here," Rex said as he swam in the pond

If someone who knew about spirit water heard Rex's words then they will definitely curse Rex's eight generations

Making a bath from a spirit pond?... If the news got out people in the middle realm will label Rex as a public enemy for wasting resource to this extent

It takes thousands of years for a spirit pond to naturally born and it can not be moved after that, in the past many big sects chose to shift their main sect's location because of a spirit pond

Spirit pond aside even the cost of a small glass bottle filled with spirit water will be no less than 10 high grade spirit stone

A spirit pond has many benefit for a cultivator for example if someone cultivates near a spirit pond they will get ten times the result compared to when they cultivate using spirit stones and their cultivation base will be more stable too, others cannot breakthrough easily like Rex so for them its one of the fastest method to increase their cultivation base and now Rex wants to make a bath from it

Spirit pond also has other benefits but Rex does not know a single thing about it

'What is this..' Rex saw that something inside the pond was shining

When Rex dived in the pond to see what it was he found out that the pond was more deeper than he thought

Just After Rex reached near the bottom he saw something that surprised him

At the bottom of the pond there was a huge spirit rock, at the center of the spirit rock there was a hole and a big oval shaped stone like thing was lying in it

'An egg?' Rex thought

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