[Beginner's gift pack opened]

[Mind arts obtained]

[Steel Sword blueprint obtained]

[Steel Armor blueprint obtained]

[Due to possessing Mind arts, the skill Appraisal is obtained]



Type: Psychic

Grade: ungraded

Description: a skill which lets you analyze your target's basic information whether living or non living its efficiency depends on your overall knowledge, INT and WIS.

Cool Down: None

Cost: None]

"what is Mind arts it gave me appraisal that easily why did't you gave it to me before"(Rex)

[Mind arts is just a name its like playing with minds of you target and influencing them like how a hacker play with a computer program it is something a human can have if they can use at least 15% of their brain but they will definitely die due to pressure of using it

this is same for you but after evolution i can access that part so i will just carry your command to that part and made it do the work for us if you some day became proficient than you may have possibility of handling it on your own

Appraisal is also a name its just like hacking someone's memory and get the most simple data without them knowing it than it matches that data with your memory and gives you a brief idea about them

and it is a Psychic ability, Psychic abilities level and evolving properties are same as Bloodline abilities and Physique abilities]

"your voice had became human like i thought of a name for you"(Rex)

[because our intelligence always grows together its just i can access more of it and you seem to be more comfortable with human voice so changed the pitch of my voice]

"wow really than change it into a young girl from any random anime i watched"(Rex)


"doesn't you care about me it is just more healing to hear that and i can give you a better name based on it"(Rex)

[than how it is Rex]

a soft and beautiful voice which sounded like a soft ringing bell was introduced to Rex's ears

from her voice one can tell that the girl's age should not cross 18 but most of it was like representing purity

"hey system use that voice and i will call you Rose from now on ok"(Rex)

[Rose name accepted]

"and what will i do with those blueprint when do we need blueprint to make sword in this world"(Rex)

[blueprint is just for clear image if you use it with the help of your ability Transmute you can create multiple swords

blueprint doesn't seem to be useful for these primitive design weapons and tools but when we need to make something with a very complex structure at that time the true value of blueprints will be shown]

"ohh than can't i use it on any metal why steel sword and steel armor"(Rex)

[every matter have different atomic mass and charge, size..etc if we use same thing we won't get same results]

"sigh..and that's why i choose Computer Science in college and let my team do that kind of work in company by the way where are we it does't seems like a cave"(Rex)

[about that… an old lady picked you up after few days when your evolution was complete and all the area around that cave where you evolved was filled with ashes due to us although i can't see it because your eyes were close but using your new ability 'Spider Sense' and your spiritual sense it wasn't that hard to analyze the situation]

Rose slowly told Rex all about the incident that lead him here

as Rex was just thinking his Spider sense alerted him that someonw as coming close to the room so he sat on the bed, his facial expression took a 180' change than he started looking around like an innocent child who does not know any sin of the world

than an old lady entered the room

"boy did you wake up you have been asleep for almost 2 days"that old lady asked with a smile with a hint of worry on her face

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