Rex spent another few days to just come out of the Misty Maze Forest, he also hunted many spirit beasts on his way out

After absorbing all the spirit core he got from the baby beast and the ones he got himself, he got a total of 41.1 status points

The spirit core he got from the baby beast were all of Monster King stage spirit beast which is why the status point he got from them was also higher compared to the ones he got before

If possible Rex wanted to buy spirit core from the market but things like these are already monopolized by big sects to train disciples so even if Rex could find one on the market its price will be way more than it actually worth

The Misty Maze Forest was too big and mother beast had lived there for a long time so it wasn't hard for her to find that many Monster King easily, in fact, Monster King are just cannon fodders when it comes to Monster Emperor and it was the same case with Monster Emperor when faced with Monster Venerable

The Misty Maze Forest is in fact one of the top 5 deadliest unexplored regions in all the four great continents according to the latest ranking

After Rex finally came out of the forest he directly headed to Tang Xuan's shop, Rex already knew that his shop was not normal and its the only place where he had the highest chance to find the missing herbs needed to make the cure for Zakiya

Rex had already switched back to his base from before he headed to the shop

After he reached the shop he knocked on the gate two times and patiently waited

Soon the door opened and Tang Xuan came out with a little annoyed expression but when he saw that it was Rex his expression quickly changed into that of excitement

"If it isn't Brother Ye what can I do for you this time" Tang Xuan said with a smile

'Isn't he being respectful than before looks like the news related to the incident at Azure Dragon Pavilion has reached his ear... it's not that strange when I think about it, that place is pretty famous here so something like that will definitely catch others attention and Clin probably told him what happened there too' (Rex)

Rex handed a list to Tang Xuan

Tang Xuan looked at the list and slightly frowned

"Brother Ye all these herbs are pretty costly" Tang Xuan started to speak but Rex interrupted him

"Don't worry about money tell me if you can get them?" Rex said while waving his hand

"Hmm.. although its a little difficult but I have some connections so I can get most of them the only problem is these two, both Snowy Yin Lotus and Crimson Phoenix Grass are very rare to get" Tang Xuan said

Rex sighed he already knew these two will be most problematic because the environmental condition for these two to grow are pretty high which makes them very rare and hard to get

"I already know that but I am in urgent need of these herbs, do you have some way to get them or any other means as long as you can get them I will definitely pay you back with something as precious as these two excluding their price," Rex said with a little urgency in his tone

Tang Xuan closed his eyes and thought for a while, Rex didn't disturb him in this time frame

"Actually I do know one person who might have Crimson Phoenix Grass it's one of my direct clients but I am pretty sure that person won't trade it for money... If Brother Ye wants then I can fix a meeting" Tang Xuan said

'He didn't even disclose the gender of that person it means he will have to consult this matter with that person too' (Rex)

"Hmm.. okay" Rex agreed

"It's good I will contact my client as soon as possible, as for Snowy Yin Lotus I do know of a place where you can find it but it's useless even if I tell you actually I heard you also know the old man from Myriad Auction he may be able to help you with that" Tang Xuan said with a smile

Although he didn't say much Rex easily understood his meaning which is Myriad Auction House knows about it and can help you get it but I can't tell you much about it

Rex nodded then he gave another list to Tang Xuan

This list was very long, Rex made it considering the things he will require for the development of the base

Tang Xuan needed some time to collect all the things on the list so Rex told him that he will come back later to get the things and headed towards Myriad Auctions House

Myriad Auction House….

When Rex entered the auction house this time he found out that there was no one at the counter

'Where did this old man go... and just when I need him' (Rex)

"Hey Old Man Jiang..No I Mean Elder Jiang Come Out Fast" Rex shouted in a loud tone

But there was no response

'Is there no one at the shop…the owner of the auction house seems really careless' (Rex)

Just when Rex was about to shout again he heard the footsteps coming from the direction of stairs leading to the second floor

Rex turned around only to find two unfamiliar people were walking down the stairs

One was a girl who seemed to be in her early twenties she had a face which looked it was carved by a jade, she was wearing a long sky blue colored dress which showed her skin through the diamond shaped cut at her tummy her dress was hiding most of her skin but it wasn't able to hide her exquisite figure

Right now she was curiously looking at Rex

The other one was a young man who also seems to be in his twenties, he was wearing a white colored dress his dress was more of a flashy type which will probably make him the center of attention if he stands in a crowd

Right now he looked a little annoyed when he looked at Rex, Rex only looked a little older than them in appearance so he didn't think much of him

"Who are you why are you causing ruckus here do you think we don't have ears and…." The young man started shouting at Rex without even giving him any chance to speak

'Not again' (Rex)

'Telekinesis' (Rex)

The youth was shouting at Rex but suddenly he felt like an invisible hand has forcibly closed his mouth he used all his strength of Human Venerable middle stage but was not able to break free from the grasp of the invisible hand

The girl looked at him in surprise she could tell from his behavior alone that something was wrong she then looked at Rex

"This brother.. do you have some enmity with our auction house," The girl asked cautiously

"No I don't, I just came here to meet Elder Jiang it's just that I don't like someone shouting at me for no reason," Rex said in a casual tone as he observed the girl in front of him

"I see so the brother is here for Elder Jiang but Elder Jiang is not here it will take some time for him to come back why don't you wait in the guest room until he comes back.. and I apologize for my junior brother's actions so can you please release him," The girl said politely

Although the girl looked quite young but she seems very mature from the way she talks and behaves

Rex snapped his finger and the man's mouth was free again

After he was freed he looked at Rex with slight fear in his eyes

'Now what should I do.. wait for him or come later' Rex was in a dilemma


Just at this time the bell above the entry door rang, all three of them turned around only to see Elder Jiang coming in

"Huh? if it isn't Big Brother Ye" Elder Jiang's eyes shined when he saw Rex standing there

'Big Brother? seriously he too.. money and power can make any relation here... who knows by tomorrow he might start to call me father... no it's very scary to even think about it' Rex thought

When the youth and the girl heard Elder Jiang calling Rex big brother they doubted their ears if they heard it wrong, in their point of view Rex only looked a little older than them so how can Elder Jiang call him big brother

"I came here to talk to you about important business," Rex said directly

"Yes of course I will quickly arrange a room for it" Elder Jiang said as he used his communication talisman to send a message to one of the workers to arrange a VIP room

"Elder you know him," The youth asked with slight hesitation

The girl also looked at Elder Jiang

Elder Jiang finally paid attention to the two of them

"Of course I know Young Miss didn't I tell you about an expert Alchemist, let me introduce Big Brother Ye to you, he is the Alchemist I was talking about don't go on Big Brother Ye's looks he is stronger than me I am sure Big Brother Ye had lived for thousands of years and seen things we can't even imagine" Elder Jiang displayed his top tier bootlicking skills to flatter Rex

But his every word was like a sharp arrow that pierced Rex in his chest without any mercy

'I am older than you? on top of that you want to say I am more than a thousand years old monster who is hiding his looks' The more Rex thought about it the darker his face became

In Alchemists the older they are the experienced they are, unlike the woman cultivator who tends to hide their age Old Alchemist use their age to tell for how many years they had done pill refining and what level of mastery they had reached, of course it's only related to Old Alchemists

This was the common sense Jiang Kai had developed until now so he clearly doesn't know how many critical hit he had dealt to Rex just now

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