The mother beast stared at Rex full of hostility but she still did not attack him because the baby beast was still beside him if she attacks him right now then the baby beast will likely to get injured

The mother beast's full focus was on Rex she looked at him with visible anger in her eyes, it looked like she was trying to say if you put a single scratch on my child then you are done for

She extended her six heads towards Rex, the distance between her heads and Rex was of only a few meters

Rex knew that the mother beast was angry because of a misunderstanding if she knew that he saved the baby she would not really act like this

Normally many people try to steal the eggs of the strong monster beast and spirit beast to use the beast inside them as a mount or train them to use in battle, in either case, one thing was for sure they will be raised as a pet and will have limited freedom some of them wouldn't even have any freedom at all

They steal egg because its easy to train them since birth compared to the matured ones because a beast that had tasted the freedom is almost impossible to train using normal means

'This.. sigh.. her behavior is not unreasonable one day she comes home and finds her newborn baby with a stranger and on top of that the stranger is a human...

She didn't attack the moment she saw me and the look in her eyes.. she seems to have high intelligence maybe she will understand if I explain everything to her' Rex thought and decided to take a step first and explain everything to the beast mother

Just when Rex was about to speak he saw that the baby beast stepped in front of the mother beast and roared at her

.. Aoo...Aoooo...

His roar was rather cute to scare or hurt someone but right now it dealt a critical blow to the mother beast

Pain filled her heart and she retracted her heads back, the pain was soon converted into hatred when she looked at Rex

When she retracted her head the baby beast turned around and also looked at Rex with exited eyes, in his point of view he scared the big beast who was intimidating Rex that's why he was looking for praise and some head pats

'Now I know what does... a newborn calf is not afraid of tiger.. means but he is the calf so why he is pushing me into the pit' Rex knew if he didn't do anything sooner then things will go out of control so he bent on his knees and patted the head of the little baby beast

"Little guy she is your mother.. your parent, not me okay so go to her," Rec said with a smile

'If he goes to her It will decrease her hatred towards me then I will tell her what happened so she won't hurt me and let me use this place… and even if it doesn't work then I can easily escape for now and come back later because I am sure if I escape after she gets the baby then she will choose to be with the baby instead of chasing me

If it comes to later option... I will come back here after getting stronger although I won't harm her but she has to listen to me at that time... I can share this territory with her but cannot give it up' (Rex)

Rex found out that even after he told the baby beast to go to her mother he was still staring at him in confusion only then Rex realized that it's not easy to explain something to him

After thinking for a while Rex pointed at the mother beast then the baby beast and made an O sign, he then again pointed at the baby beast and himself then made an X sign with his hands

[Do you think he will understand that]

Rex was skeptical about it but he couldn't think of better plan but contrary to his expectation when he finished explaining the baby beast raised his head as high as he could and wiggled his tail

Then the baby beast started to slowly walk towards the mother beast

'Did he understood.. but what is this uneasy feeling in my heart' Rex thought

When the mother beast saw that how Rex explained to her baby to go to her she stopped giving hostile glances to Rex and lovingly looked at her baby beast she even extended her front claws like hands to receive him

The baby beast was slowly walking at first but when he was close enough he sprinted at her and attacked her front legs she extended towards him with his tiny claws, after the baby beast attacked he realized that his attack did no harm to her so he also used the sharp teethes of his three mouths and bit on her leg

Rex facepalmed*

'Damn... I was telling him to go to her not go attack her' Rex had a headache

When the mother beast saw her little child attacking her she felt like a long spear pierced her heart it became hard for her to breath even with her six heads

Many emotions emerged in her heart as she looked at Rex in anger, right now she didn't know why she was angry at Rex was it because she suspected him for trying to steal her child? or was it because she was jealous of her child choosing him over her? after all these thoughts clouded her mind she made a decision

Rex must be killed as long as he is dead the child will eventually forget about him.. after all, he is still a child with some love and care he will recognize his real parent

She gently lifted the baby using her claw

Suddenly a spherical water shield appeared around the baby and fully enveloped him

It looked like the baby beast was now imprisoned inside a water bubble, the bubble didn't look much strong but it was not meant to protect the baby but imprison him

She then put the baby on the side and switched her attention towards Rex

'I have a bad feeling about it.. wait idea' Rex suddenly thought of something

'Telepathy' (Rex)

Rex remembered that using Telepathy he could communicate with others without knowing their language because it uses mind waves to communicate so as long as the target has enough intelligence it should work

The mother beast's eyes widened for a second like she was surprised to hear the voice but she was still staring at Rex in the same way as before, her anger had already taken over her

Right now her judgment was cloudy her only thought being.. kill Rex and get her baby back

She raised her middle head in the sky and took inhaled deeply

'Do she have asthma?' Rex thought

After she inhaled a lot of air in her lungs and looked at Rex, his Spider-Sense kicked in

'Not good' (Rex)

'Instant Transmission' (Rex)

Just when Rex disappeared from that place, the mother beast spurted out a green colored flame from her mouth

The range of the flame was too wide it quickly engulfed all the trees and stones in the range of 30 meters everything turned into ashes

Rex who appeared 50 meters away watched this scene in horror

Rex saw that all the trees that are a little away from the range of the fire didn't burn but still dried up.. he also noticed that the temperature of the flame was not the main problem but it had some strange effect on the things that came in contact with it

'This flame has an attribute effect even if it's not on a scale where it can be called an Essence Flame …. is it Pseudo-Essence Flame?' Rex thought

The Monster Flame which had reached the peak of its strength and is just a step away from advancing to Essence Flame is known as Pseudo-Essence Flame

The baby beast which was scratching the wall of water bubble to tear it stopped his movement and looked at the green flame with shining eyes, it was a newly born baby who was filled with curiosity so their fight attracted his attention

When the mother beast found out that Rex successfully from her attack she used her other head and spurted out a big ball made of green flame towards Rex

Rex looked at the baby beast for a second then he again used Instant Transmission to escape from the attack

If Rex wanted he could use the baby beast as a hostage but he didn't want to play the bad guy and there was a possibility that it will make the mother beast go on a rampage

Rex could tell she was driven by her anger right now she was probably at her breaking point one wrong move could make her go on a rampage

When the fireball fell on the ground it exploded and covered a wide range of area around it

Rex appeared 100 meters away from his previous position then he started to observed the flame

'This flame its affecting trees and plant more compared to stones… is it a poison flame? no, if it was poison flame then it would have affected the air around it… hmm, it looks like it had sucked the vitality out of all the plants… huh that's it.. it is sucking vitality doesn't it means that it has wood attribute' Rex thought as he again dodged three fireballs that were simultaneously fired at him

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