'A talisman?' Elder Jiang suddenly realized what the bald man wants to do but it was too late for him to retreat so Elder Jiang just put more strength in his attack to finish him off even after taking a hit


Suddenly an illusory beast came out of the talisman of the bald man and slashed his claw at Elder Jiang


Elder Jiang was not able to resist the beast's attack and as a result, he was thrown backward by the force of the attack

Elder Jiang coughed up a mouthful of blood after he landed on the ground, there was also a claw mark on his chest but fortunately, the wound was not too deep

Elder Jiang finally had the chance to look at the illusory beast

It looked somewhat similar to a lion except for its size which was twice as big compared to that of an adult lion

Elder Jiang's eyes narrowed when he looked at the beast and the talisman in the hand of the bald man

"A Spirit Talisman? you bandits cannot afford a spirit talisman.. say who sent you" Elder Jiang asked solemnly

"Hahaha you are right but what is the use of you knowing it when you are not going to live anymore" The bald man sneered at him

Just at that time Jiang Qing and Jiang Lie also came out of the carriage

"Stop it... I don't know who send you but don't know that we are already in the territory of Cold Heaven Sect if they knew what you did to us then you think you can survive here in the future" Jiang Qing said as she looked at the bald man

When Jiang Qing said that her face was expressionless she didn't look like she was in fear or panic after she entered her father's business threats and warning had become common for her

The bald man looked at her from top to bottom and gave an evil grin

'It's a shame that young master doesn't want the damaged goods….' The bald man muttered to himself

"What did you say Cold Heaven Sect won't let us live here... hahaha who want to live here in the first place as long as we capture you and give you to young master we will have enough money to leave this continent and enjoy our life somewhere else" The bald man laughed at her

'Young Master? which one there are a lot who are after father's property' Jiang Qing thought

"I will say it again come with us politely or we can use force too but it won't be favorable for both of us," The bald said in a threatening tone

"If you are after money than we can pay you double the price your young master paid you… you can still leave the continent after getting the money and you should already know how much we from Myriad Heaven Auction value our words" Jiang Qing said without any change in her tone

The bald man looked a little hesitant when he heard it

"Not satisfied in double? then how about triple… I will pay you three times the money your young master gave you, all you have to do is tell me his name and leave us we won't even pursue you for what happened today" Jiang Qing said when she saw the hesitant look on his face

The bald man's face was ugly right now he clenched his fist and ordered his men

"Capture her alive and kill the rest" The bald man ordered with visible reluctance in his tone

Although his men didn't understand the reason behind his actions they still followed his order after all they knew that with his personality he will definitely take her offer but if he didn't then there should be a reason behind it

'Dammit.. why did I agree to make a contract… no wonder that son of a b*tch wanted to make a contract' The bald man cursed the young master in his heart

When Elder Jiang saw that some of the bandits were also coming to capture Jiang Qing he forcibly suppressed his injuries and stood up to intercept them

As for Jiang Qing after the bald man didn't agree to her offer she didn't raise the price anymore because she already concluded that either the bald man is a very principled person who he definitely doesn't look like or he had made some kind of contract in both cases the negotiations was not possible anymore

'Hallucikinesis + Mind-Control' (Rex)

Suddenly all bandits stopped in their tracks, their eyes became sluggish as they stood in their place like dead zombies

The bald man was confused by the sudden development

"What are you idiots doing… didn't you heard me capture her and kill the rest" The bald man again shouted but no one responded


Suddenly the bald man felt pain in his back

He hastily turned around to counter the one who attacks him in his back but his eyes became wide in shock when he saw that the one holding the knife was one of his own trusted men

The bald man stepped backward in disbelief, he was so shocked that he didn't even realize that he had dropped the talisman on the ground

"Yo..youu.. betrayed me?..why?" The bald man asked as he looked at the man who stabbed him but that man didn't respond like he couldn't hear him at all


Just when he was still looking at that man another man slashed his sword at his back

Another injury appeared on his back before the bald man could comprehend his situation all his men near him launched and suicidal attack on him

They all were fully open they had no intention to defend themselves against the bald man's counter attack they just wanted to lend a hit

The bald man suddenly reacted although even the most critical hit landed by these men could not kill him because the difference in cultivation base but right now he also had an opponent at Earth Venerable peak stage cultivation base

"Aahhhhh you all diee.." The bald man roared as he used his full strength and threw all the people attacking him far away, even if he didn't understand the situation saving his own life was his top priority

After throwing them away the bald man suddenly discovered that he dropped the talisman so he desperately looked around while fighting his own men who were attacking him without even carrying about their own life

Rex's word woke him up from his shocked state

He rushed towards the bald man who was distracted by his men and dealt an all out attack with all the strength he could muster up right now

'Rock Crushing Palm' (Jiang Kai)

When the bald man noticed Jiang Kai rushing towards him he wanted to escape but his own men kept him occupied

All that bald man could do was fold his hands in front of his chest and take the hit head on


The palm attack slammed the bald man to the ground

The bald man coughed out a lot of blood from his mouth, his ribs were also broken now he knew that he can't escape anymore

Normally with his cultivation base Jiang Kai could easily kill with a full blown attack but Jiang Kai's injuries prevented him from exerting his real strength

When Jiang Kai confirmed that the bald man could not move anymore he relaxed his heart

One of the bandits walked to the bald man and pointed his sword at his neck

"Who send you?" The bandit asked with an expressionless face

The bald man looked at him in shock and fear, he knew that man although his voice and face were the same as before but now the weak bandit gave him a terrible feeling

"Wh..Who .. a..are .y.you?" The bald old man asked with visible fear in his eyes

When he asked this question a bandit standing near him stabbed his spear in his leg

"Ahh.hhh" The bald man screamed in pain

"I am the one asking questions here" That bandit spoke

The bald man was shaking uncontrollably in fear

"..It.. was. .Young.g Master Zhu.." He said while shaking in fear

After the words came out of his mouth Jiang Qing's expression became solemn for a second before it changed back to normal

The bald man's contract did not prevent him from revealing the name of Young Master Zhu, the rules of a contract are set by the people on both side

Young Master Zhu didn't set a rule to keep his name a secret because he thought that after he marries Jiang Qing the news will be out anyway and who knows if the bald man had already told about it to others as a precaution so this rule won't have much impact but if he makes it then he have to pay the bald man more money to convince him

"I.. told.d ..yo,u what.. you aske.d …so" The bald man was saying but at this time a big hand made of soil came out of the ground below him and crushed his head

The bald man died

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