When all four of them just walked down from the transmission array platform a girl came running to Jiang Qing

"Sisstteerrr Qiinnggg" The girl leaped on Jiang Qing to hug her

But Jiang Qing seems to have anticipated it, she easily dodged by tilted her body to the right

"Sister Qing what do you think you are doing" The girl puffed her cheeks and looked at her in dissatisfaction

'She called Jiang Qing using her first name… are they that close' Rex wondered

"That's my question that aside how did you know that I will be coming here at this time," Jiang Qing said while still maintaining her usual calm expression

"Hehe… the city guards already informed your father when you arrived in the city and your father informed me" The girl said as she walked closer to Jiang Qing and wrapped her right hand around her neck

'This girl's behavior doesn't match the other women here… she probably joined the sect not too long ago, but then how is her cultivation base is at Earth Venerable Late stage… maybe she was cultivating using an attribute less cultivation technique before joining the sect' Rex thought as he looked at the girl

The girl looked like she was of the same age as Jiang Qing, her skin color was and body resembled that of other women from Cold Heaven Sect but her temperament was not that cold… towards Jiang Qing that is

Rex soon discovered that Jiang Kai, Jiang Lie and he himself was ignored again

Rex guessed that the girl and Jiang Qing were very close friends because Jiang Qing's cultivation base was just Earth Venerable early stage furthermore the way she was unable to properly hide her cultivation base showed that it wasn't long since she breakthrough to Earth Venerable stage

And even after having that much gap between cultivation stages, they were still very friendly towards each other that only showed that they knew each other for a very long time

"Sigh… Sister Su even after joining the sect for all this time you are still as same as before" Jiang Qing shook her head but didn't resist the girl's hand around her neck

"What Sister Su.. just call me Su Ling..oh directly calling me Senior Sister Ling is also fine," Su Ling said as she moved he lips closer to Jiang Qing's cheeks to kiss but Jiang Qing skillfully blocked her mouth with her hand

"You are getting cocky day by day... I don't have time to talk to you right now I will come to you later after I guide Master Ye to the guest room" Jiang Qing said as she removed her hand from around her neck and walked towards Rex

'Master Ye?' Su Ling narrowed her eyes towards Rex

"Master Ye I apologize for making you wait please follow me," Jiang Qing said respectfully

Rex nodded and followed her from behind

Su Ling also followed but she kept staring at Rex like she was trying to see through him

Jiang Qing's steps halted for a moment before she continued

Rex didn't say anything in return and quietly followed her from behind

[Why did you become so angry on her all of a sudden you almost released your killing intent]

'It's not because of her... it's just whenever someone tries to use any kind of scheme or underhanded methods towards me it reminds me of a certain someone from my previous life

Jiang Qing is a clever girl she could tell that her actions will make Su Ling dissatisfied with me... it was her indirect way to show how women here treat men and how I was able to come here in this place without any problem?... it's because she is accompanying me, in simple words, she was trying to show that the favor of letting me come here is not as small as I think

It won't harm me in any physical way but I still don't like it when someone tries to outsmart me especially when I just saved them from a disaster' (Rex)

[Maybe you are overthinking it]

'I hope you're right but buddy I spent my entire youth on earth by doing business with many old foxes that's why I am very sensitive to these things… it was just I never bother to judge the one closest to me or I wouldn't have died in the first place' (Rex)

Jiang Kai who was walking near Jiang Qing noticed her unusual worried expression

'Sigh… I did it out of my habit I will make up for it to him in the future' Jiang Qing thought as she regained her usual calm expression

After a while, they all arrived in front of a white colored building

"Master Ye this is the guest house for men.. the journey must have tired you so you should rest here for now I will come to meet you in the evening," Jiang Qing said

Rex just nodded and entered the building with Jiang Kai and Jiang Lie

"Sister Qing why did you need to be so respectful to that boy even if he is from some big family he can't do anything now that he is here" Su Ling suddenly started talking after she left the building's area with Jiang Qing

"Don't underestimate him he is a high rank Alchemist with unique methods and he is very strong at that, you see when we were coming here…." Jiang Qing told her the whole story about the bald man's attack on their way

"Killing so many without even lifting a finger?… Sister Qing you are exaggerating things too much even my seniors here are not so strong and on top of that he is also an alchemist.. so what kind of flame he has?... an Essence Flame or Karmic Flame" Su Ling mocked, she surely didn't believe her words

Jiang Qing didn't say anything she knew it was hard to predict Rex's capabilities based on his appearance

"But that Young Master Zhu he really crossed the limit if I see him here again I will freeze his family jewels" Su Ling continued

"Your tongue has become dirtier," Jiang Qing said when she heard her words

"Sister Qing can always clean it using her tongue," Su Ling said as she again wrapped her hand around her neck and moved her lips closer to her neck

"Do something funny and I won't come to see you again" Jiang Qing said as she tapped her head

"Hehe… I was just kidding why are you getting so serious… and yeah I will go with you to meet him in the evening

Remember Sister Qing, men are not trustworthy who knows he might push you down when your guard is down" Su Ling said with a serious expression

"I don't know about him but you…" Jiang Qing said as she narrowed her eyes towards her

"Pleeaassee..." Su Ling grabbed her left hand tightly against her chest

"Okay okay just leave my hand" Jiang Qing was really embarrassed about others watching her like that so she agreed

"Yes I knew you can't refuse your loving sister" Su Ling patted her back

"But remember don't make trouble for him no matter what" Jiang Qing warned her with a serious expression

"I promise I won't do it, now you're happy" Su Ling agreed

Men's Guest House building…

The house was mostly empty Rex choose a room on the second floor

Right now Rex was sitting cross legged on his bed as he looked into his Mini-Status

'I still have these 41.1 status points left… this place is unfamiliar to me who knows what might happen in the next moment therefore it's the right time to allocate them and increase my strength

I can't put all my points in INT as I had long broken my current upper limit of INT I need to balance my status' Rex thought while looking at the holographic window in front of him

[Name: Rex Andrews

HP: 980 P / 980 P | reg 10 P/s

Yin Qi: 1200 P / 1200 P | reg 13 P/s

Yang Qi: 1200 P / 1200 P | reg 13 P/s

Cultivation stage: Heaven Venerable peak Stage

STR: C+ (78%) WIS: D (42%)

AGI: C (07%) INT: B+ (60%)

VIT: D (39%) END: D (48%)

DEF: B+ (52%) SPT: E


Status Points: 41.1]

'Hmm… put 18 points in Strength, 10 in Agility and the remaining 13.1 in Intelligence' Rex made his decision then closed his eyes

Rex felt a familiar aching all over his body accompanied by a slight headache

[Limit-Break activated…]

The feeling only lasted for a few seconds before it disappeared

But Rex didn't open his eyes even after the aching sensation disappeared

After half an hour Rex opened his eyes

'I can feel that it's around me, I know it's being released from me and its also present in the environment around me but manipulating or controlling it aside I can't even see it…' (Rex)

[You are talking about the energy that plays its vital role when we use Psychic skills]

'Yeah I was very close from making genuine use of it this time but it's all right there is always a next time for it…. that aside just calling it energy is confusing it deals with psychic abilities so how about we call it Psychic Energy from now on' (Rex)

[Got it]

'Mini-Status' (Rex)

[Name: Rex Andrews

HP: 980 P / 980 P | reg 10 P/s

Yin Qi: 1200 P / 1200 P | reg 13 P/s

Yang Qi: 1200 P / 1200 P | reg 13 P/s

Cultivation stage: Heaven Venerable peak Stage

STR: B (00%) WIS: D (42%)

AGI: C (19%) INT: B+ (68%)

VIT: D (39%) END: D (48%)

DEF: B+ (52%) SPT: E


Status Points: 0]

'Good now show me the notifications I got earlier, I wanna see what I got this time' (Rex)

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