The Core Smart Brain Rex wants to make is not same as the normal smart brain its more like a super computer with advanced AI which can control other smart brains in the whole base including all the working bots this way Rex would not have to manage them on his own or using the SB v1.0

Rex didn't randomly start this project he had already started to build the most advanced AI he could make with the help of Rose long ago, what he was lacking right now was just the hardware that can accommodate it

Rex had also started to build a big connection system underground the whole region in the form of a grand spirit array using Array Circuit Tech

At present in one of the underground hall….

Rex was looking at the machine in front of him

The device looked like a big crystal ball which was connected to many transparent tubes that were attached to both ceiling and the ground

'It's harder than I thought… we still need to take care of its power supply problem and the other problem is its core controller the material I used to make its core cannot handle the pressure from fast processing and manage the whole power supply at the same time

I need a stronger core... I need to use at least a Spirit tier high grade Memory Orb to make a core… where do I get it… wait there is something I can do' (Rex)

Rex checked the status of Zakiya on Friend List and found out that he was in range so he sent a message to him

Rex wanted to ask again but from his tone, he knew that he won't give it to him

Normally everyone always has one memory orb with them so that if they unexpectedly die they can leave behind their inheritance for others, some even use it to make the deal with their inheritor like… if you want my inheritance then you will have to get revenge for me

Inheritances are mostly left by the big powerhouse that falls so that someone else can inherit their techniques and keep their techniques alive

{I almost forgot you don't know much about these things.. Treasure Artifact is a grade above Spirit grade

"Yeesss.. the core problem is solved' Rex made a fist in the air

Later Rex went to Zakiya to take the Treasure Artifact tier low grade Memory Orb, that memory orb was different from the crystal like orbs Rex had seen before it was completely transparent, it looked like it was made from very high quality glass

It was very different it didn't even refract the sun rays falling on it, it was so clear that if it was to be placed on ground then it will look like its invisible to a mortal

In the remaining days Rex completely transformed the mountains and hills around the region into big slanted walls like structure, it cost him a lot of time and energy but he did it because it was related to the Grand Array Circuit he was making in the whole base

Rex needed more time to complete Core Smart Brain and connect it to Grand Array Circuit but the date Jiang Qing gave him was in few days

So Rex again said goodbye to the baby beast and left for Corentis

Few days later….

Rex arrived at Myriad Auction House

He saw that a beautiful carriage with gold plating was parked outside the Auction house and there were also many people with the horse that were guarding it

"Looks like senior is here on time" The sweet voice came from the side

Rex turned only to see Jiang Qing coming towards him

Today Jiang Qing was wearing a long white dress which mostly resembled western style dress

Jiang Qing looked more cheerful today compared to when Rex first saw her, he also saw the youth from before and Jiang Kai following her from behind

"Do we really need to use carriages?" Rex asked

"We have to cross many territories before reaching Cold Heaven Sect and we are not allowed to fly in those territories if we do then it will be taken as an offense to their rulers or sect governing them.. only those who had reached Golden Core stage or have an extravagant high status can freely fly around" Jiang Kai explained

Although this question was very weird to ask because it was common knowledge but Jiang Kai didn't try to pry in it because from his life experience until now the one thing that he knows is… knowing too much is dangerous

In the world he grew up it wasn't strange if a powerhouse kills someone just to silence them or keep a secret from spreading that's why he does not asks something until the other person voluntary try to tell him that

In his life, until now he had even seen many powerhouses slaughtering whole cities just to keep a treasure born there a secret that's why he never lets his curiosity get over him

"Senior doesn't need to worry that much all these horses are domesticated 7th grade monster beast they are really fast it won't be long before we reach our destination," Jiang Qing said with a smile

Rex looked at the black horses and nodded, the horses were clearly different from the normal ones they even had some lizard like scales on their back although they might not be strong as a 7th grade beast or even 6th grade beast when it comes to fighting one but their resilience and speed was definitely of a 7th grade monster beast

"You don't need to call me senior and treat me like that... I am actually not that old" Rex said with a serious face

Jiang Kai raised his eyebrows like he was saying.. I believe you my foot

Jiang Qing thought for a while then spoke

"Then… Master Rex" Jiang Qing said as she looked at Rex

At that moment Rex knew the water was already above his head

'At least it sounds better than the old senior she was taking me as' He sighed and nodded

After a small talk, all four of them entered the carriage and headed to Cold Heaven Sect

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